; Extended DOS NIF file [E100B] Type = NDIS Title = Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection Version = 4.59 Drivername = E100B$ Xports = NETBEUI LANDD [FILE] Name = E100B.DOS [SPEED] display = "Media Speed" type = Decimal set = 10, 100 optional = YES editable = YES help = "The driver can configure the adapter for either 10 or 100 Mbps. Assigning a value to this parameter will override the Auto-Speed-Sense feature of the driver. Leave the field blank to enable the Auto-Speed-Sense feature." [FORCEDUPLEX] display = "Force Duplex Mode" type = Decimal set = 1, 2 optional = YES editable = YES help = "The driver can configure the adapter for either Half or Full Duplex. Automatic detection of Full Duplex REQUIRES a hub with ports which are capable of performing N-Way auto-negotiation, so forcing the duplex mode to Full is recommended for most users connecting to a Full Duplex hub. Assigning a value of 1 (Half) or 2 (Full) to this parameter will override the auto-negotiation feature of the adapter, and will also make the SPEED parameter REQUIRED. Leave the field blank to enable the auto-negotiation feature." [SLOT] display = "Slot/Device Identifier" type = Hexadecimal range = 0-1FFF optional = YES editable = YES help = "Use of this parameter is only required in systems with more than one adapter installed. If you are installing more than one PCI adapter: 1) complete the configuration process, but leave the Slot field blank for each driver; 2) restart the system and record the list of Slots that each driver displays; 3) complete the configuration by assigning one of the values from the list to the Slot parameter of each driver. Leave the field blank if you have only one adapter installed." [NODE] display = "Locally Administered Address" type = String strlength = 12 optional = YES editable = YES help = "Use of this parameter to modify the network address used by the adapter."