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RefOpen: Open %p, old ref %d, File %c%c%c%c, line %d DerefOpen: Open %p, old ref %d, File %c%c%c%c, line %d Ndisprot: assert pCurrentOpenContext == pOpenContext failed in file %s, line %d openDevice: Open %p: set packet filter (%x) failed: %x ndisprotOpenDevice: FileObject %p already associated with another Open %p/%x ndisprotOpenDevice: Open %p/%x already associated with another FileObject %p Ndisprot: assert pOpenContext->pFileObject != NULL failed in file %s, line %d ndisprotOpenDevice: couldn't find deviceCall ndisprotLookupDevice:find device %ws Len is %d e:\svn\prot\sys\ndisbind.cWaitForPendingIO: Open %p, %d pended reads WaitForPendingIO: Open %p, %d pended sends ProtocolUnload: ProtocolHandle %lx Ndisprot: assert FALSE failed in file %s, line %d ValidateOpenAndDoReq: Open %p/%x, OID %x, Status %x Ndisprot: assert pOpenContext->BindingHandle != NULL failed in file %s, line %d ValidateOpenAndDoRequest: request on unassociated file object! Status: Received an invalid status indication: Open %p, StatusIndication %p Ndisprot: assert !NPROT_TEST_FLAGS(pOpenContext->Flags, NPROTO_RESET_FLAGS, NPROTO_RESET_IN_PROGRESS) failed in file %s, line %d Ndisprot: assert NPROT_TEST_FLAGS(pOpenContext->Flags, NPROTO_RESET_FLAGS, NPROTO_RESET_IN_PROGRESS) failed in file %s, line %d Status: Open %p, Status %x QueryBinding: found open %p QueryOid: Open %p/%x, OID %x, Status %x QueryOid: Open %p/%x is in invalid state Filter: %ws ndisprotRestart: Open %pPnPEvent: Open %p, Event %d, Status %x PnPEvent: Open %p, outstanding count is %d PnPEvent: Open %p, SetPower ON: %d PnPEvent: Open %p, SetPower to %d Ndisprot: assert Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS failed in file %s, line %d ShutdownBinding: Closing OpenContext %p, BindingHandle %p ShutDownBinding: set multicast list failed: %x ShutDownBinding: set packet filter failed: %x SetOid: Open %p/%x, OID %x, Status %x SetOid: Open %p/%x is in invalid state SetOid: Oid %x cannot be set CreateBinding: OpenContext %p, Status %x CreateBinding: NdisOpenAdapter (%ws) failed: %x CreateBinding: failed to alloc recv net buffer list pool. CreateBinding: failed to alloc send net buffer list pool CreateBinding: failed to alloc device name buf (%d bytes) CreateBinding: Binding to device %ws already exists on open %p CreateBinding: open %p/%x, device [%ws] AllocateRcvNbl: open %p, failed to alloc Net Buffer List, %d bytes AllocateRcvNbl: open %p, failed to alloc MDL, %d bytes AllocRcvNbl: open %p, failed to alloc data buffer %d bytes Ndisprot: assert pCopyData != NULL failed in file %s, line %d Ndisprot: assert BufferLength == TotalLength failed in file %s, line %d Ndisprot: assert pMdl != NULL failed in file %s, line %d e:\svn\prot\sys\recv.cCancelPendingReads: Open %p, IRP %p cancelled FlushReceiveQueue: open %p, nbl %p CancelRead: Open %p, IRP %p ServiceReads: Open %p, IRP %p completed with %d bytes ServiceReads: Open %p, NdisQueryMdl failed for MDL %p Ndisprot: assert BytesAvailable > Offset failed in file %s, line %d Ndisprot: assert pDst != NULL failed in file %s, line %d ServiceReads: open %p, skipping cancelled IRP %p ServiceReads: open %p/%x QueueReceiveNetBufferList: open %p queue too long, discarded %p QueueReceiveNetBufferList: open %p, queued nbl %p, queue size %d Ndisprot: assert NtStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS failed in file %s, line %d Read: MmGetSystemAddr failed for IRP %p, MDL %p Read: NULL MDL address on IRP %p Read: NULL FsContext on FileObject %p Ndisprot: assert BytesCopied == TotalLength failed in file %s, line %d ReceiveNetBufferList: Open %p, failed to copy the data, %d bytes ReceiveNetBufferList: Open %p, failed to alloc copy, %d bytes ReceiveNetBufferList: Open %p, interesting nbl %p ReceiveNetBufferList: Open %p, runt nbl %p, first buffer length %d CancelWrite: cancelling nbl %p on Open %p e:\svn\prot\sys\send.cDevice is paused. Write: open %p, failed to alloc send net buffer list Ndisprot: assert pOpenContext->SendNetBufferListPool != NULL failed in file %s, line %d Write: Open %p is not bound or in low power state Write: Open %p: data length (%d) larger than max frame size (%d) Write: too small to be a valid packet (%d bytes) Write: MmGetSystemAddr failed for IRP %p, MDL %p Write: NULL MDL address on IRP %p Write: FileObject %p not yet associated with a device SendComplete: NetBufferList %p/IRP %p/Length %d completed with status %x ndisprotAuditFreeMem: unknown buffer 0x%x! AuditShutdown: will free 0x%x MemoryHead: 0x%x, MemoryTail: 0x%x AuditShutdown: unfreed memory, %d blocks! ndisprotAuditAllocMem: file %c%c%c%c, line %d, %d bytes, [0x%x] <- 0x%x ndisprotAuditAllocMem: file %d, line %d, Size %d failed! ̕ėlZ2$Жzj6TrR0ДnVDcJI`JRSDSu :K# aPe:\svn\prot\sys\objfre_wlh_x86\i386\RtNdPt60.pdb                 N@DUQQ=LpV|V$Yh΄EP`EP`\ptP`%\p蜖;=Lp|V|$pY^̋UVu W~`G` =Lp|h=wh0 ff2ҋ`_3^]̋U=LpSVu W~`GX |hF`ph׿ t9NuiOthchjSh$诿賿hhhDISPSO3A 2ҋΉFF`_^3[]̋UQ=LpSVW|SSu uhCE p`NF y e-}t vE p Wea#z=e [=u J3=Jы0!hh|pT`%=LpSGWhEPvE vp 葘txtpth;t_tWtOuy"Bu3u $u3H%=LpCS薽Wh^*ttEPvE p W==;===SX=bgtPNuiOth1hjWh$=Lp|SͼWvh迼dEPvE vp j|$=Lp |8S苼vuh{=Lp|SgWh\ tM E2҉Ay`_^[Unload Exit \Global??\RtNdPt60Unload Enter Ndisprot: Open: FileObject %p ndisprot: assertion failure for type oc at 0x%x in file %s, line %d e:\svn\prot\sys\ntdisp.cClose: FileObject %p NdisprotIoControl: IOCTL_NDISPROT_OPEN_DEVICE, ndisprotOpenDevice failed %lx IoControl OPEN_DEVICE: Open %p <-> FileObject %p IoControl: OPEN_DEVICE: FileObj %p already associated with open %p IoControl: QueryBinding returning %x IoControl: BindWait returning %x IoControl: DevObj %p, Irp %p U`S3ۃ=LpVWfEfE]]|h8輰$*谰Yuh|p5Xpfdp``=`hEP׍EPShjEPSV`;ÉEhEP׍EPEP`;ÉEEHE\plpj@pplpESPEtpEE ВEh`pEPSEfE@EE]]E`EIJE(<EE ]EV5EV E)E%\`tj=Lp|h8t$hYE9]tu`\p8]t EP``p;t PX``pE_^[P`=Lpfp|h8fpPh F8F@FD3FH9džFpF4]̋UPpN@t;ul`Pp3PpuPpУTp]{DriverEntry: CancelId %lx Failed to register protocol with NDIS RtNdPt60\Global??\RtNdPt60\Device\RtNdPt60DriverEntry Ndisprot: h`` `̕ėlZ2$Жzj6TrR0ДnVDIoDeleteDeviceIoDeleteSymbolicLinkFRtlInitUnicodeString<DbgPrintIofCompleteRequest8DbgBreakPointIoCreateSymbolicLinkIoCreateDevicepmemsetnmemcpyMmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache3IoReleaseCancelSpinLock2KefReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel1KefAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevelIoAcquireCancelSpinLock'KeTickCountKeBugCheckExntoskrnl.exe[KfReleaseSpinLockXKfAcquireSpinLockHAL.dllNdisWaitEventNdisGeneratePartialCancelIdiNdisDeregisterProtocolDriverzNdisRegisterProtocolDriverNdisInitializeEventNdisSetEventNdisFreeMemoryNdisFreeNetBufferListPoolZNdisOidRequest8NdisCloseAdapterExfNdisQueryAdapterInstanceName\NdisOpenAdapterExNdisAllocateNetBufferListPoolNdisFreeMdlNdisAllocateNetBufferAndNetBufferListNdisAllocateMdlNdisReturnNetBufferListsNdisFreeNetBufferListbNdisCopyFromNetBufferToNetBuffer&NdisCancelSendNetBufferListsNdisSendNetBufferListsNdisAllocateMemoryWithTagNDIS.SYS0 H`<<4VS_VERSION_INFO?StringFileInfox000004B04CompanyNameRealtek bFileDescriptionRealtek NDIS Protocol Driver^FileVersion6.0.0717.2009 built by: WinDDK: InternalNameRtNdPt60.SYSVLegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2009 Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All Right Reserved. B OriginalFilenameRtNdPt60.SYS2ProductNameRealtek NDIS Protocol Driver @ProductVersion6.0.0717.2009DVarFileInfo$Translation@0$050^0d0000000 1`1h1v111112 2@2c2o2222233-3F3K3^3s3333334S4[4j4{444{5555556M6u6}66666667 777'71797P7}777778,8i8q8}88888899099999999:<:B:l:x:::::; ;);2;:;F;;;;;;;;;<*<2<=<<<<====0=6=f======== >$>p>~>>>>>?(?:?E???? p!0)040{000000000 11)111J1P1X1f1x11111122222"2&2*2.222V2n2222223'343W3]3e3s3333333333`4h4s444444445B5J5R5f5555556$656W6_6m666666$737=7o7w7777777838L8a8m8|8889!9R9^9h9v9 ::':/:5:::F:N:U:[:::;;+;2;>;V;c;j;v;;;;<(<->C>W>>>>>>>>>?>>#>1>9>]>t>z>>>>>>>>>>>>>??'?>?J?^?g?n?????@4000 0(040E0K0R0X0_0g0000000111X00%000:0D0I0T0Z0k0{0000001161<1q11112222M3`3444,4\4p4444|0/0;0I0O0V0^0d0i00000000001$1+12191@1J1Q1X1_1e1o1w11111111111111222#2-242;2O2b2g2q2z22