MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $`aE$+$+$+$*K+RP/+RV&+RF(+RE'+u%+RS%+Rich$+PEdk^CB# ~s@:D hxH.text}~ `.data@.pdata@@.rsrcH@@X4&΅n~Fl\J<0ކʆև6ThĊފ@Vl܋6VvԌn6R8Ȉ:Tn̉fZvzhZRH@6(ڄ΄„zpqk^CB# SeShutdownPrivilege:=%s %-60s: %s ?{}(?)MEM : %08I64x-%08I64x IO : %04I64x-%04I64x DMA : %u IRQ : %u DriverDescInfSectionProviderNameInfPathLowerFiltersUpperFiltersupdateniupdatestatusstacksethwidrestartresourcesrescanremoverebootlistclassinstallhwidshelpfindallfindenabledrivernodesdriverfilesdisableclassesclassfilter%-20s: %s UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevicesWnewdev.dllSetupSetNonInteractiveModesetupapi.dlllowerupper %s,%-60s: `RSDSMF8"kdevcon.pdbT$LD$LL$ LHhICI[IsICICI{ICIC3HDE33ҹ |$(ICI{?HL$@Htht^fffffHQ t u HL$@ۅtHD$@fH HD$@KfHHL$@HHL$@H|$PHt$XH\$`Hh̅~.SH fffH9H H00HuH [HHNLD$P Ht^LD$XH[3HL$Pt;HD$XLD$0E3HD$433HD$(D$0D$<HD$ \HL$PHHHXH\$`Hl$hHt$pLd$PLAH[HHHD$@LL$DDHD$0HID$(H\$ H|$xujfff:z|$Du}|$@H [HHHL [HHtfHD$@LL$DDHD$0HỈ|$(H\$ GtD$@HfCHH|$xLd$PHt$pHl$hH\$`HXHtHZ3H(H\$@A H|$HHHHuE3HHH|$HH\$@H(H(H\$0Ht$@3f9H|$HHHtHHH4Ff>uCHcHZHHuH|$HHt$@H\$0H(ÅH8t;3f9t4Hl$8HhfffHH}HHHt#fffffHHHHt-IcH @H|H Hu HH;uAMtIL$Ht KIL$KHtHNHtJHNJE3E3HD$`AD;l$DH\$`Et7|$H\$D|$H\$DL$H$DI$t L|$H\$DL$Iϋ׉|$HH$3I HL$X3JIt IH$L$L$L$L$H$H$H$H$SJH̉L$HHXHXHh HxL`L3LhLpHcI $Lxf\L}DHuM,$ HNLH;H~fffffffffI DfA-tfA/uEAf=mt f=Mtf=rtf=Ru)f9iu#Afy:uf9itLyHH;+ǃ}"H Mź`H`THcHt$PI4f=-tf=/u HHH9-ct7HcHHffffffffHHtYHH;HuH Mź`H`Ht$PL|$(Lt$0Ll$8Ld$@H|$HHl$xH\$pHXDD$`HcH5XcH@HcIM D+ITtYtKt#H L MH`aCxH uL MH`b UEt?DLHHeH$I[ IsHI{HT$0ID$00t(HD$HNH$`E3AHD$ tHH$`3HH$tH$`H NLEH$`H ,.H$H$8H$GHLHHdH$I[Ik IsI{HHHT$0H˾D$00HH$0t(HT$HME3HT$ H$`AtHH$`3HH$8tGH$`H GL>HEH$H$H$'FHH$`H HSH HHuH [ùH LH0H?EH [H(H\$8Ht$@H|$HHHmAHHLD$PHHD$PHt1L$XLD$PHHhtAEEHHLu3E3HHEALd$ !AAd$XE3HEAHD$(H$D$ HHuH3nHD$DLL$@HHD$(H$E3HD$DHD$ p|$@ HD$DLL$@HDHD$(H$E3HD$DHD$ &|$@HD$DLL$@HHD$(H$E3HD$DHD$ |$@uHD$DLL$@HHD$(H$ E3HH$(D$DHD$ Hϋwu8|$@u1H$ Ll$0DC E3HHD$(HD$ GuG3H$(H$L$L$H$H$H$<Hl$Tl$X LD$PHHtAHHtE3HHEAALd$ &I$fL$ HL+fB +uHuI$L$L+B +uHuL$MHHLl$(DŽ$0D$ 0mu zu^H$L$L+ffB +uHuu0H$L$ L+fffB +uHut>AHHDLd$ AHH"A!AAHC3 LHHWWH$I[Ik IsHI{HIA 3H39L$HHDŽ$ u$NH H03L$L$HHHl$(DŽ$0D$ 0uzYf9$ Kf9$=L$HH!yHHHL$@3AH8LD$@HHD$@H!L$DLD$@HHHt$hLHӹHD$4E3L HD$(HD$0APHΉl$0l$4HD$ pDD$0H AL$ H$H0HD$ IE3L\$4L\$(L APHHl$ SAHHHt H%uMH *H0H$H$H$(H$ H$7HH(HH\$@H|$HHt=H:t7fYHH GIHH;u߸H|$HH\$@H(H|$HH\$@3H(H(H\$0Hl$8AHt$@H|$HHHAHHH3HHtSH9.tNH H0H>Ht$HH ~HH;uHtWH?tQaH H0\H?HtJff6HH $&HH;u!uMH WH0 HHH|$HHt$@Hl$8H\$0H(̸X5H+HRH$ H$PH$HL$@HHL$8HL$pE33AHE5H$3A 5LD$pHHDŽ$ D$pH]tl$x LD$pHH:u3AHHE3H$HEAHH$xAHD$ XAH$pfffffffffH DźH0L$L$HHLl$(DŽ$0D$ 0u zuJA=H L$ H00AH aL$ H0 AH H L$H01H$AH\$P DD$TH PDED\$(AH0\$ LL$0L$HHD$0 AH DD$4H0AH DD$8H0}D\$8A s$WH H0RD\$8A s$,H uH0'D\$8A s$H JH0D\$8As$H H0D\$8AsH H0H$AHHDHD$ H$pAHHEH$xu9H H04AL$8L$@H$HH$PH$ 1HXLHHMH$`Ik McLHT$0HD$003H$LL$Pf9D$PIL$D@LDH$H$xHD$ HHtqHHUHHtZH8tL-H vH0(H?Ht$HH HH;uHAIHHHtZH8tLH H0H?Ht$HH HH;uHAIH?HRH H0 MHt"f;t(H H H U H0HtH|.HtzHHHHtZH8tLH  H0H?Ht$HH HH;uHHZAIH9H$HHtZH8tL9H H04H?Ht$HH HH;uHH$xH$L$pH$H$`-HĈHHXHXHhHxL`3ELhLpMLLDH=IHtvHpH95:Ht=HHfHI $StHH9+HuHcH @L ϋlMu M $AHt$@tH QMƋH0XH :EMEH0H=Gt+HߐStH LH0HHH;uLt$ Ll$(Ld$0H|$8Hl$HH\$P3HXLHHwIH$I[IkIsH+HHH$L$LL$0E3DF~H3Ld$(Hl$ luTrz%Hc+|$0HH_+HHLL$0DH3Ld$(Hl$ tH DD$0HHLH0+~D9d$0AE3ɋHT$@HEA Ld$(HHl$ HuD@ HAHL$@H$E3AHLd$(Hl$ juHT$@H$AEL$HT$@H ;|$0WAHtH9*H$L$H$H$H$H$*HĸËLHHgGH$EI[IkIsI{MsȾM{LL$PMIcHDvHuF^L$)HL63҅L$HHT$XH|$HHfffIHf9HT$(LL$@EIHl$ uX3zI(Dt$@IH(HLILL$@EHH|$(Hl$ _tD$@u0H dMHHLH0‘HD$H33҅DDzfffffffHT$0AHHl$(HT$ IEE3H3HHt2LD$`3HD$` tLD$`Hˋ}uE3H$HEA HD$(Hl$ uD@ HLH$H$E3AHHD$(Hl$ nuH$H$AFu5H #HL$HL$Hl$ H0“xH HL$HH$DH0Hl$(HD$ zLD$`3H3ht'fffHT$`HCLD$`HAuHtHHAĺD;d$@4L|$PHt$XHD$HHD$HHIH;Ht$XL|$P$MtIP&HL$t HL$L$L$H$H$H$H$H$i&HH8AyH\$0Ht$(H|$ IHHu E3Ct HHC@t HHQCt HH0Ct HHCt HHnCt HHCt HH|C t HHH|$ Ht$(H\$03H8LHxEI[Hu A@I[Hx3H$D$@D$DHD$@HD$0HHD$(LL$ EAuNDD$@Eu#HLHH %H0!H HLHH0H$H$HxLHxEI[Hu A@I[Hx3H$D$@D$DHD$@HD$0HHD$(LL$ EE3uNDD$@Eu#HLHH XH0!H >HLHH0H$H$HxLHxEI[Hu A@I[HxHD$@H$D$@HD$0H/D$DHD$(LL$ EA/uNDD$@Eu#HLHH H0.!H eHLHH0 H$H$HxLHxEI[Hu A@I[HxHD$@H$D$@HD$0HOD$DHD$(LL$ EAOuNDD$@Eu#HLHH H0N!H HLHH0+H$H$HxHSHpEtHt Hp[HD$@3D$@HD$0HzD$D HD$(LL$ EDB|u4H ߾DD$@H0EuHp[E3ɺrHp[HSHpEtHt Hp[HD$@3D$@HD$0HD$D!HD$(LL$ EDBu4H ?DD$@H0EuHp[E3ɺHp[LHxEI[Hu A@I[HxHD$@H$D$@HD$0H/D$DHD$(LL$ EA/uNDD$@Eu#HLHH H0.!H eHLHH0 H$H$HxLHxEI[Hu A@I[HxHD$@H$D$@HD$0HOD$DHD$(LL$ EAOuNDD$@Eu#HLHH H0N!H HLHH0+H$H$HxLHH<H$I[IsI{HAIIًHt&D$ D$$L$(D$,D$0xLD$ AHD$ D$$D$(D$,D$0޹tLH׹CD$ D$$D$,D$0D$(LD$ AHHtiLH׹6tTLD$@HHD$@Ht$D$DtLCHHC"LCHHLC HHH$H$H$3H$pHĸLHxHg:H$PEI[IsI{IAHtHt 'L$AP 3st;LD$pAP 3WtL$AP 38u 33DˉD$HD$@HD$pHD$XH$DBHD$PH$HHD$`HD$@D$DHD$0HgHD$(Ht$ (uYDD$@EuH VH038|$HuH cXH0H LWH0H$`H$hH$pH$PHxLHxH8H$PEI[IsI{IAHtHt 'L$AP 3ӷt;LD$pAP 3tL$AP 3u 33DˉD$HD$@HD$pHD$XH$DBHD$PH$HHD$`HD$@D$DHD$0HHD$(Ht$ uYDD$@EuH H0蓼8|$HuH ÷H0uH H0^H$`H$hH$pH$P2HxLHxH'7H$PEI[IsI{IAHtHt 'L$AP 33t;LD$pAP 3tL$AP 3u 33DˉD$HD$@HD$pHD$XH$DBHD$PH$HHD$`HD$@D$DHD$0H'HD$(Ht$ uYDD$@EuH AH08|$HuH # 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For more information type: %1 help %2 Device Console Help: %1 [-r] [-m:\\<machine>] <command> [<arg>...] -r if specified will reboot machine after command is complete, if needed. <machine> is name of target machine. <command> is command to perform (see below). <arg>... is one or more arguments if required by command. For help on a specific command, type: %1 help <command> P%1!-20s! Display this information. 4Unknown command: %2. %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 List all device setup classes. This command will work for a remote machine. Classes are listed as <name>: <descr> where <name> is the class name and <descr> is the class description. X%1!-20s! List all device setup classes. TListing %1!u! setup class(es) on %2. HListing %1!u! setup class(es). %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <class> [<class>...] List all devices for specific setup classes. This command will work for a remote machine. <class> is the class name as obtained from the classes command. Devices are listed as <instance>: <descr> where <instance> is the unique instance of the device and <descr> is the description. d%1!-20s! List all devices for a setup class. |Listing %1!u! device(s) for setup class "%2" (%3) on %4. pListing %1!u! device(s) for setup class "%2" (%3). @No setup class "%1" on %2. 4No setup class "%1". `No devices for setup class "%1" (%2) on %3. TNo devices for setup class "%1" (%2). %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Find devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will work for a remote machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. Devices are listed as <instance>: <descr> where <instance> is the unique instance of the device and <descr> is the description. %1!-20s! Find devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. LNo matching devices found on %1. @No matching devices found. T%1!u! matching device(s) found on %2. H%1!u! matching device(s) found. 