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; INF for Intel(R) 10 Gigabit PCIe Network Adapters

Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
Class       = Net
ClassGUID   = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %Intel%
CatalogFile = ixe6032.cat
DriverVer   = 01/07/2011,

%Intel%     = Intel, NTx86.6.0, NTx86.6.0.1, NTx86.6.1


; DisplayName                       Section     DeviceID
; -----------                       -------     --------
%O10A6.DeviceDesc%                  = NO_DRV,   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10A6
%O10DD.CX4.Description%             = NO_DRV,   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10DD
%O10E1.SR.Dual.Description%         = NO_DRV,   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10E1&SUBSYS_B25F108E
%O10E1.SR.Dual.Description%         = NO_DRV,   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10E1
%O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description%        = NO_DRV,   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10B6
%O10C6.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C6&SUBSYS_A05F8086
%O10C6.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C6&SUBSYS_A15F8086
%O10C6.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C6
%O10C7.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7&SUBSYS_A05F8086
%O10C7.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7&SUBSYS_A15F8086
%O10C7.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7&SUBSYS_A16F8086
%O10C7.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7
%O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8&SUBSYS_A10C8086
%O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8&SUBSYS_A12C8086
%O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8&SUBSYS_A11C8086
%O10C8.Generic.Description%         = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8
%O150B.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B&SUBSYS_A10C8086
%O150B.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B&SUBSYS_A12C8086
%O150B.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B&SUBSYS_A11C8086
%O150B.Generic.Description%         = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B
%O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description%        = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EC&SUBSYS_A01F8086
%O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description%        = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EC&SUBSYS_A11F8086
%O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description%        = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EC
%O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description%   = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F1&SUBSYS_A20F8086
%O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description%   = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F1&SUBSYS_A21F8086
%O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description%   = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F1
%O10F4.LR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F4&SUBSYS_A06F8086
%O10F4.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F4
%O10DB.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10DB

; DisplayName                       Section     DeviceID
; -----------                       -------     --------
%O10A6.DeviceDesc%                  = NO_DRV,   PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10A6
%O10C6.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C6&SUBSYS_A05F8086
%O10C6.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C6&SUBSYS_A15F8086
%O10C6.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C6
%O10C7.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7&SUBSYS_A05F8086
%O10C7.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7&SUBSYS_A15F8086
%O10C7.SR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7&SUBSYS_A16F8086
%O10C7.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C7
%O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8&SUBSYS_A10C8086
%O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8&SUBSYS_A12C8086
%O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8&SUBSYS_A11C8086
%O10C8.Generic.Description%         = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10C8
%O150B.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B&SUBSYS_A10C8086
%O150B.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B&SUBSYS_A12C8086
%O150B.Copper10GBT.Description%     = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B&SUBSYS_A11C8086
%O150B.Generic.Description%         = O10C8,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_150B
%O10DD.CX4.Description%             = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10DD
%O10E1.SR.Dual.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10E1&SUBSYS_B25F108E
%O10E1.SR.Dual.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10E1
%O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description%        = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EC&SUBSYS_A01F8086
%O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description%        = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EC&SUBSYS_A11F8086
%O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description%        = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10EC
%O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description%        = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10B6
%O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description%   = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F1&SUBSYS_A20F8086
%O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description%   = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F1&SUBSYS_A21F8086
%O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description%   = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F1
%O10F4.LR.Description%              = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F4&SUBSYS_A06F8086
%O10F4.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10F4
%O10DB.Generic.Description%         = O10C6,    PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10DB


Characteristics = 0x01
Include = machine.inf
Needs = NO_DRV

Include = machine.inf
Needs = NO_DRV.Services

; ------------------------------------------------------
; Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF Server Adapters
; ------------------------------------------------------
Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL
BusType = 5 ; PCI
DelReg = Cleanup.DelReg
AddReg = Default.reg, RSS.reg, LLI.reg, Uninstall.reg
CopyFiles = CopyFiles, MessageDll.CopyFiles, Uninstall.CopyFiles
*IfType            = 6     ; IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD
*MediaType         = 0     ; NdisMedium802_3
*PhysicalMediaType = 14    ; NdisPhysicalMedium802_3

AddService = %ServiceName%, 2, Service, EventLog

Include = machine.inf
Needs = PciIoSpaceNotRequired
AddReg = MSI.reg

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg, CoInK.reg
CopyFiles = CoInstallerCopyFiles

; ------------------------------------------------------
; Intel(R) 82598 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapters
; ------------------------------------------------------
Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL
BusType = 5 ; PCI
AddReg = Default.reg, RSS.reg, Dualspeed.reg, LLI.reg, Uninstall.reg
CopyFiles = CopyFiles, MessageDll.CopyFiles, Uninstall.CopyFiles
*IfType            = 6     ; IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD
*MediaType         = 0     ; NdisMedium802_3
*PhysicalMediaType = 14    ; NdisPhysicalMedium802_3

AddService = %ServiceName%, 2, Service, EventLog

Include = machine.inf
Needs = PciIoSpaceNotRequired
AddReg = MSI.reg

AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg, CoInK.reg
CopyFiles = CoInstallerCopyFiles

; Registry Settings
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                            UpperRange,             0, "ndis5"
HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,                            LowerRange,             0, "ethernet"
HKR, Ndi,                                       Service,                0, %ServiceName%

