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H%2 Link has been established. %2 Did not receive auto-negotiation advertisement from link partner, possible full duplex connection available. H%2 Link has been established. 8%2 Link has been lost. (%2 Link is up. ,%2 Link is down. %2 PROBLEM: Failed to allocate all requested receive resources. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: Failed to allocate all requested transmit resources. ACTION: Reduce the number of transmit descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: Could not establish link. ACTION: Check network cable. %2 PROBLEM: MDIX setting conflict with the AutoNeg Settings. MDIX will not work. ACTION: Enable AutoNeg and restart. H%2 Link has been disconnected. %2 PROBLEM: Could not establish link. ACTION: Check network cable. %2 PROBLEM: MDIX setting conflict with the AutoNeg Settings. MDIX will not work. ACTION: Enable AutoNeg and restart. T%2 PROBLEM: Failed to register named device for the adapter. Applications may not be able to configure the adapter. ACTION: Disable and then enable the adapter. %2 PROBLEM: Failed to unregister named device for the adapter. Driver may not be unloaded. ACTION: Reboot system. %2 PROBLEM: Could not find a PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Reinstall driver. %2 PROBLEM: Driver could not determine which PRO/1000 adapter to load on. ACTION: Reinstall driver. %2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate the MAP REGISTERS necessary for operation. ACTION: Select the adapter in the network control panel. Click properties. Reduce the number of transmit descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: Could not assign an interrupt for the PRO/1000. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. 8%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate memory necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors, and coalesce buffer, then restart. H%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate shared memory necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors, and coalesce buffers, then restart. %2 PROBLEM: Failed to allocate the requested receive resources. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. D%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. D%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. D%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. D%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. %2 PROBLEM: The PRO/1000 adapter was not configured for bus mastering by the PCI BIOS. ACTION: Install the adapter in a bus mastering-capable slot. See your computer documentation for details. ACTION: For more information, run PROSet diagnostics. 0%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate the NDIS receive packets necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. 0%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate the NDIS receive buffers necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: The OS was unable to assign PCI resources to the PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Move the adapter to another slot. ACTION: Remove other hardware that may be causing a conflict. \%2 PROBLEM: The driver was unable to claim PCI resources of this PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Remove any unused driver instances from the network control panel applet. L%2 PROBLEM: The EEPROM on your PRO/1000 adapter may have errors. ACTION: Visit the support web site at for support. %2 PROBLEM: Could not start the PRO/1000 adapter. ACTION: Install updated driver. L%2 PROBLEM: Could not start the gigabit network connection. ACTION: Connect cable to the network device and restart, or disable Link Based Login and restart. %2 PROBLEM: Could not find a supported gigabit network connection. ACTION: Reinstall driver. %2 PROBLEM: Driver could not determine which supported gigabit network connection to load on. ACTION: Reinstall driver. %2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate the MAP REGISTERS necessary for operation. ACTION: Select the adapter in the network control panel applet. Click properties. Reduce the number of transmit descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: Could not assign an interrupt for the supported gigabit network connection. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. <%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate memory necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors, and coalesce buffers, then restart. H%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate shared memory necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors, and coalesce buffer, then restart. %2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate memory for receive structures. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate memory for receive descriptors. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate memory for receive buffers. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. X%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the gigabit network connection. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. X%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the gigabit network connection. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. X%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the gigabit network connection. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. X%2 PROBLEM: The PCI BIOS has NOT properly configured the gigabit network connection. ACTION: Get the latest BIOS for your computer. ACTION: Try another PCI slot. %2 PROBLEM: The gigabit network connection was not configured for bus mastering by the PCI BIOS. ACTION: Install the adapter in a bus mastering-capable slot. See your computer documentation for details. 0%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate the NDIS receive packets necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. 0%2 PROBLEM: Could not allocate the NDIS receive buffers necessary for operation. ACTION: Reduce the number of receive descriptors and restart. %2 PROBLEM: The OS was unable to assign PCI resources to the gigabit network connection. ACTION: Move the adapter to another slot. ACTION: Remove other hardware that may be causing a conflict. p%2 PROBLEM: The driver was unable to claim PCI resources of this gigabit network connection. ACTION: Remove any unused driver instances from the network control panel applet. %2 PROBLEM: The EEPROM on your gigabit network connection may have errors. ACTION: Contact your supplier for support. %2 PROBLEM: Could not start the gigabit network connection. ACTION: Install updated driver. 4VS_VERSION_INFO@p?StringFileInfo000004B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation5FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/1000 Adapter NDIS 6 deserialized driverTFileVersion8.3.15.0 built by: WinDDK: InternalNameE1G60I32.SYS2LegalCopyright1998-2007, Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenameE1G60I32.SYSTProductNameIntel(R) PRO/1000 Adapter6 ProductVersion8.3.15.0DVarFileInfo$Translation%838;;f<<=}=>?@_001242g2p2y27L889[99(:7:K:X:;>>>=?m?|???0<\001&2a223C3Y345559999:;;;;<3

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