4%1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Find devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID, including those that are not present. This command will work for a remote machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. Devices are listed as <instance>: <descr> where <instance> is the unique instance of the device and <descr> is the description. %1!-20s! Find devices including those that are not present. %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Lists running status of devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will work for a remote machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. \%1!-20s! List running status of devices. %1 %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 %2 =<class> [<id>...] Lists driver files installed for devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will only work for local machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. l%1!-20s! List driver files installed for devices. %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Lists hardware resources of devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will work for a remote machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. d%1!-20s! Lists hardware resources of devices. %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Lists all hardware ID's of devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will work for a remote machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. \%1!-20s! Lists hardware ID's of devices. %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Lists expected driver stack of devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. %0 PnP will call each driver's AddDevice when building the device stack. %0 This command will work for a remote machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. l%1!-20s! Lists expected driver stack of devices. %1 [-r] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-r] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Enable devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will only work for local machine. Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices (not recommended) ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. Devices are enabled if possible. %1!-20s! Enable devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. 0No devices enabled. Not all of %1!u! device(s) enabled, at least one requires reboot to complete the operation. <%1!u! device(s) enabled. %1 [-r] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-r] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Disable devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will only work for local machine. Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices (not recommended) ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. Devices are disabled if possible. %1!-20s! Disable devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. 4No devices disabled. Not all of %1!u! device(s) disabled, at least one requires reboot to complete the operation. <%1!u! device(s) disabled. %1 [-r] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-r] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Restarts devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will only work for local machine. Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices (not recommended) ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. Devices are restarted if possible. %1!-20s! Restart devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. 4No devices restarted. Not all of %1!u! device(s) restarted, at least one requires reboot to complete the operation. @%1!u! device(s) restarted. %1 %2 Reboot local machine indicating planned hardware install. H%1!-20s! Reboot local machine. <Rebooting local machine. HDevice has a problem: %1!02u!. dDevice has a problem reported by the driver. 0Driver is running. 0Device is disabled. DDevice is currently stopped. PDevice is not using any resources. LDevice has no resources reserved. pDevice is currently using the following resources: dDevice has the following resources reserved: Driver installed from %2 [%3]. %1!u! file(s) used by driver: xDriver installed from %2 [%3]. No files used by driver. `No driver information available for device. (Hardware ID's: ,Compatible ID's: xNo hardware/compatible ID's available for this device. LNo DriverNodes found for device. 0DriverNode #%1!u!: (Inf file is %1 ,Inf section is %1 <Driver description is %1 8Manufacturer name is %1 0Provider name is %1 ,Driver date is %1 \Driver version is %1!u!.%2!u!.%3!u!.%4!u! <Driver node rank is %1!u! DDriver node flags are %1!08X! @Inf came from the Internet DDriver node is marked as BAD 8Inf is digitally signed lInf was installed using F6 during textmode setup Driver provides basic functionality if no other signed driver exists. 4Class upper filters: (Upper filters: 4Controlling service: (none) 4Class lower filters: (Lower filters: 0Setup Class: %1 %2 ,Device not setup. Name: %1 %1 [-r] %2 <inf> <hwid> Manually installs a device. This command will only work for local machine. Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed. <inf> is an INF to use to install the device. <hwid> is a hardware ID to apply to the device. P%1!-20s! Manually install a device. Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are updated... %1 [-r] %2 <inf> <hwid> Update drivers for devices. This command will only work for local machine. Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed. <inf> is an INF to use to install the device. All devices that match <hwid> are updated. P%1!-20s! Manually update a device. LUpdating drivers for %1 from %2. <Updating drivers for %1. |%1 [-r] %2 <inf> <hwid> Update drivers for devices (Non Interactive). This command will only work for local machine. Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed. <inf> is an INF to use to install the device. All devices that match <hwid> are updated. Unsigned installs will fail. No UI will be presented. t%1!-20s! Manually update a device (non interactive). DDrivers updated successfully. @%1 [-r] %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 [-r] %2 =<class> [<id>...] Remove devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will only work for local machine. Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices (not recommended) ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. %1!-20s! Remove devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. 0No devices removed. Not all of %1!u! device(s) removed, at least one requires reboot to complete the operation. <%1!u! device(s) removed. %1 [-m:\\<machine>] Tell plug&play to scan for new hardware. H%1!-20s! Scan for new hardware. @Scanning for new hardware. LScanning for new hardware on %1. 0Scanning completed. %1 %2 <id> [<id>...] %1 %2 =<class> [<id>...] Lists driver nodes for devices that match the specific hardware or instance ID. This command will only work for local machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ISAPNP\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. h%1!-20s! Lists all the driver nodes of devices. %1 %2 <class> upper <subcmds> - Upper filters. %1 %2 <class> lower <subcmds> - Lower filters. Modifies upper and lower filters for a device setup class. Changes do not take effect until the effected devices are restarted or the machine is rebooted. Where <subcmds> iterate the list of services, modifying the services in the filter. In the context of this command, each sub-command works on services in the list relative to previous sub-commands. Examples below. = - move back to start of list of services (no "current" service). This is assumed prior to the first sub-command. @svc - move forward to specified service and treat it as "current" for the next sub-command. !svc - delete instance of specified service that's after "current" service. The place where the deleted service was is now considered the "current" service, making '-' and '+' behave exactly the same. -svc - insert service before current service (or beginning if none). Inserted service becomes new current service. +svc - insert service after current service (or end if none). Inserted service becomes new current service. Examples: If upperfilters of setup class "foo" is A,B,C,B,D,B,E: %1 %2 foo upper @D !B - delete the 3rd 'B'. %1 %2 foo upper !B !B !B - delete all 3 instances of 'B'. %1 %2 foo upper =!B =!A - delete first 'B' and first 'A'. %1 %2 foo upper !C +CC - replaces 'C' with 'CC'. %1 %2 foo upper @D -CC - inserts 'CC' before 'D'. %1 %2 foo upper @D +CC - inserts 'CC' after 'D'. %1 %2 foo upper -CC - inserts 'CC' before 'A'. %1 %2 foo upper +CC - inserts 'CC' after 'E'. %1 %2 foo upper @D +X +Y - inserts 'X' after 'D' and 'Y' after 'X'. %1 %2 foo upper @D -X -Y - inserts 'X' before 'D' and 'Y' before 'X'. %1 %2 foo upper @D -X +Y - inserts 'X' before 'D' and 'Y' between 'X' and 'D'. h%1!-20s! Allows modification of class filters. Class filters changed. Class devices must be restarted for changes to take effect. <Class filters unchanged. %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 <id> [<id>...] := <subcmds> %1 [-m:\\<machine>] %2 =<class> [<id>...] := <subcmds> Modifies the hardware ID's of the listed devices. This command will only work for root-enumerated devices. This command will work for a remote machine. Examples of <id> are: * - All devices (not recommended) ISAPNP\PNP0601 - Hardware ID *PNP* - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything) @ROOT\*\* - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID) <class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command. <subcmds> consists of one or more: =hwid - Clear hardware ID list and set it to hwid. +hwid - Add or move hardware ID to head of list (better match). -hwid - Add or move hardware ID to end of list (worse match). !hwid - Remove hardware ID from list. hwid - each additional hardware id is inserted after the previous. %1!-20s! Modify Hardware ID's of listed root-enumerated devices. @No hardware ID's modified. Skipped %1!u! non-root hardware ID(s), modified %2!u! hardware ID(s). HModified %1!u! hardware ID(s). HSkipping (Not root-enumerated). EnabledEnabled on reboot Enable failedDisabledDisabled on rebootDisable failed RestartedRequires rebootRestart failedRemovedRemoved on reboot Remove failed