; *FlowControl
HKR, Ndi\Params\*FlowControl,                   ParamDesc,              0, %FlowControl%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*FlowControl,                   default,                0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*FlowControl\Enum,              "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*FlowControl\Enum,              "1",                    0, %FlowControl_TxOnly%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*FlowControl\Enum,              "2",                    0, %FlowControl_RxOnly%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*FlowControl\Enum,              "3",                    0, %FlowControl_Full%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*FlowControl,                   type,                   0, "enum"

; Force FlowControl on
HKR,,                                           *FlowControl,           0, "3"

; *TransmitBuffers
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,               ParamDesc,              0, %TransmitBuffers%
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,               default,                0, "512"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,               min,                    0, "128"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,               max,                    0, "16384"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,               step,                   0, "64"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,               Base,                   0, "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\*TransmitBuffers,               type,                   0, "int"

; *ReceiveBuffers
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,                ParamDesc,              0, %ReceiveBuffers%
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,                default,                0, "512"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,                min,                    0, "128"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,                max,                    0, "4096"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,                step,                   0, "64"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,                Base,                   0, "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\*ReceiveBuffers,                type,                   0, "int"

; Set MinHardwareOwnedPacketCount to 32
HKR,,                                           MinHardwareOwnedPacketCount,   0, "32"

; *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4,        ParamDesc,              0, %TCPChksumOffv4%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4,        default,                0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "1",                    0, %ChksumOffTx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "2",                    0, %ChksumOffRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "3",                    0, %ChksumOffTxRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4,        type,                   0, "enum"

; *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6,        ParamDesc,              0, %TCPChksumOffv6%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6,        default,                0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "1",                    0, %ChksumOffTx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "2",                    0, %ChksumOffRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "3",                    0, %ChksumOffTxRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6,        type,                   0, "enum"

; *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4,        ParamDesc,              0, %UDPChksumOffv4%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4,        default,                0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "1",                    0, %ChksumOffTx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "2",                    0, %ChksumOffRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,   "3",                    0, %ChksumOffTxRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4,        type,                   0, "enum"

; *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6,        ParamDesc,              0, %UDPChksumOffv6%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6,        default,                0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "1",                    0, %ChksumOffTx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "2",                    0, %ChksumOffRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6\Enum,   "3",                    0, %ChksumOffTxRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6,        type,                   0, "enum"

; *IPChecksumOffloadIPv4
HKR, Ndi\Params\*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4,         ParamDesc,              0, %IPChksumOffv4%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4,         default,                0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,    "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,    "1",                    0, %ChksumOffTx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,    "2",                    0, %ChksumOffRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4\Enum,    "3",                    0, %ChksumOffTxRx%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*IPChecksumOffloadIPv4,         type,                   0, "enum"

; Network Address
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,                 ParamDesc,              0, %LAA%
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,                 Default,                0, ""
HKR, Ndi\params\NetworkAddress,                 type,                   0, "edit"
HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,                 LimitText,              0, "12"
HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,                 UpperCase,              0, "1"
HKR, NDI\params\NetworkAddress,                 optional,               0, "1"

;Log Link State Event
HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent,               ParamDesc,              0, %LogLinkState%
HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent,               Type,                   0, "enum"
HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent,               Default,                0, "51"
HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum,          "51",                   0, %Enabled%
HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum,          "16",                   0, %Disabled%
HKR,,                                           LogLinkStateEvent,      0, "51"

; Interrupt Throttle Rate
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR,                            ParamDesc,              0, %InterruptThrottleRate%
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR,                            default,                0, "65535"
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR\Enum,                       "65535",                0, %Adaptive%
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR\Enum,                       "2000",                 0, %Extreme%
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR\Enum,                       "950",                  0, %High%
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR\Enum,                       "488",                  0, %Medium%
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR\Enum,                       "200",                  0, %Low%
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR\Enum,                       "0",                    0, %Off%
HKR, Ndi\Params\ITR,                            type,                   0, "enum"

; *PriorityVLANTag
HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag,               ParamDesc,              0, %PriorityVLANTag%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag,               default,                0, "3"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\Enum,          "0",                    0, %PriorityVlanDisabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\Enum,          "1",                    0, %PriorityEnabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\Enum,          "2",                    0, %VlanEnabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag\Enum,          "3",                    0, %PriorityVlanEnabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*PriorityVLANTag,               type,                   0, "enum"

; *InterruptModeration
HKR, Ndi\Params\*InterruptModeration,           ParamDesc,              0, %InterruptModeration%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*InterruptModeration,           default,                0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*InterruptModeration\Enum,      "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*InterruptModeration\Enum,      "1",                    0, %Enabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*InterruptModeration,           type,                   0, "enum"

; *LsoV2IPv4
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv4,                     ParamDesc,              0, %LsoV2IPv4%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv4,                     default,                0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv4\Enum,                "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv4\Enum,                "1",                    0, %Enabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv4,                     type,                   0, "enum"

; *LsoV1IPv4
HKR,,                                           *LsoV1IPv4,             0, "0"

; *LsoV2IPv6
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv6,                     ParamDesc,              0, %LsoV2IPv6%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv6,                     default,                0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv6\Enum,                "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv6\Enum,                "1",                    0, %Enabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*LsoV2IPv6,                     type,                   0, "enum"

; Header Split capabilities
HKR,,                                           *HeaderDataSplit,       0, "0"
HKR,,                                           HDSplitBufferAssoc,     0, "0"

; EnableDca
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableDca,                ParamDesc,              0, %EnableDca%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableDca,                default,                0, "1"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableDca,                type,                   0, "enum"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableDca\Enum,           "1",                    0, %Enabled%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableDca\Enum,           "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR,,                                           EnableDca,              2, "1"

; *JumboPacket
HKR, Ndi\Params\*JumboPacket,                   ParamDesc,              0, %JumboPacket%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*JumboPacket,                   default,                0, "1514"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*JumboPacket\Enum,              "1514",                 0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*JumboPacket\Enum,              "4088",                 0, %Bytes4088%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*JumboPacket\Enum,              "9014",                 0, %Bytes9014%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*JumboPacket,                   type,                   0, "enum"

; Miscellanous defaults
HKR,,                                           MulticastFilterType,    0, "0"
HKR,,                                           VlanFiltering,          0, "0"

HKR, Ndi\params\*SpeedDuplex,                   ParamDesc,              0, %SpeedDuplex%
HKR, Ndi\params\*SpeedDuplex,                   default,                0, "0"
HKR, Ndi\params\*SpeedDuplex,                   type,                   0, "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\*SpeedDuplex\enum,              "0",                    0, %AutoNegotiation%
HKR, Ndi\params\*SpeedDuplex\enum,              "6",                    0, %1000Mb_Full_Duplex%

; NumRssQueues
HKR, Ndi\Params\NumRssQueues,                   ParamDesc,              0, %NumRssQueues%
HKR, Ndi\Params\NumRssQueues,                   default,                0, "2"
HKR, Ndi\Params\NumRssQueues,                   type,                   0, "enum"
HKR, Ndi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,              "1",                    0, %1queue%
HKR, Ndi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,              "2",                    0, %2queues%
HKR, Ndi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,              "4",                    0, %4queues%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues,             ParamDesc,              0, %NumRssQueues%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues,             default,                0, "2"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues,             type,                   0, "enum"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,        "1",                    0, %1queue%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,        "2",                    0, %2queues%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,        "4",                    0, %4queues%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,        "8",                    0, %8queues%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues\Enum,        "16",                   0, %16queues%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\NumRssQueues,             ExposeLevel,            0, "3"

; *RSS
HKR, Ndi\Params\*RSS,                           ParamDesc,              0, %RSS%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*RSS,                           default,                0, "1"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*RSS,                           type,                   0, "enum"
HKR, Ndi\Params\*RSS\Enum,                      "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, Ndi\Params\*RSS\Enum,                      "1",                    0, %Enabled%

HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableLLI,                ParamDesc,              0, %EnableLLI%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableLLI,                default,                0, "0"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableLLI,                type,                   0, "enum"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableLLI\Enum,           "0",                    0, %Disabled%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableLLI\Enum,           "1",                    0, %LLIPortBased%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\EnableLLI\Enum,           "2",                    0, %LLIPSHBased%
HKR,,                                           EnableLLI,              2, "0"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\LLIPorts,                 ParamDesc,              0, %LLIPorts%
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\LLIPorts,                 default,                0, ""
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\LLIPorts,                 type,                   0, "edit"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\LLIPorts,                 UpperCase,              0, "1"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\LLIPorts,                 optional,               0, "1"
HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\LLIPorts,                 multi_string,           0, "1"
HKR,,                                           LLIPorts,               0x00010002, ""

HKR, "Interrupt Management", 0x00000010
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", 0x00000010
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", MSISupported, 0x00010001, 1
HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", MessageNumberLimit, 0x00010001, 18

HKR, Ndi\Params\RxScalingMode
HKR,, RxScalingMode
HKR, Ndi\Params\DcaEnabled
HKR,, DcaEnabled
HKR, Ndi\Params\EnableRSC
HKR,, EnableRSC

HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %EventLogMessageDllPath%
HKR,, TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

; Uninstall parameters
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10A6, 0, "10A6"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10C6, 0, "10C6"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10B6, 0, "10B6"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10C7, 0, "10C7"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10C8, 0, "10C8"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 150B, 0, "150B"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10F4, 0, "10F4"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10DB, 0, "10DB"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10F1, 0, "10F1"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10EC, 0, "10EC"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10E1, 0, "10E1"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10DD, 0, "10DD"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, ixe6032.din, 0, "8259x.Uninstall"
HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Services, %ServiceName%, 0, ixe6032.sys

; Driver "service" installation settings
DisplayName     = %Service.Displayname%
ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
ServiceBinary   = %12%\ixe6032.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = NDIS

; Event Log settings

AddReg = AddEventLog

; Coinstaller installation

NicCo26.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite

HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000, "NicCo26.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry"
HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicInIXE.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry"

HKR,, CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, 0x00201400




; DestinationDirs
CopyFiles = 12
DefaultDestDir          = 11
Uninstall.CopyFiles = 11
CoInstallerCopyFiles = 11
MessageDll.CopyFiles = 11

1 = %DiskName%,,,

; SourceDisksFiles
ixe6032.sys  = 1
ixe6032.din  = 1
ixemsg.dll   = 1
NicCo26.dll    = 1
NicInIXE.dll  = 1

EnableLLI                       = "Low Latency Interrupts"
LLIPorts                        = "Low Latency Interrupt Ports"
LLIPortBased                    = "Port-Based"
LLIPSHBased                     = "PSH Flag-Based"
InterruptModeration             = "Interrupt Moderation"
EnableDca                       = "Direct Cache Access"
InterruptThrottleRate           = "Interrupt Moderation Rate"
Adaptive                        = "Adaptive"
Extreme                         = "Extreme"
High                            = "High"
Medium                          = "Medium"
Low                             = "Low"
IPChksumOffv4                   = "IPv4 Checksum Offload"
TCPChksumOffv4                  = "TCP Checksum Offload (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  = "UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       = "Large Send Offload (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  = "TCP Checksum Offload (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  = "UDP Checksum Offload (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       = "Large Send Offload (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   = "Rx & Tx Enabled"
ChksumOffTx                     = "Tx Enabled"
ChksumOffRx                     = "Rx Enabled"
TransmitBuffers                 = "Transmit Buffers"
ReceiveBuffers                  = "Receive Buffers"
RSS                             = "Receive Side Scaling"
NumRssQueues                    = "Receive Side Scaling Queues"
1queue                          = "1 Queue"
2queues                         = "2 Queues"
4queues                         = "4 Queues"
8queues                         = "8 Queues"
16queues                        = "16 Queues"
FlowControl                     = "Flow Control"
FlowControl_RxOnly              = "Rx Enabled"
FlowControl_TxOnly              = "Tx Enabled"
FlowControl_Full                = "Rx & Tx Enabled"
PriorityVLANTag                 = "Priority & VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            = "Priority & VLAN Disabled"
PriorityEnabled                 = "Priority Enabled"
PriorityVlanEnabled             = "Priority & VLAN Enabled"
VlanEnabled                     = "VLAN Enabled"
SpeedDuplex                     = "Speed & Duplex"
AutoNegotiation                 = "Auto Negotiation"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              = "1.0 Gbps Full Duplex"
Off                             = "Off"
Enabled                         = "Enabled"
Disabled                        = "Disabled"
Bytes4088                       = "4088 Bytes"
Bytes9014                       = "9014 Bytes"
LAA                             = "Locally Administered Address"
JumboPacket                     = "Jumbo Packet"
LogLinkState                    = "Log Link State Event"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\ixe6032.sys"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified)
EnableLLI                       ="���ӳ��ж�"
LLIPorts                        ="���ӳ��ж϶˿�"
LLIPortBased                    ="���ڶ˿ڵ�"
LLIPSHBased                     ="���� PSH ��ǵ�"
InterruptModeration             ="�жϽ���"
EnableDca                       ="ֱ�ӻ������"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="�жϽ�����"
Adaptive                        ="��Ӧ��"
Extreme                         ="��ֵ"
High                            ="��"
Medium                          ="��"
Low                             ="��"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="IPv4 У��ͷ��ش���"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="TCP У��ͷ��ش��� (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="UDP У��ͷ��ش��� (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="���ͷ��ͷ��� (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="TCP У��ͷ��ش��� (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="UDP У��ͷ��ش��� (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="���ͷ��ͷ��� (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="������ Rx �� Tx"
ChksumOffTx                     ="������ Tx"
ChksumOffRx                     ="������ Rx"
TransmitBuffers                 ="���仺����"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="���ջ�����"
RSS                             ="���շ�����"
NumRssQueues                    ="���շ���������"
1queue                          ="1 ������"
2queues                         ="2 ������"
4queues                         ="4 ������"
8queues                         ="8 ������"
16queues                        ="16 ������"
FlowControl                     ="���̿���"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="������ Rx"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="������ Tx"
FlowControl_Full                ="������ Rx �� Tx"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="���ȼ��� VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="�ѽ������ȼ��� VLAN"
PriorityEnabled                 ="���������ȼ�"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="���������ȼ��� VLAN"
VlanEnabled                     ="������ VLAN"
SpeedDuplex                     ="�ٶȺ�˫��"
AutoNegotiation                 ="�Զ�Э��"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1.0 Gbps ȫ˫��"
Off                             ="�ر�"
Enabled                         ="����"
Disabled                        ="����"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 �ֽ�"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 �ֽ�"
LAA                             ="���ع����ĵ�ַ"
JumboPacket                     ="��֡���ݰ�"
LogLinkState                    ="��¼����״̬�¼�"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional)
EnableLLI                       ="�C������_"
LLIPorts                        ="�C������_�s����"
LLIPortBased                    ="�s���𬰰�¦"
LLIPSHBased                     ="PSH �X������¦"
InterruptModeration             ="���_�ո`"
EnableDca                       ="�����֨��s��"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="���_�`�y�ֳt�v"
Adaptive                        ="�վ��"
Extreme                         ="����"
High                            ="��"
Medium                          ="��"
Low                             ="�C"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="IPv4 �ˬd�Ȩ���"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="TCP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="UDP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="�j�q�ǰe���� (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="TCP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="UDP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="�j�q�ǰe���� (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Rx �P Tx �w�ҥ�"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Tx �w�ҥ�"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Rx �w�ҥ�"
TransmitBuffers                 ="�ǿ�w�İ�"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="�����w��"
RSS                             ="�����ݽվ��v"
NumRssQueues                    ="�����ݽվ��v��C"
1queue                          ="�@�Ӧ�C"
2queues                         ="��Ӧ�C"
4queues                         ="�|�Ӧ�C"
8queues                         ="�K�Ӧ�C"
16queues                        ="�Q���Ӧ�C"
FlowControl                     ="�y�{����"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Rx �w�ҥ�"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Tx �w�ҥ�"
FlowControl_Full                ="Rx �P Tx �w�ҥ�"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="�u�����ǻP VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="�u�����ǻP VLAN �w����"
PriorityEnabled                 ="�u�����Ǥw�ҥ�"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="�u�����ǻP VLAN �w�ҥ�"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN �w�ҥ�"
SpeedDuplex                     ="�t�׻P���u"
AutoNegotiation                 ="�۰ʥ�A"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1.0 Gbps �����u"
Off                             ="����"
Enabled                         ="�ҥ�"
Disabled                        ="����"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 �줸��"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 �줸��"
LAA                             ="���a�޲z��}"
JumboPacket                     ="�W�j���ʥ]"
LogLinkState                    ="�n���s�����A�ƥ�"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0407] ; German (Germany)
EnableLLI                       ="Low Latency Interrupts (LLIs)"
LLIPorts                        ="LLI-Anschl�sse"
LLIPortBased                    ="Anschlussbasiert"
LLIPSHBased                     ="PSH markierungsbasiert"
InterruptModeration             ="Interrupt-Drosselung"
EnableDca                       ="Direct Cache Access"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="Interrupt-Drosselungsrate"
Adaptive                        ="Adaptiv"
Extreme                         ="Extrem"
High                            ="Hoch"
Medium                          ="Mittel"
Low                             ="Niedrig"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="IPv4-Pr�fsummen abladen"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="TCP-Pr�fsummen abladen (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="UDP-Pr�fsummen abladen (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="Large-Send-Offload (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="TCP-Pr�fsummen abladen (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="UDP-Pr�fsummen abladen (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="Large-Send-Offload (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Rx und Tx aktiviert"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Tx aktiviert"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Rx aktiviert"
TransmitBuffers                 ="�bertragungspuffer"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="Empfangspuffer"
RSS                             ="RSS (Empfangsseitige Skalierung)"
NumRssQueues                    ="RSS-Warteschlangen (Empfangsseitige Skalierung)"
1queue                          ="1 Warteschlange"
2queues                         ="2 Warteschlangen"
4queues                         ="4 Warteschlangen"
8queues                         ="8 Warteschlangen"
16queues                        ="16 Warteschlangen"
FlowControl                     ="Flusssteuerung"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Rx aktiviert"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Tx aktiviert"
FlowControl_Full                ="Rx und Tx aktiviert"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="Priorit�t und VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="Priorit�t und VLAN deaktiviert"
PriorityEnabled                 ="Priorit�t aktiviert"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="Priorit�t und VLAN aktiviert"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN aktiviert"
SpeedDuplex                     ="Geschwindigkeit & Duplex"
AutoNegotiation                 ="Automatische Aushandlung"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1.0 Gbit/s Vollduplex"
Off                             ="Aus"
Enabled                         ="Aktiviert"
Disabled                        ="Deaktiviert"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 Byte"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 Byte"
LAA                             ="Lokal verwaltete Adresse"
JumboPacket                     ="Jumbo Packet"
LogLinkState                    ="Verbindungsereignis protokollieren"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain)
EnableLLI                       ="Interrupciones de baja latencia"
LLIPorts                        ="Puertos de interrupciones de baja latencia"
LLIPortBased                    ="Basado en puerto"
LLIPSHBased                     ="Basado en indicador PSH"
InterruptModeration             ="Moderaci�n de interrupciones"
EnableDca                       ="Acceso directo a cach�"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="Velocidad de obstrucci�n de la interrupci�n"
Adaptive                        ="Adaptaci�n"
Extreme                         ="Extremo"
High                            ="Alto"
Medium                          ="Medio"
Low                             ="Bajo"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="Descarga de la suma de comprobaci�n de IPv4"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="Descarga de la suma de comprobaci�n TCP (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="Descarga de la suma de comprobaci�n UDP (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="Descarga grande de env�o (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="Descarga de la suma de comprobaci�n TCP (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="Descarga de la suma de comprobaci�n UDP (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="Descarga grande de env�o (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Recepci�n y transmisi�n habilitadas"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Transmisi�n habilitada"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Recepci�n habilitada"
TransmitBuffers                 ="B�feres de transmisi�n"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="B�feres de recepci�n"
RSS                             ="Receive Side Scaling"
NumRssQueues                    ="Colas de Receive Side Scaling"
1queue                          ="1 cola"
2queues                         ="2 colas"
4queues                         ="4 colas"
8queues                         ="8 colas"
16queues                        ="16 colas"
FlowControl                     ="Control de flujo"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Recepci�n habilitada"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Transmisi�n habilitada"
FlowControl_Full                ="Recepci�n y transmisi�n habilitadas"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="Prioridad y VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="Prioridad y VLAN inhabilitadas"
PriorityEnabled                 ="Prioridad habilitada"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="Prioridad y VLAN habilitadas"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN habilitada"
SpeedDuplex                     ="Velocidad y d�plex"
AutoNegotiation                 ="Negociaci�n autom�tica"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="D�plex completo a 1,0 Gbps"
Off                             ="Desactivado"
Enabled                         ="Activado"
Disabled                        ="Inhabilitado"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 bytes"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 bytes"
LAA                             ="Direcci�n administrada localmente"
JumboPacket                     ="Paquete jumbo"
LogLinkState                    ="Registrar sucesos del estado del enlace"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.040C] ; French (France)
EnableLLI                       ="Interruptions � faible latence"
LLIPorts                        ="Ports d'interruption � faible latence"
LLIPortBased                    ="Bas� sur le port"
LLIPSHBased                     ="Bas� sur le drapeau PSH"
InterruptModeration             ="Gestion des interruptions"
EnableDca                       ="Acc�s direct au cache"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="Taux de gestion des interruptions"
Adaptive                        ="Variable"
Extreme                         ="Extr�me"
High                            ="Haut"
Medium                          ="Moyen"
Low                             ="Faible"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="D�lester somme de contr�le IPv4"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="D�lester somme de contr�le TCP (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="D�lester somme de contr�le UDP (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="D�lester envoi important (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="D�lester somme de contr�le TCP (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="D�lester somme de contr�le UDP (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="D�lester envoi important (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Rx et Tx activ�es"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Tx activ�e"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Rx activ�e"
TransmitBuffers                 ="Tampons d'�mission"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="Tampons de r�ception"
RSS                             ="Mise � l'�chelle de l'extr�mit� r�ception"
NumRssQueues                    ="Files d'attente de mise � l'�chelle de l'extr�mit� r�ception"
1queue                          ="1 file d'attente"
2queues                         ="2 files d'attente"
4queues                         ="4 files d'attente"
8queues                         ="8 files d'attente"
16queues                        ="16 files d'attente"
FlowControl                     ="Contr�le de flux"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Rx activ�e"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Tx activ�e"
FlowControl_Full                ="Rx et Tx activ�es"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="Priorit� et VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="Priorit� et VLAN d�sactiv�s"
PriorityEnabled                 ="Priorit� activ�e"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="Priorit� et VLAN activ�s"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN activ�"
SpeedDuplex                     ="Vitesse et duplex"
AutoNegotiation                 ="N�gociation automatique"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1,0 Gbits/s full duplex"
Off                             ="D�sactiv�(e)"
Enabled                         ="Activ�(e)"
Disabled                        ="D�sactiv�(e)"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 octets"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 octets"
LAA                             ="Adresse administr�e localement"
JumboPacket                     ="Paquet Jumbo"
LogLinkState                    ="Consigner l'�v�nement de la liaison"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy)
EnableLLI                       ="Interrupt a bassa latenza"
LLIPorts                        ="Porte di interrupt bassa latenza"
LLIPortBased                    ="Basato su porta"
LLIPSHBased                     ="Basato su flag PSH"
InterruptModeration             ="Interrompi moderazione"
EnableDca                       ="Accesso diretto alla cache"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="Velocit� di rallentamento dell'interrupt"
Adaptive                        ="Adattivo"
Extreme                         ="Estremo"
High                            ="Alto"
Medium                          ="Medio"
Low                             ="Basso"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="Offload di checksum IPv4"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="Offload di checksum TCP (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="Offload di checksum UDP (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="Offload di invio grande (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="Offload di checksum TCP (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="Offload di checksum UDP (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="Offload di invio grande (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Rx e Tx abilitate"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Tx abilitata"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Rx abilitata"
TransmitBuffers                 ="Trasmetti buffer"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="Ricevi buffer"
RSS                             ="Ricevi proporzioni laterali"
NumRssQueues                    ="Code Receive-Side Scaling"
1queue                          ="1 coda"
2queues                         ="2 code"
4queues                         ="4 code"
8queues                         ="8 code"
16queues                        ="16 code"
FlowControl                     ="Controllo del flusso"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Rx abilitata"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Tx abilitata"
FlowControl_Full                ="Rx e Tx abilitate"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="Priorit� e VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="Priorit� e VLAN disabilitate"
PriorityEnabled                 ="Priorit� abilitata"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="Priorit� e VLAN abilitate"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN abilitata"
SpeedDuplex                     ="Velocit� e duplex"
AutoNegotiation                 ="Negoziazione automatica"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1.0 Gbps Full Duplex"
Off                             ="Disattivato"
Enabled                         ="Attivato"
Disabled                        ="Disattivato"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 byte"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 byte"
LAA                             ="Indirizzo amministrato localmente"
JumboPacket                     ="Pacchetto Jumbo"
LogLinkState                    ="Registra evento stato del collegamento"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan)
EnableLLI                       ="�჌�C�e���V�[���荞��"
LLIPorts                        ="�჌�C�e���V�[���荞�݃|�[�g"
LLIPortBased                    ="�|�[�g �x�[�X"
LLIPSHBased                     ="PSH �t���O �x�[�X"
InterruptModeration             ="���荞�݉���"
EnableDca                       ="�_�C���N�g �L���b�V�� �A�N�Z�X"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="���荞�݉�����"
Adaptive                        ="�A�_�v�e�B�u"
Extreme                         ="�ő�"
High                            ="��"
Medium                          ="��"
Low                             ="��"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="IPv4 �`�F�b�N�T���̃I�t���[�h"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="TCP �`�F�b�N�T���̃I�t���[�h (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="UDP �`�F�b�N�T���̃I�t���[�h (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="��ʑ��M�I�t���[�h (LSO)  (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="TCP �`�F�b�N�T���̃I�t���[�h (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="UDP �`�F�b�N�T���̃I�t���[�h (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="��ʑ��M�I�t���[�h (LSO)  (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="��M/���M �L��"
ChksumOffTx                     ="���M �L��"
ChksumOffRx                     ="��M �L��"
TransmitBuffers                 ="���M�o�b�t�@"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="��M�o�b�t�@"
RSS                             ="��M���X�P�[�����O"
NumRssQueues                    ="��M���X�P�[�����O �L���["
1queue                          ="1 �L���["
2queues                         ="2 �L���["
4queues                         ="4 �L���["
8queues                         ="8 �L���["
16queues                        ="16 �L���["
FlowControl                     ="�t���[����"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="��M �L��"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="���M �L��"
FlowControl_Full                ="��M/���M �L��"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="�D��/VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="�D��/VLAN ����"
PriorityEnabled                 ="�D�� �L��"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="�D��/VLAN �L��"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN �L��"
SpeedDuplex                     ="���x�ƃf���v���b�N�X"
AutoNegotiation                 ="�I�[�g�l�S�V�G�[�V����"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1.0 Gbps �S��d�ʐM"
Off                             ="�I�t"
Enabled                         ="�I��"
Disabled                        ="�I�t"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 �o�C�g"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 �o�C�g"
LAA                             ="���[�J���Ǘ������A�h���X"
JumboPacket                     ="�W�����{ �p�P�b�g"
LogLinkState                    ="�����N �X�e�[�g �C�x���g�̃��O"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea)
EnableLLI                       ="���� ��� �ð� ���ͷ�Ʈ"
LLIPorts                        ="���� ��� �ð� ���ͷ�Ʈ ��Ʈ"
LLIPortBased                    ="��Ʈ ���"
LLIPSHBased                     ="PSH �÷��� ���"
InterruptModeration             ="���ͷ�Ʈ ��ȭ"
EnableDca                       ="���� ij�� �׼���"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="���ͷ�Ʈ ���� �ӵ�"
Adaptive                        ="����"
Extreme                         ="�ִ�"
High                            ="����"
Medium                          ="�߰�"
Low                             ="����"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="IPv4 üũ�� �����ε�"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="TCP üũ�� �����ε�(IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="UDP üũ�� �����ε�(IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="���� ���� �����ε�(IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="TCP üũ�� �����ε�(IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="UDP üũ�� �����ε�(IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="���� ���� �����ε�(IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Rx & Tx Ȱ��ȭ��"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Tx Ȱ��ȭ��"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Rx Ȱ��ȭ��"
TransmitBuffers                 ="���� ����"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="���� ����"
RSS                             ="������ ����"
NumRssQueues                    ="������ ���� ��⿭"
1queue                          ="1���� ��⿭"
2queues                         ="2���� ��⿭"
4queues                         ="4���� ��⿭"
8queues                         ="8���� ��⿭"
16queues                        ="16���� ��⿭"
FlowControl                     ="�帧 ����"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Rx Ȱ��ȭ��"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Tx Ȱ��ȭ��"
FlowControl_Full                ="Rx & Tx Ȱ��ȭ��"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="�켱���� �� VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="�켱���� �� VLAN ��Ȱ��ȭ��"
PriorityEnabled                 ="�켱���� Ȱ��ȭ��"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="�켱���� �� VLAN Ȱ��ȭ��"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN Ȱ��ȭ��"
SpeedDuplex                     ="�ӵ� �� ���߼�"
AutoNegotiation                 ="�ڵ� ����"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1.0 Gbps ������"
Off                             ="����"
Enabled                         ="Ȱ��ȭ��"
Disabled                        ="��Ȱ��ȭ��"
Bytes4088                       ="4088����Ʈ"
Bytes9014                       ="9014����Ʈ"
LAA                             ="���� ���� �ּ�"
JumboPacket                     ="���� ��Ŷ"
LogLinkState                    ="��ũ ���� �̺�Ʈ ���"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil)
EnableLLI                       ="Interrup��es de baixa lat�ncia"
LLIPorts                        ="Portas de interrup��es de baixa lat�ncia"
LLIPortBased                    ="Baseado em porta"
LLIPSHBased                     ="Baseado no sinalizador PSH"
InterruptModeration             ="Modera��o de interrup��es"
EnableDca                       ="Acesso direto ao cache"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="Taxa de modera��o de interrup��es"
Adaptive                        ="Adaptativa"
Extreme                         ="Extremo"
High                            ="Alto"
Medium                          ="M�dio"
Low                             ="Baixo"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="Offload Checksum IPv4"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="Offload Checksum de TCP (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="Offload Checksum UDP (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="Grande Offload de Envio (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="Offload Checksum de TCP (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="Offload Checksum UDP (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="Descarga de envio grande (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Rx e Tx ativadas"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Tx ativada"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Rx ativada"
TransmitBuffers                 ="Buffers de transmiss�o"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="Buffers de recep��o"
RSS                             ="Escala de recep��o"
NumRssQueues                    ="Filas de escalas de recep��o"
1queue                          ="1 fila"
2queues                         ="2 filas"
4queues                         ="4 filas"
8queues                         ="8 Filas"
16queues                        ="16 Filas"
FlowControl                     ="Controle de fluxo"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Rx ativada"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Tx ativada"
FlowControl_Full                ="Rx e Tx ativadas"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="Prioridade e VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="Prioridade e VLAN desabilitados"
PriorityEnabled                 ="Prioridade ativada"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="Prioridade e VLAN ativadas"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN ativada"
SpeedDuplex                     ="Velocidade e duplex"
AutoNegotiation                 ="Negocia��o autom�tica"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="Full-duplex de 1.0 Gbps"
Off                             ="Desativado"
Enabled                         ="Ativado"
Disabled                        ="Desabilitado"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 Bytes"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 Bytes"
LAA                             ="Endere�o administrado localmente (LAA)"
JumboPacket                     ="Pacote grande"
LogLinkState                    ="Evento de estado de link de registro"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"

[Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional)
EnableLLI                       ="�C������_"
LLIPorts                        ="�C������_�s����"
LLIPortBased                    ="�s���𬰰�¦"
LLIPSHBased                     ="PSH �X������¦"
InterruptModeration             ="���_�ո`"
EnableDca                       ="�����֨��s��"
InterruptThrottleRate           ="���_�`�y�ֳt�v"
Adaptive                        ="�վ��"
Extreme                         ="����"
High                            ="��"
Medium                          ="��"
Low                             ="�C"
IPChksumOffv4                   ="IPv4 �ˬd�Ȩ���"
TCPChksumOffv4                  ="TCP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv4)"
UDPChksumOffv4                  ="UDP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv4)"
LsoV2IPv4                       ="�j�q�ǰe���� (IPv4)"
TCPChksumOffv6                  ="TCP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv6)"
UDPChksumOffv6                  ="UDP �ˬd�Ȩ��� (IPv6)"
LsoV2IPv6                       ="�j�q�ǰe���� (IPv6)"
ChksumOffTxRx                   ="Rx �P Tx �w�ҥ�"
ChksumOffTx                     ="Tx �w�ҥ�"
ChksumOffRx                     ="Rx �w�ҥ�"
TransmitBuffers                 ="�ǿ�w�İ�"
ReceiveBuffers                  ="�����w��"
RSS                             ="�����ݽվ��v"
NumRssQueues                    ="�����ݽվ��v��C"
1queue                          ="�@�Ӧ�C"
2queues                         ="��Ӧ�C"
4queues                         ="�|�Ӧ�C"
8queues                         ="�K�Ӧ�C"
16queues                        ="�Q���Ӧ�C"
FlowControl                     ="�y�{����"
FlowControl_RxOnly              ="Rx �w�ҥ�"
FlowControl_TxOnly              ="Tx �w�ҥ�"
FlowControl_Full                ="Rx �P Tx �w�ҥ�"
PriorityVLANTag                 ="�u�����ǻP VLAN"
PriorityVlanDisabled            ="�u�����ǻP VLAN �w����"
PriorityEnabled                 ="�u�����Ǥw�ҥ�"
PriorityVlanEnabled             ="�u�����ǻP VLAN �w�ҥ�"
VlanEnabled                     ="VLAN �w�ҥ�"
SpeedDuplex                     ="�t�׻P���u"
AutoNegotiation                 ="�۰ʥ�A"
1000Mb_Full_Duplex              ="1.0 Gbps �����u"
Off                             ="����"
Enabled                         ="�ҥ�"
Disabled                        ="����"
Bytes4088                       ="4088 �줸��"
Bytes9014                       ="9014 �줸��"
LAA                             ="���a�޲z��}"
JumboPacket                     ="�W�j���ʥ]"
LogLinkState                    ="�n���s�����A�ƥ�"
ServiceName                     = "ixgbe"
Intel                           = "Intel"
EventLogMessageDllPath          = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\ixemsg.dll"
DiskName                        = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Driver Disk"
Service.Displayname             = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE PCIe Network Connection Driver"

; Device Description Strings
O10A6.DeviceDesc                  = "Intel(R) 82598EB Multi-Function Network Device"
O10C6.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10C6.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Dual Port Network Connection"
O10C7.SR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF SR Server Adapter"
O10C7.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10C8.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter"
O10C8.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT Network Connection"
O150B.Copper10GBT.Description     = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter"
O150B.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT2 Network Connection"
O10F1.CopperDA.Dual.Description   = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AF DA Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10F4.LR.Description              = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit XF LR Server Adapter"
O10F4.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AF Network Connection"
O10DB.Generic.Description         = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit Dual Port Network Connection"
O10EC.CX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit CX4 Dual Port Server Adapter"
O10B6.KX4.Dual.Description        = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit KX4 Network Connection"
O10DD.CX4.Description             = "Intel(R) 82598EB 10 Gigabit AT CX4 Network Connection"
O10E1.SR.Dual.Description         = "Intel(R) 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module"