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A TSR is loaded above the driver. The adapter did not initialize. did not load. You need another driver section in the NET.CFG file in order to load the LAN driver again. A NET.CFG is required to load the driver again. The following configuration file entry was ignored: The driver has been successfully removed. The driver does not support frame . The protocol keyword has been ignored. The protocol keyword must have a frame type. Entry ignored. The driver could not register Protocol ID for protocol stack for frame type The frame type is already activated for frame The node address was incorrectly specified in NET.CFG. An invalid keyword was specified in NET.CFG on line The frame type specified in the NET.CFG is not supported. An invalid node address is specified in NET.CFG. The driver modified the incorrect address bits. This driver requires LSL version 2.11 or higher.The driver did not load.A missing or invalid value was specified on line Driver registered as a NESL Suspend Class producer. !Driver registered as a NESL Resume Class producer. "Driver registered as a NESL Service Change Class producer. #The driver requires the NetWare Event Service Layer (NESL). $NetWare Event Service Layer (NESL) is Loaded. Available command line options: -Installs the LAN driver S -Shows resident LAN drivers in memory U -Unloads resident LAN driver from memory ? -Displays this help screen The following LAN drivers are loaded in memory: v is loaded at Segment h. Invalid parameter. -DOS-Slot IRQ Port DMA Mem Node Address L M, LSB Mode, MSB ModeMax Frame bytesLine Speed Mbps KbpsBus ID Board , Frame Unknown.. : ,  The HSM's version of the statistics table is not supported.The HSM's version of the configuration table is not supported.The HSM forgot to set the MSMTxFreeCount variable during DriverInit.The HSM forgot to set the MSMLookAheadSegment variable during DriverInit.The HSM has set the MSMTxFreeCount too High.The HSM returned an invalid return code.This driver must run on a 386 processor or better.MSM = v2.10 (960401) pIPXpsvy|эՍ   lqq7?HH 5 k >u> uܺ>4uҀ>5u˸/5!&?t&tP/<Xt uۍuu;u&| r&| s?NYl>t'., tI!>!1! B  L!PSQRWVZa\P/<Xtu ㍹uZ\ ^_ZY[XP@>t>u 5 L!6zDDLZuu;ttEu#J3RPZrt RpPZR- Z) # úr s3Żu16Ż3&9L&u&|26 uE=u3PSQRUWVzu\3u&Gr&#Gt@u&G\ t  2&Grw&T<ž;Tt >3۸9zȣS[t_VzE$]&m&ȉE0E4E8}@tEBA;u>t 髃3À>uu<#t<;t t< t0< t,žŀd Hu>u>!u<#t<;t륋3ۋƲtGMu t#3ۋڋyt Mu z*ۺSwz=!r3 SQR&~B?!ra t]<"t@<'t;u t&iu Q3Yux >u 3úŎBڎL! t8< t4< t0<#t,<;t("ǿA u PVW< t< t<;u2 u_^Xu t t P t< t< t<=t3N Xu_<#u2uU<t<uMuEfWhuu5Wj3Ãtru"<#uu<t<uCu w3ú ~jxrlXuր<#uu<t<uăXuW^6uKuW`3&u3BYr>RG"t LtMt֍>U]uÍ>u0ww㓍ъ2<tJuEBu@<t;ŋWV? G^_t Ju*%Gú@ >u> 3>IPXSŃt+;t%u3ɋ? GV^t Ju뺋Gus>SP>t vGxvg"^^u&;tō.tO"@g"^G6DG6QQzW2BZL!fތ=w2H&@&>t@.,;t&9t׌;u3ɻDDD]WzW2BLFL!3Ɋ+33Ҭ< t< tztL!PSR tkz&W.Bb&GPP2`X2< sP3KXGu񺰕3z{|}Z[Xؾ&D &D&D &D @  3oBuĒ7ؾ&D &D&D &DEBu ؾ&D &D&D &DBu3r u &GtTX;tX`PX`uf&>EISAuԃffXff5fPfffXf3fQffuN+&>juA&>hnu8n&=u*&}]0&=tG;r&} u&}Pu= =CSu tr ufPCI uMEDIA = v2.10 (960401) Ethernet7 7( 0 / z &: U3>Mu>z]$u<ʼnŃtuň ( U(+ЉU*U,uM,ŋ+ۈjWVM"e"⏡ţţ`ţ<ţ$I +Ë 6á##@ta>MuU׆׆IuLt t tu*tt&ʑ wؑ>E100BODI 0HSM_SPEC_VERSION: 4.00VeRsIoN=Intel(R) PRO PCI Adapter v4.14 (090123) Copyright 2001-2009, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.LINK DRIVER E100BODITXFIFORXFIFOSPEEDTXTHRESHOLDFORCEDUPLEXTXDMACOUNTRXDMACOUNTPHYADDRESSMCWACONGENBADAPTIVEIFSFRAMEGAPEARLYRECVHDSSIZEIRQMODELOADALLENHANCEDREVERSE keyword value in NET.CFG or on command line is out of range. Value must be in the range Using default value of TXFIFO0 - 15 decimal. 8. RXFIFOSPEEDValue should be 10 or 100 decimal. Auto-Negotiation will set the speed. TXTHRESHOLD0 - 254 decimal. The automatic TXTHRESHOLD algorithm will remain enabled. FORCEDUPLEXValue should be 1 or 2. Auto-Negotiation will set the duplex mode. IRQMODEValue should be 0, 1 or 2. The driver will auto-detect IRQ sharing mode. EARLYRECVValue should be 0 or 1. 1. MCWA0 - 10 decimal. 2. CONGENB0 - 1 decimal. 0. FRAMEGAP6 - 15 decimal. 6. IFS0 - 255 decimal. PHYADDRESS0 - 32 decimal. Auto-negotiation will determine the PHYADDRESS. TXDMACOUNT0 - 127 decimal. 0. RXDMACOUNTThe network driver could not detect a PHY at the specified address. Try re-loading the driver without specifying the PHY address or check the PHY address. The network driver could not detect a cable link. Auto-negotiation will remain enabled. Speed determined at link time. The network driver detected a link on MII PHY at PHY address 0. It will isolate PHY 1 (if present) and put PHY 0 in Normal mode. The network driver detected a PHY supporting 100Base-T4. Full Duplex is not supported for this PHY and the override was ignored. The network driver will default to auto negotiation mode. Cannot find an Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection. Possible Causes : - The PCI adapter may not be properly installed in the slot. - Some of the PCI adapter resources in config space may be invalid because the PCI BIOS could not allocate the resources. Action : - Check for possible errors listed above, run adapter diagnostics, and if the problem persists, contact your network supplier. The network adapter failed self test. Possible Causes : - The adapter is not in a bus-mastering slot. - The adapter is not functioning normally. Possible Actions : - Move the adapter to another PCI slot. - Run adapter diagnostics to verify that the adapter works properly. Cannot allocate an Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection. Possible Causes : - All adapters in the system are currently in use. - The adapter in the PCI slot specifed by the SLOT keyword is currently in use. - There is no adapter in the slot specifed by the SLOT keyword Possible Actions: - Add another adapter to the system. - Correct the problem related to the use of the SLOT keyword. The network adapter did not receive the proper resources from the PCI BIOS. Cause : - The PCI BIOS was unable to assign some of the resources requested by the adapter. Action : - Remove some PCI devices from machine to see if resources get allocated. If problems persist, contact your network supplier. Illegal node address : multicast address format. Cause : - The node address of the adapter has a multicast address format, where the least significant bit of the most significant address byte is a 1. Action : - Specify a unique node address override using the NODE parameter in NET.CFG or on command line. Illegal node address : all zeroes. Cause : - The node address of the adapter contains all zeroes. This is not a valid ethernet address. Action : - Specify a unique node address override using the NODE parameter in NET.CFG or on command line. Unable to configure the network adapter. Cause : - The network adapter did not respond to a configuration command during initialization. Action : - Verify that the adapter is properly installed in the slot. If the problem persists, run diagnostics. Unable to set up the node address of the adapter. Cause : - The network adapter did not respond to a node address set up command during initialization. Action : - Verify that the adapter is properly installed in the slot. If the problem persists, run diagnostics. User specified INTERRUPT does not match the hardware settings. Action : - The driver will use the hardware setting for interrupt. To change the setting, please reconfigure the adapter. EEPROM checksum was incorrect. Cause : - The installed EEPROM may be bad. Action : - Contact your network services supplier for a replacement Automatic speed-detect feature failed. Forcing speed and duplex. Supports 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX Supports 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T4 Supports 10BASE2, 10BASE5, 10BASE-T Ethernet (BNC,AUI and/or TPE) Using Half Duplex Connection Using Full Duplex Connection Disabled Enabled Early Receive Mode is Interrupt Sharing is CB Modem56 enabler is active PCI ID: / Running on an Intel 82559 Running on an Intel 82558 Running on an Intel 82557 $.29DLU\cjr   P(h H@\..... fSfWfQl3f>ۋ?A;yr33f>gfGfGA;yr=u fYf_f[f3fYf_f[pf .USWVfQ$ f^fySPyfY^_[].SQ2C@@ċ2C@@=prPXu =rߴ2Y[.Sص*2$s M*+[.SQ3۹t Y[Ð $ ËP$X.PSR2C@@ċ2C@@;rZ[X.$ ËUSWV`lf8Wd_lmt|݉y6ca^_[]Ðf@tftffff`mln6lT> >tR>uuAmffff U>oީuut udt8>muޢnffff =ouޢ>muffff =oީu>muuޢRPS[XZunQ>nt;C6  v<txffa3fa Ë>u2fff =  >u f%f%,=ot`t>v>t/>t(>t!>u>vduRPS[XZalfff~<>vdt v % %%>lu f%f%}<xy>nu2>u RPS9[XZxv RPS[XZ@>>>oީ fff ;%Pfff ;%Ytd#xuGu4u!uv v vdvdvd>tPxv nxfff ;uv vdt70xfff :@tv vd3Ðfff:qfff :o qto#qރt3ø .-fff \:Pfff H:fXf=Pfff [:fff :ff%:ufPfRfQf 55fYfZfXPfff 3:Xusfff  9fff 9ff%9u fPfRfQf 4fd4fYfZfXfff 09fff C93.>vfff  9Pfff  9fXf= \fff fP8fX8tBfff 9fRf23fZfff fP8fX8duHfff 8fRf23fZfff fPg8fXb8 u63ÉvfPRPSN[XZfXÐ>v f>P>tfQfSf>tLfff 7fff 7%ufRfQfd2fYfZufff 7f[fYf[fY.fff 7Pfff m7fXff%ff=u2f=Pu#f=Puf= \ufff <7fPfy2fXËffff %7fQ2fff6ffQf1fYfff 6 u.S>tb ua6VWfQR f;tttdz;6tF݉b޴ZfY_^ [ÐSڴ[2d ÐSڴ [e .Sڴ [fg ËSڴ [Ðр<t7u<r w{$ԺyԺԺԺԺр<tu<r w| zdр<tu tdu2vSԺyMԺG.0р<t4u<r =wbԺyԺԺn Ժ.Ѐ<t4Cu<w<t'fu GfӺyӺ.Ѐ<t7u<r w$KӺyӺӺVӺӺipЀ<t!u<r wnb뾺nZËDЀ<t-u w:Ӻy4Ӻ.Ӻ(Ӻ"Ë Ѐ<t3_u =w$ӺyҺҺҺҺπ<t3#u w$ҺyҺҺҺҺπ<thu =w~ҺyҺ~Һxdπ<t8ur w}$UҺyOҺIҺCҺ=Һ7. π<t=suwu$b ҺyҺҺlѺѺË΀<t+u=w ΀<tu wѺyѺË΀<tu.|΀<tu.h΀<tu.VW336Nۿ> u!Nۍ>Pbމ3E6NF6N>u6Nt_^UVWFR!&GF@F3ۋ&G@F@ǹF&%G8t 8uIu &?Mt33 NFu3B_^]VW t0;t*»&GZPۋN;uE IuF_^VWju"PۋN j>bދ׿fgރleމeމ,eމ.eމ3ɿedވ<WdހtRtMQVeހtY>nt:ntRPSD[XZnh>0| >0h3_^ËUVWF32F2FvV uKtFu<vV:Nu-F*2F<vV V:NuFNNrۊNN rNNr_^]ÐVW#G#Gu5D`PPPGEPPPGPPPG"D`PPP|GEPPPkGEuEuE u NEu3_^ËVWVP DPPE_^.G" )jIlnfpf#t'6ۍ> b޿Lfgޣ)v< t)*<uM=A4;?GLȢKNpO3QS2TM.RPS[XZ0123456789ABCDEF1234>rQփbYr.RV6666|3^>u#t tKWrOG3w }.'*"4t*K*>uaZ&(0.`EuCE\DZErD^E^D\u*QfPWNۿPffPNۿPfXf_fXY>C>4ȁ> t>htbu >tDZE\D\E^D^Er VW"_^ K f'DfEFs#Dx