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NWLANGUAGE=MsGtAcK=9~&p 0DOSAUSQVW.X)Ub!&, E U y ] c sH_^Y[]USn+&^.Z)[]USVv+ t.Z)^[]USQVvFŒ;u;s+ۊ.Z);rtHv+^Y[]U+.X)"t%F+Ftv vvvRPx+F]USQVvN+ۃr t .Z)+ތڋ^Y[]USnU+&F t &FX[]USQVW~vװы8@uu+_^Y[]USQVW~v+ыً+8@u++It'.Z)utD&E:tItJ_^Y[]Ê.Z)u<w ):~X0<9vª;u_Y[]USQVWvVt<0xt<0XuF +++ɋ~ 0r- r0 ar ;sr FsӋv++ЋÌ~ t5]_^Y[]USQ .X)V9'r=+''B'!r$?'!r;u"'$'+' 'Y[] USQv=t;9F r;P.X)' '''B'!Yr?V!r ;uY[]øUSQF+ۊ.Z).X)*)*)@!Y[]UVW.X)6V) PVPv, F<u: D|@)U_^]UVW.X)&'PVv#tbʿt2_^]UVWvFʿt2t_^]UVW.X)&'PVvtFV.l*.n* ʿ20_^]UVWFV.l*.n*v ʿ2_^]SQ.f*.6^*.`*.>Z*.\*+.6^* t&%t .Z)|%u&|.6^*.Z*͋.6^*.Z*.f*Y[Ë.6^*.Z*F<-uF Ph*PV .96h*t .6h*.b*<.uF Ph*PV .6h*.d*d*WV tOA.Z*.X)&)|.Z*|U+.Z*a.X)>)Nt+tVW0)PRQ` RPȉ<).d*t>0)0u u +ɢ0)<);r.d*+t.;b*s.b*+u &)|.Z*.>d*+><)trQϾ()|.Z*Y0)><).Z* &)|.Z*>)SQ+.f*׻@!Y[Q+.f*.>l*.>l*& YˁV t v,t@]Un>VE t v,tF]USQVW.X)#F #F ###V t#=!s"t#=!s.X)#####r#u&## u&vvV u#yЃ>#uɀ# ^V#u&Gt &OE< t<u &?It.$Ju#u~6#$PV.X)c<tF#&wV PVW.X)6#>!.X)#_^Y[]À&#߾$&##tr< t< u#6# F&#Zr<"t< t< t# u<,t<=u#u F#.#X##tNξ$+thXՁ%s#9#vW### rv uxV=vȿ@).X)-^ cwCcw>ϵ PWPQ] G rGWˀ s0 PWPQ: _-)->V)v6'''|&'&&,+&=uG.W. t"= vWe& _t@܉6''E' '~&\CG&E u;t$SVcS#=u?\t?:uC 'V=!rP.X)~&VX.X)&6'V&> 'NLS\V=u<t<;t<,t< t < tۥ;t;t%N&6'&6'\ u.X)~&=!r!v.X) '&FC u~&=!r'++sZ}&.X)'=!rE'x&z&dr5>}&tP<~&PPl6'~& u'&PP6'6'*&Pd''B'!r&'x?!r;r&u9'uj>'ucF9'uZ'''''''+'''B!r(&'?!r;r&'('+''''Ë'>!DOS Client Message File: LSL 101, Tran L1.0 e) ,<[]a0w0N{J2 c m X  3 The message file %s is invalid. The LSL was not loaded. The LSL has been successfully removed. Max Boards %u, Max Stacks %u BUFFERS %u %u The LSL has not been loaded. The configuration file used was "%s". Available command line options: /? -Displays this help screen /U -Removes the resident LSL from memory /C=[path\]filename -Specify a configuration file to use. (The default is NET.CFG.) . Board %u was still registered with the LSL. It has been shutdown. A default protocol stack for board %u is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. A prescan receive protocol stack for board %u is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. The protocol stack %s is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. The LSL failed to locate the configuration file "%s". Looking for NET.CFG. The NET.CFG file was not found. The LSL will use system defaults. An invalid command line option was specified: "%s". The LSL has already been loaded. Cannot find a loaded LSL to unload. The Multiplex Interrupt (2Fh) has no available slots. The LSL cannot be unloaded. Another program has been loaded after it. Unload the other program and try again. The LSL cannot be unloaded. Either the installed LSL is a different version than this LSL module, or another program has hooked the 2Fh interrupt vector and not released it. Unload the other program and try again. The configuration file contains an invalid entry on line %u. Ignored the entry "%s" The configuration file contains a missing or invalid value for keyword "%s" on line %u. The entry was ignored. An invalid filename was specified: "%s". Buffers %u, Buffer size %u bytes, Memory pool %u bytes. VeRsIoN=1.01 Novell Link Support Layer for DOS ODI message file.The LSL version is v%hu.%.2hu The LSL configuration table version is v%hu.%.2hu LSL Initial Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL Protocol Support Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL General Services Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL MLID Support Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL Config Table pointer = %.4X:%.4X LSL Stat Table pointer = %.4X:%.4X Memory Pool Memory Available: %4u paragraphs Memory Inuse: %4u paragraphs Largest Available Block %4u paragraphs Number Available Blocks %u Memory Management Overhead %u bytes Minimum Allowed Allocation %u bytes Internal Information Table: LSLProtoIDArray %.4X:%.4X LSLSystemFlags %.4X:%.4X LSLPStackBoundMLIDFlags %.4X:%.4X LSLMLIDBitMasks %.4X:%.4X LSLStackNames %.4X:%.4X LSLMediaIDTable %.4X:%.4X A prescan transmit protocol stack for board %u is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. The LSL cannot be unloaded. Another program has hooked and not released one or more of the LSL interrupts. Unload the other program and try again. The LSL was not Unloaded. The LSL machine type is IBM. The LSL machine type is NEC. The LSL machine type is Fujitsu (FMR). The LSL machine type is %u. CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1990 - 1996, by Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. LaNgUaGe=English (English)