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"u?Swh3Ɏ& t. &G t."[Xt3ÃPQRv!˃ӈj"XtZYXUÌَۋ um3؋Ь<0r]<9w,0 ueCR)eÅuu^}Åuu`}ËfffPeãeãeãeãeãeãeW6@}s1_&=u&}t&=>$tL}R}}6 &G$F_6b}WQJr/&}t.}D&9u u &U&E&EH}VT^|uY_⻀>L}tWVu<&u&=t^_^_&=u&}t&= ^_`}~JKLIML)%  & '   &'( y z {   v w x  u |  0123456789ABCDEF0x12341234DRIVERNAME&NODE& 0vSPEEDDUPLEX& vSLOT& 1wCACHEFLUSH& LwDEBUG& }wADVERTISE& vFLOWCONTROL& wB0WA& wFIFOWA& wSMARTSPEED& wUSELASTSLOT& \wTXLOOPCOUNT& lwMEMMAP& wCHECKFORHANG& w\DEV\E1000$ \DEV\PROTMAN$Intel(R) Gigabit Network Connection Driver v5.64 092310 Copyright 2000-2010, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Intel(R) Gigabit Network Connection Media: SerDesMedia: FiberMedia: CopperError: PROTOCOL.INI does not have a DRIVERNAME = E1000 entry. Error: PROTOCOL.INI does not have a DRIVERNAME = E1000x entry. The driver looks for DRIVERNAME based on its load order in CONFIG.SYS, the second E1000 driver loaded uses E10002, the third uses E10003, etc. Error: The driver detected multiple Intel(R) Gigabit Network Connections in PCI slots, therefore the SLOT parameter must be exactly specified for each PCI driver instance, and there must be an adapter in the SLOT specified. Error: Unsupported Memory Manager Present Unable to initialize protected mode services Action : - Remove all memory managers from this configuration. Error: Unable to locate the PCI LAN adapter. Use the driver on the driver disk that shipped with the adapter installed in this computer. Error: Unable to locate the PCI LAN Adapter. The following are possible causes: 1. The system may not support the PCI bus. 2. The PCI adapter may not be properly installed in a slot. 3. Some of the PCI adapter resources in configuration space may be invalid. Check for possible errors listed above and run adapter diagnostics. Forced Speed/Duplex: SPEEDUPLEX parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be 0, 1, 2, or 3 decimal. Using default value of automatic speed-detect. ADVERTISE parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. FLOWCONTROL parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. SLOT parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0x0000-0xFFFF hexadecimal. AUTONEGAUTONEG parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0 - 1. Using default value of 0. The space allocated for data+buffers exceeds the initial driver load size. Under Windows for Workgroups, you MUST reduce the buffer allocations. Failure: Driver did not load, NDIS environment invalid. Error: Driver did not load, could not allocate minimal requirements for buffers. Total code+data size of the driver has exceeded 64Kb due to the TRANSMITBUFFERS and RECEIVEBUFFERS parameter values in PROTOCOL.INI. TRANSMITBUFFERS has been set to RECEIVEBUFFERS has been set to Failure: Driver did not load, Protocol Manager did not let driver register. Error: Interrupt not available or stack requirements exceed available. Multiple network interface connections found in slots: SLOT parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is incorrect: the slot is empty or the adapter in that slot has not been enabled. Using adapter found in slot Error: Unable to load using the user-specified adapter individual node address. Unable to load using the individual node address stored on the adapter. A valid address must be provided by using the NODE parameter in PROCOTOL.INI. The NODE parameter value has an improper length, content, or format. Value must be 12 hexadecimal digits enclosed in double quotes. The NODE parameter has a multicast address format, because the second digit is one of: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, B, D, or F. The NODE parameter contains all zeroes. Replace the value with a valid non-zero address. PCI ID: Defaulting to slot Slot not specifiedUsing last slotUsing specified slotUsing slot specified as bus:deviceSpecified slot invalid for driver instance x. Loading on PCI device VEN_&DEV_&SUBSYS_&REV_ in slot /Speed: 1000 Mbps Full Duplex 100 Mbps10 Mbps10 Mbps Half Duplex 10 Mbps Full Duplex 100 Mbps Half Duplex 100 Mbps Full Duplex Duplex: Full Duplex Half Duplex Permanent MAC Address: Current MAC Address: The adapter PCI Device Id was not found in the DeviceTable. Multiple network interface connections found in slots: Single network interface connection found in slot Forced Speed/Duplex: Autonegotiated Speed/Duplex: Speed/Duplex: 1000 Mbps Full Duplex No link Bus Device Function BaseIO: MACType: