' Updated for Static IP in Adapters and Teams Option Explicit Dim colArgs, strSettingsFile, SValueSet, SessionObject, NetServiceObject Dim strIfSetFile, strFileName, strSave, strChoices, strInput, bError, strNetSerObjPath Dim strSettingName, strFname, index, bUserInput, bModified, NetServiceSet Dim totalAdapters, totalTeams, existTotalAdapters, bNewTeam, ServiceObject, FinalTargetObj Dim AdapterSets, AdapterObj, wbemServices, strComputer, bHasTeamOrVLAN, wbemServices1 Dim bMisMatch, bSelected, strSettingsIndex, strCapabilities, strAdapterName, strAdapterPCIDeviceID, strOrgDispName Dim arrPrivDesc(), arrTeamPrivDesc(), Adapters(), Captions(), Teams() ,AdapterPath(), AdapterPCIDeviceID() Dim TeamsObjSet, TeamObj,Temp ,VLANObjSet, VLANObj, virtualAdapterSets, virtualAdapterObj Dim bMFOEnabled, shell, IPFilePath, HyperVFilePath const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 const ET_Supported = "FALSE" Dim strRemove, strRemoveAnsOnly Dim OSVersion, OSProductType Dim isPowerManagementSupported Dim bNoAns Dim isTimeOutValueModified, oldTimeOutValue bNoAns = false isPowerManagementSupported = False dim strOEMCustomizeableValue, strOS 'Dim blTenGigFETeamError 'blTenGigFETeamError = False 'During DMiX-to-DMiX upgrade scenarios only, the PermanentAddress 'will be stored in the config file instead of the PCIDeviceID. 'The is due to the fact that the initial release of DMiX 'did not have support for the PCIDeviceID property. Dim bIsUpgrade bIsUpgrade = False 'Initialize to FALSE. Dim InParameterETObj,TempETObject,OutParameterETObj Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Set env = shell.Environment("USER") IPFilePath = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") IPFilePath = IPFilePath & "\StaticIP.txt" HyperVFilePath = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") HyperVFilePath = HyperVFilePath & "\HyperV.txt" ' arrays used to store TeamedMemberAdapter Information ' poor workaround for Wscript 5.1 (Windows 2000) - classes are not supported Dim TeamedMemberAdapterName(64, 10) Dim TeamedMemberAdapterPCIDeviceID(64, 10) Dim TeamedMemberAdapterPreferredPrimarySetting(64, 10) ' Dim TeamedMemberAdapterGroupComponentSetting(64, 10) ' not currently used Dim TeamedMemberAdapterPartComponentSetting(64, 10) Const maxAdapterTeamVLANs = 64 Const maxAdapterTeam = 64 Const wbemFlagAmendedCreateOnly = &h20002 Const wbemFlagAmendedUpdateOnly = &h20001 Const maxSettings = 1000 Const DefaultFileName = "WmiConf.txt" Const SLA_TEAM_TYPE = "2" Const GEC_TEAM_TYPE = "3" Set colArgs = WScript.Arguments strComputer = "." CheckAdminRights() GetOSVersion() ' Check submitted arguments, show Usage for no arguments, ? or help arguments If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) Then PrintUsage() Else If (WScript.Arguments(0) = "?" ) OR (LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "help") Then PrintUsage() Else ' Assign variables after determining what combination of options have been submitted If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then strIfSetFile = "FALSE" If LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "save" Then strSave = "TRUE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "restore" Then strSave = "FALSE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "upsave" Then bIsUpgrade = True strSave = "TRUE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "uprestore" Then bIsUpgrade = True strSave = "FALSE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "remove" Then strRemove = "TRUE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "removeansonly" Then strRemove = "TRUE" strRemoveAnsOnly = "TRUE" End If Else If LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "save" Then strSave = "TRUE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "restore" Then strSave = "FALSE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "upsave" Then bIsUpgrade = True strSave = "TRUE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "uprestore" Then bIsUpgrade = True strSave = "FALSE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "remove" Then MsgBox "remove all" strRemove = "TRUE" ElseIf LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) = "removeansonly" Then MsgBox "ans only" strRemove = "TRUE" strRemoveAnsOnly = "TRUE" End If If LCase(WScript.Arguments(1)) = "default" Then strIfSetFile = "FALSE" Else strIfSetFile = "TRUE" End If End If 'Execute Save, Restore, Install or Remove on what data user submitted, depending on the arguments set above If (strIfSetFile = "FALSE") Then strSettingsFile = defaultFileName If (bIsUpgrade = True) AND (strSave = "TRUE") Then WScript.Echo "Executing Save during upgrade on local computer with " & strSettingsFile SaveSettings(strSettingsFile) ElseIf (bIsUpgrade = True) AND (strSave = "FALSE") Then WScript.Echo "Executing Restore during upgrade on local computer with " & strSettingsFile RestoreSettings(strSettingsFile) ElseIf strSave = "TRUE" Then WScript.Echo "Executing Save on local computer with " & strSettingsFile SaveSettings(strSettingsFile) ElseIf strSave = "FALSE" Then WScript.Echo "Executing Restore on local computer with " & strSettingsFile RestoreSettings(strSettingsFile) Elseif strRemove = "TRUE" Then WScript.Echo "Executing Remove on local computer" Remove() Else WScript.Echo "Unrecognized keyword: " & WScript.Arguments(0) & ". Keyword must be 'save' or 'restore' or 'remove' only." End If Else strSettingsFile = WScript.Arguments(1) If (bIsUpgrade = True) AND (strSave = "TRUE") Then WScript.Echo "Executing Save during upgrade on local computer with " & strSettingsFile SaveSettings(strSettingsFile) ElseIf (bIsUpgrade = True) AND (strSave = "FALSE") Then WScript.Echo "Executing Restore during upgrade on local computer with " & strSettingsFile RestoreSettings(strSettingsFile) ElseIf strSave = "TRUE" Then WScript.Echo "Executing Save on local computer with " & strSettingsFile SaveSettings(strSettingsFile) ElseIf strSave = "FALSE" Then WScript.Echo "Executing Restore on local computer with " & strSettingsFile RestoreSettings(strSettingsFile) Elseif strRemove = "TRUE" Then WScript.Echo "Executing Remove on local computer with " & strSettingsFile Remove() Else WScript.Echo "Unrecognized keyword: " & WScript.Arguments(0) & ". Keyword must be 'save' or 'restore' or 'remove' only." End If End If End If End If Sub GetOSVersion() Dim objWMI, objItem, colItems Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48) For Each objItem in colItems OSVersion = Left(objItem.Version,3) ' Stop errors from causing the script to fail. ' ProductType is not in the Windows 2000 or NT4 WMI On Error Resume Next OSProductType = Left(objItem.ProductType,2) ' If there was an error accessing this property, we know the OS is Windows 2000 or NT4 if err.number <> 0 then ' Set OSProductType to an arbitrary value. It is only checked if the OSVersion is 5.2 OSProductType = -1 end if On Error Goto 0 ' Allow errors to halt the script again Next End Sub '======================================================================================= ' ' Sub: CheckAdminRights() ' '======================================================================================= Sub CheckAdminRights Dim oReg Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 Const KEY_CREATE = &H0020 Dim bHasAccessRights: bHasAccessRights = False Dim bHasAccessRights2: bHasAccessRights2 = False Dim bHasAccessRights3: bHasAccessRights3 = False Dim bHasAccessRights4: bHasAccessRights4 = False oReg.CheckAccess HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\" , KEY_CREATE, bHasAccessRights oReg.CheckAccess HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\" , KEY_CREATE, bHasAccessRights2 oReg.CheckAccess HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "CONTROL PANEL\" , KEY_CREATE, bHasAccessRights3 oReg.CheckAccess HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\" , KEY_CREATE, bHasAccessRights4 If ((bHasAccessRights = False) Or (bHasAccessRights2 = False) or (bHasAccessRights3 = False) or (bHasAccessRights4 = False)) Then WScript.echo "Save/Restore Script requires Administrative Rights. Please log in as an Administrator and try again. In Windows* Vista, this script must be run as the built-in Administrator. Other users with administrative rights do not have sufficient rights to execute this script.", 0, "Intel(R) Save/Restore Script" WScript.Quit(0) End If End Sub '======================================================================================= ' ' Sub: SaveOemCustomizeableSetting() ' Description: Saves the current value of OEMCustomizeable in the NCS2 dmix key ' '======================================================================================= function SaveOemCustomizeableSetting() dim regAccess dim strKeyPath, strValueName, dwValue dim retValue const KEY_QUERY_VALUE = &H0001 const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 set regAccess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Network_Services\NCS2" strValueName = "OEMCustomizeable" regAccess.GetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue retValue = "OEMCustomizeable=" & dwValue SaveOemCustomizeableSetting=retValue end function '======================================================================================= ' ' Sub: RestoreOemCustomizeableSetting() ' Description: Restores the saved value of OEMCustomizeable in the NCS2 dmix key ' '======================================================================================= sub RestoreOemCustomizeableSetting(byVal setting) dim regAccess dim strKeyPath, strValueName, dwValue const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 if setting <> "" then wscript.echo "Setting Oem Customizeable Value" set regAccess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Network_Services\NCS2" strValueName = "OEMCustomizeable" regAccess.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,setting end if end sub '======================================================================================= ' ' Sub: PrintUsage() ' '======================================================================================= Sub PrintUsage() WScript.Echo "Intel(R) SavResDx.vbs version 1.0 " WScript.Echo "Copyright (C) Intel, Inc. 2005. All rights reserved." WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo " Usage: SavResDX.vbs keywords default/settingsfile" WScript.Echo " Keywords are required and are 'save' or 'restore' only." WScript.Echo " Settings file can be the keyword 'default' or an explicit file name." WScript.Echo " Settings filename must include the file path." WScript.Echo " Default filename is WMIConf.txt, saved to the current directory." WScript.Echo " Default filename is used if no settings filename is given or" WScript.Echo " the keyword 'default' is used." End Sub '======================================================================================= ' ' Sub: SaveSettings(ByVal strFname) ' Save Adapter's, team's and VLAN's info. and settings info. to a text file. ' Save Adapter's compatiblity settings. ' '======================================================================================= Sub SaveSettings(byVal strFileName) dim colNetDevicesPhysical,colNetDevicesLogical dim objNetDevicePhyObj,objFile,objNetDeviceLogObj dim wbemServices dim DeviceIndex 'Create a configuration file If IsEmpty(CreateConfigFile(strFileName)) Then Exit sub Else Set objFile=CreateConfigFile(strFileName) End If objFile.WriteLine "*** NCS2 DMiX Save Data ***" objFile.WriteLine "*** Date " & Date & " Time " & Time() & " ***" objFile.WriteLine "**********************************************" objFile.WriteLine "" ' Save the OEMCustomeizable Setting for ViiV objFile.WriteLine SaveOemCustomizeableSetting() objFile.WriteLine "OS=" & OSVersion ' Set wbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/IntelNcs2") Set wbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/IntelNcs2") wbemServices.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeLoadDriverPrivilege", True 'Get all instances from IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter for adapters Set colNetDevicesPhysical = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter") 'Save Adapters DeviceIndex=1 For each objNetDevicePhyObj in colNetDevicesPhysical 'Save settings for only Intel adapters by checking for Non-Intel and disabled adapters ' If (StrComp(Mid(objNetDevicePhyObj.Caption, 1, 13), "Intel(R)", vbTextCompare)) = 0 AND (objNetDevicePhyObj.StatusInfo= 3) then If(InStr(1,objNetDevicePhyObj.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0) AND (objNetDevicePhyObj.StatusInfo= 3) then 'Save Adapter specific info objFile.WriteBlankLines(1) SaveAdapterInfo objFile, objNetDevicePhyObj, DeviceIndex 'Express teams are no longer supported 'If objNetDevicePhyObj.ExpressTeaming=1 Then ' SaveExpressTeamInfo objFile, objNetDevicePhyObj, wbemServices 'End if SaveAdvancedSettings objFile, objNetDevicePhyObj, wbemServices SaveVlanSettings objFile, objNetDevicePhyObj, wbemServices DeviceIndex=DeviceIndex + 1 End if Next objFile.WriteBlankLines(1) 'Get all instances from IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter for teams Set colNetDevicesLogical = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter") ' SCR 50668 Fix: Without ANS installed, the IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter class ' Is not exposed in the WMI, causing the for each loop below to fail. Since ' isNull() and isEmpty() are not reflecting when IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter ' is not there, it was needed to be done like this. ' Turn on error handling (script does not halt on errors) on Error Resume Next For each objNetDeviceLogObj in colNetDevicesLogical ' check if there was an error accessing the Logical Adapter collection ' if not, get the ANS information if err.number = 0 then 'Save Team specific info SaveTeamInfo objFile, objNetDeviceLogObj, DeviceIndex, wbemServices SaveTeamAdvancedSettings objFile, objNetDeviceLogObj, wbemServices SaveVlanSettings objFile, objNetDeviceLogObj, wbemServices DeviceIndex=DeviceIndex + 1 objFile.WriteBlankLines(1) end if Next ' Turn off error handling (script halts on errors again) on Error Goto 0 objFile.WriteBlankLines(1) objFile.close Wscript.Echo "Saving done!" 'if bIsUpgrade then ' SaveHyperVSettings HyperVFilePath 'end if SaveStaticIPSettings(IPFilePath) End Sub '**************************************************************************** Private Function SaveAdapterInfo(objFile,objAdapter,DeviceIndex) dim LastCapIndex dim index,bFound bFound = False LastCapIndex=Ubound(objAdapter.Capabilities) 'objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Name=" & objAdapter.Caption 20/2/2004 objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Name=" & objAdapter.OriginalDisplayName If bIsUpgrade Then 'Save MAC address in config file for DMiX-to-DMiX upgrade scenarios only. objFile.WriteLine "Adapter PCIDeviceID=" & objAdapter.PermanentAddress Else objFile.WriteLine "Adapter PCIDeviceID=" & objAdapter.PCIDeviceID End if objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Index=" & DeviceIndex objFile.WriteLine "Private Description=" objFile.Write "Adapter Capabilities=" For index = 0 to LastCapIndex-1 objFile.Write objAdapter.Capabilities(index) objFile.Write "," if( objAdapter.Capabilities(index) = 50) then bFound = True End if Next if bFound then isPowerManagementSupported = True Else isPowerManagementSupported = False End if objFile.WriteLine objAdapter.Capabilities(LastCapIndex) objFile.WriteLine "Description=" & objAdapter.Description End Function '***************************************************************************** Private Function CreateConfigFile(byVal strFileName) dim fso dim file Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file=fso.CreateTextFile(strFileName,True) Set CreateConfigFile=file End Function '***************************************************************************** Private Function SaveAdvancedSettings(objFile,objAdapter,wbemServices) dim strQuery dim IANET_config dim IANet_Obj,OutParam dim oNamedValueSet Set oNamedValueSet = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet") oNamedValueSet.Add "GET_EXTENSIONS", true oNamedValueSet.Add "GET_EXT_KEYS_ONLY", false oNamedValueSet.Add "IANet_PartialData", 512 ' We only want to skip DCB settings if its an upgrade and FCoE or iSCSI is being changed from the previous install state dim bSkipDcbSettings : bSkipDcbSettings = false if (bIsUpgrade=True) then ' Check if DCB or FCOE is being modified before saving the settings ' This needs to happen dim oReg Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") dim strKeyPath : strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\INTEL\Prounstl" ' These flags are set by the MSI Custom action "CA_CHECK_IF_DCB_DEFAULTS_NEED_TO_BE_RESET" and designates when DCB defaults should be set dim strFcoeValueName : strFcoeValueName = "DCB_Update_FCoE" dim strIscsiValueName : strIscsiValueName = "DCB_Update_iSCSI" dim strFcoeValue oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strFcoeValueName, strFcoeValue dim strIscsiValue oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strIscsiValueName, strIscsiValue ' if strFcoeValue OR strIscsiValue is changing, we need to skip DCB settings so they aren't restored later if (strFcoeValue="1") OR (strIscsiValue="1") then bSkipDcbSettings = true end if end if strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_AdapterSetting" Set IANet_config = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,oNamedValueSet) For Each IANet_Obj In IANet_config 'Check for ExpressTeaming setting, and skip saving it if it exists. If (StrComp(Mid(IANet_Obj.Caption, 1, 14), "ExpressTeaming", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then 'For avoiding Express Team Info If (Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting(IANet_Obj.Caption) = FALSE) AND (Is_StaticIP_Setting(IANet_Obj.Caption) = FALSE) Then ' Don't save GVRP, GMRP or Static IP settings if IANet_Obj.Description<>"DcbCfg" OR (IANet_Obj.Description="DcbCfg" AND bSkipDcbSettings=false) then ' Dont save DCB settings unless we're not to skip them (see above note) objFile.WriteLine "setting Name=" & IANet_Obj.Caption on error resume next objFile.WriteLine "setting Current Value=" & IANet_Obj.CurrentValue if err then dim szLLIPort dim szPortsList szPortsList = "" for each szLLIPort in IANet_Obj.CurrentValues if StrComp(szLLIPort, " ", vbTextCompare) <> 0 then szPortsList = szPortsList & szLLIPort & "," end if next objFile.WriteLine "setting Current Value=" & szPortsList end if on error goto 0 objFile.WriteLine "setting Description=" & IANet_Obj.Description end if End If End If Next 'Power Saver if (isPowerManagementSupported = True) Then ' Some older versions of DMXI do not support all these power ' management options so we need to move on if there is a failure on error resume next Set OutParam = objAdapter.ExecMethod_("GetPowerUsageOptions") if isnull(OutParam.AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled) Then else objFile.WriteLine"setting Name=AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled" objFile.WriteLine"setting Current Value=" & OutParam.AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled objFile.WriteLine"setting Description=AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled" End If if isnull(OutParam.ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown) Then else objFile.WriteLine"setting Name=ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown" objFile.WriteLine"setting Current Value=" & OutParam.ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown objFile.WriteLine"setting Description=ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown" End If if isnull(OutParam.SmartPowerDown)Then else objFile.WriteLine"setting Name=SPDEnabled" objFile.WriteLine"setting Current Value=" & OutParam.SmartPowerDown objFile.WriteLine"setting Description=SmartPowerDown" End If if isnull(OutParam.SavePowerNowEnabled) Then else objFile.WriteLine"setting Name=SavePowerNowEnabled" objFile.WriteLine"setting Current Value=" & OutParam.SavePowerNowEnabled objFile.WriteLine"setting Description=SavePowerNowEnabled" End If if isnull(OutParam.EnhancedASPMPowerSaver) Then else objFile.WriteLine"setting Name=EnhancedASPMPowerSaver" objFile.WriteLine"setting Current Value=" & OutParam.EnhancedASPMPowerSaver objFile.WriteLine"setting Description=EnhancedASPMPowerSaver" End If ' Turn error checking back on on error goto 0 End If End Function '***************************************************************************** Private Function SaveTeamInfo(objFile,objNetDeviceLogObj,DeviceIndex,wbemServices) dim colTeamedAdapters,colTeamedMemberAdapter,colTeam dim TeamedAdapter,TeamedMemberAdapter,objTeam dim strQuery 'Access the same Team from IANet_TeamOfAdapters strQuery="ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objNetDeviceLogObj.Path_.Path & "} where ResultRole=SameElement" Set colTeam = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery) For Each objTeam In colTeam 'only one team in this collection ' The team prefix to the name has now been localized so we can no longer assume the prefix is "TEAM : " ' Get the localized prefix from the MOF file to extract the user's name objFile.WriteLine "Team Name=" & ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName(objTeam.Caption) objFile.WriteLine "Description=" & objTeam.Description objFile.WriteLine "Team Settings Index=" & DeviceIndex 'Get Team Mode and Adapter count objFile.WriteLine "Team Type=" & objTeam.TeamingMode objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Count=" & objTeam.AdapterCount objFile.WriteLine "MFOEnabled=0" 'Access Members of this Team strQuery="ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objTeam.Path_.Path & "} where ResultRole=PartComponent" Set colTeamedAdapters = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery) For Each TeamedAdapter In colTeamedAdapters ' 'objFile.WriteLine "Member Adapter="&TeamedAdapter.Caption objFile.WriteLine "Member Adapter="&TeamedAdapter.OriginalDisplayName If bIsUpgrade Then objFile.WriteLine "Member PCIDeviceID="&TeamedAdapter.PermanentAddress 'Save MAC address in config file for upgrade scenarios only. Else objFile.WriteLine "Member PCIDeviceID="&TeamedAdapter.PCIDeviceID End if 'Get Priority settings for this member adapter strQuery="REFERENCES OF {" & TeamedAdapter.Path_.Path & "} where ResultClass=IANet_TeamedMemberAdapter" Set colTeamedMemberAdapter= wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery) For Each TeamedMemberAdapter In colTeamedMemberAdapter objFile.WriteLine "-Preferred Priority Setting="&TeamedMemberAdapter.AdapterFunction ' parse out just the device ID of the TEAM and ADAPTER 'objFile.WriteLine "-Group Comp Setting=" + Mid(TeamedMemberAdapter.GroupComponent,(instr(TeamedMemberAdapter.GroupComponent,"{")+1),36) objFile.WriteLine "-Part Comp Setting=" + Mid(TeamedMemberAdapter.PartComponent,(instr(TeamedMemberAdapter.PartComponent,"{")+1),36) Next Next Next End Function '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// '// FUNCTION NAME : ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName '// '// DESCRIPTION : Call this function to determine what is the spelling '// : of the localized team prefix. Then extract this '// : portion from the string passed in. '// PARAMETERS : String - value returned from IANET_TeamOfAdapters.Caption '// RETURN : String - the caption without the team prefix '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Private Function ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName(szWholeTeamName) ' 'Wscript.echo "Entering - ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName - input ->" + szWholeTeamName + "<-" On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Const wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers = &h20000 Dim wbemServices Dim ObjClass Dim ColProperties Dim ObjProperties Dim ColQualifiers Dim ObjQualifiers Dim szTeamPrefix : szTeamPrefix = "" Set wbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/IntelNcs2") wbemServices.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeLoadDriverPrivilege", True Set ObjClass = wbemServices.Get("IANet_TeamOfAdapters",wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers) Set ColProperties = ObjClass.Properties_ Set ObjProperties = ColProperties.Item("TeamPrefix") If Err Then 'Wscript.echo "TeamPrefix not found" If (InStr(szWholeTeamName,"TEAM : ")) Then szWholeTeamName = Mid(szWholeTeamName,(Len("TEAM : ") + 1)) End If 'Wscript.echo "Exiting - ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName - output ->" + szWholeTeamName + "<-" ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName = szWholeTeamName exit function End If Err.Clear Set ColQualifiers = ObjProperties.Qualifiers_ Set ObjQualifiers = ColQualifiers.Item("Values") If Err Then 'Wscript.echo "Values not found" If (InStr(szWholeTeamName,"TEAM : ")) Then szWholeTeamName = Mid(szWholeTeamName,(Len("TEAM : ") + 1)) End If 'Wscript.echo "Exiting - ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName - output ->" + szWholeTeamName + "<-" ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName = szWholeTeamName exit function End If If VarType(ObjQualifiers.Value) = (vbVariant + vbArray) Then szTeamPrefix = ObjQualifiers.Value(LBound(ObjQualifiers.Value)) Else szTeamPrefix = ObjQualifiers.Value End If If (Len(szTeamPrefix) < 1)Then szTeamPrefix = "TEAM : " End If 'Wscript.echo "Team prefix is ->" + szTeamPrefix + "<-" If (InStr(szWholeTeamName,szTeamPrefix)) Then szWholeTeamName = Mid(szWholeTeamName,(Len(szTeamPrefix) + 1)) ElseIf (InStr(szWholeTeamName,"TEAM : ")) Then szWholeTeamName = Mid(szWholeTeamName,(Len("TEAM : ") + 1)) End If 'Wscript.echo "Exiting - ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName - output ->" + szWholeTeamName + "<-" ExtractTeamPrefixFromTeamName = szWholeTeamName ' End Function '***************************************************************************** Private Function SaveTeamAdvancedSettings(objFile,objNetDevicelogObj,wbemServices) Dim IANet_config Dim IANet_Obj Set IANet_config = wbemServices.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objNetDeviceLogObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_TeamSetting") For Each IANet_Obj In IANET_config If (Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting(IANet_Obj.Caption) = FALSE) AND (Is_StaticIP_Setting(IANet_Obj.Caption) = FALSE) Then ' Don't save GVRP, GMRP or Static IP settings objFile.WriteLine "setting Name=" & IANet_Obj.Caption objFile.WriteLine "setting Current Value=" & IANet_Obj.CurrentValue objFile.WriteLine "setting Description=" & IANet_Obj.Description End If Next End Function '***************************************************************************** Private Function SaveVlanSettings(objFile,objAdapter,wbemServices) Dim strQuery Dim IANet_802dot1VLANService,IANet_VLANSet Dim IANet_802dot1VLANObj,IANet_VLANObj Dim UntaggedVLANObj Dim isUntaggedVLANPresent strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_802dot1QVLANService" Set IANet_802dot1VLANService = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery) If IANet_802dot1VLANService.Count <> 0 Then For Each IANet_802dot1VLANObj In IANet_802dot1VLANService strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & IANet_802dot1VLANObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLAN" Set IANet_VLANSet = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery) If IANet_VLANSet.Count > 0 Then isUntaggedVLANPresent = False For Each IANet_VLANObj In IANet_VLANSet If IANet_VLANObj.VLANNumber <> 0 Then objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & IANet_VLANObj.VLANName objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Id=" & IANet_VLANObj.VLANNumber SaveVLANAdvancedSettings objFile,IANet_VLANObj,wbemServices Else Set UntaggedVLANObj = IANet_VLANObj isUntaggedVLANPresent = True End If Next If isUntaggedVLANPresent = True Then objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & UntaggedVLANObj.VLANName objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Id=" & UntaggedVLANObj.VLANNumber SaveVLANAdvancedSettings objFile,UntaggedVLANObj,wbemServices End If End If Next End If End Function '***************************************************************************** Private Function SaveVLANAdvancedSettings(objFile,objNetDeviceLogObj,wbemServices) Dim IANet_config Dim IANet_Obj Set IANet_config = wbemServices.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objNetDeviceLogObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLANSetting") For Each IANet_Obj In IANet_config If (Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting(IANet_Obj.Caption) = FALSE) AND (Is_StaticIP_Setting(IANet_Obj.Caption) = FALSE) Then ' Don't save GVRP, GMRP or Static IP settings objFile.WriteLine "setting Name=" & IANet_Obj.Caption objFile.WriteLine "setting Current Value=" & IANet_Obj.CurrentValue objFile.WriteLine "setting Description=" & IANet_Obj.Description End If Next End Function '===================================================================================== ' ' Sub: RestoreSettings(ByVal strFname) ' Call subs to read file to get all the info. about adapter, Team and VLANs. ' If there are the same number of adapters as settings then ' it will apply the saved settings, as long as the adapters are the same type. ' If the adapter is a different type, compatibility ' is determined by local network speed. Then applicable settings are applied. ' If number of settings and adapters are mismatched, user is prompted for selection ' '===================================================================================== Sub RestoreSettings(ByVal strFname) Dim strTeamName bError = FALSE isTimeOutValueModified = false GetOldTimeOutValue() 'Read File and assign found values to Teams() and Adapters() ReadFile(strFname) If bError = FALSE Then if StrComp(strOS, OSVersion, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then wscript.echo "Cannot restore the settings for Intel(R) Network Connections because," wscript.echo "the current version of Windows(R) doesn't match the version used to create the configuration file." wscript.echo "Current version of Windows: " & OSVersion wscript.echo "Config File Windows version: " & strOS exit sub end if 'Set the OemCustomizeable registry setting RestoreOemCustomizeableSetting(strOEMCustomizeableValue) 'Remove any existing Teams and VLANs. Remove() 'Create single session to make changes.. CreateSessions() ValidateAdapters() on error resume next Set test = wbemServices.Get("IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter") if err < 0 then wscript.echo "Unable to enumerate Advanced Network Service information, ANS might not be present on system" wscript.echo "Teams and VLAN information contained in the configuration file will not attempt to be restored." bNoAns = true end if on error goto 0 'Cycle as many times as adapter sets in file, check selection and compatibility, then apply For Each AdapterObj in AdapterSets For index = 0 to (totalAdapters - 1) strAdapterName = Adapters(index, 1, 0) 'Adapter Name strAdapterPCIDeviceID = Adapters(index, 1, 1) 'Adapter PCIDeviceID or PermanentAddress strCapabilities = Adapters(index, 2, 0) 'Capabilities strOrgDispName = Adapters(index, 2, 1) 'Original Display Name strSettingsIndex = Adapters(index, 3, 0) 'Setting Index If bMisMatch = TRUE Then CheckSelected strSettingsIndex If bUserInput = TRUE Then If bSelected = TRUE Then If strAdapterName = AdapterObj.Caption Then If (Adapters(index, 0, 1) <> 1) AND (InStr(1,AdapterObj.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0) Then ApplyAdapterSettings(strSettingsIndex) Exit For End If End If End If End If Else If strAdapterName = AdapterObj.Caption Then If (Adapters(index, 0, 1) <> 1) AND (InStr(1,AdapterObj.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0) Then ApplyAdapterSettings(strSettingsIndex) Exit For End If Elseif (bIsUpgrade = True) AND (strAdapterPCIDeviceID = AdapterObj.PermanentAddress) AND (AdapterObj.PermanentAddress <> "") Then If (Adapters(index, 0, 1) <> 1) AND (InStr(1,AdapterObj.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0) Then ApplyAdapterSettings(strSettingsIndex) Exit For End If Elseif (bIsUpgrade = False) AND (strAdapterPCIDeviceID = AdapterObj.PCIDeviceID) AND (AdapterObj.PCIDeviceID <> "") Then If (Adapters(index, 0, 1) <> 1) AND (InStr(1,AdapterObj.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0) Then ApplyAdapterSettings(strSettingsIndex) Exit For End If End If End If Next Next ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject 'SCR 37163 if bNoAns<>true then For index = 0 to (totalTeams - 1) strSettingsIndex = Teams(index, 1, 2) strTeamName = Teams(index, 0, 0) If bMisMatch = TRUE Then 'Sets bSelected CheckSelected strSettingsIndex If bSelected = TRUE Then ApplyTeamSettings(strSettingsIndex) End If Else ApplyTeamSettings(strSettingsIndex) End If Next end if If bNewTeam = TRUE Then WScript.Echo "New team(s) were created based on config file" ElseIf bModified = TRUE Then WScript.Echo "New Settings were applied!" ElseIf bUserInput = TRUE Then WScript.Echo "No new settings were applied. Any existing teams were deleted." Else WScript.Echo "No new settings were applied. Any existing teams were deleted." End If ElseIf bError = TRUE Then Exit Sub End If 'ReleaseHandle wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject 'if bIsUpgrade then ' RestoreHyperVSettings HyperVFilePath 'end if RestoreStaticIPSettings(IPFilePath) ShowTimeOutValueRebootMessage() End Sub '===================================================================================== ' ' Sub: Sub ExecApply(ByVal wbemServices, ByVal strNetSerObjPath, ByVal SessionObject) ' '===================================================================================== Sub ExecApply(ByVal wbemServices, ByVal strNetSerObjPath, ByVal SessionObject) Dim StdOut,oReg,strComputer,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue WScript.Echo "Executing apply..." Set NetServiceObject = wbemServices.Get(strNetSerObjPath) Set FinalTargetobj = NetServiceObject.ExecMethod_("Apply", SessionObject) 'WScript.Echo "FinalTargetobj.FollowupAction" & FinalTargetobj.FollowupAction if FinalTargetobj.FollowupAction = 1 Then WScript.Echo "FinalTargetobj.FollowupAction" & FinalTargetobj.FollowupAction strComputer = "." Set StdOut = WScript.StdOut Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_ strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv") strKeyPath ="SOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\DMIX" strValueName = "RebootReq" strValue = "1" oReg.SetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue End if End Sub '===================================================================================== ' ' Sub: Sub ReleaseHandle(ByVal wbemServices, ByVal strNetSerObjPath, ByVal SessionObject) ' '===================================================================================== Sub ReleaseHandle(ByVal wbemServices, ByVal strNetSerObjPath, ByVal SessionObject) WScript.Echo "Releasing Session Handle" Set NetServiceObject = wbemServices.Get(strNetSerObjPath) Set FinalTargetobj = NetServiceObject.ExecMethod_("Apply", SessionObject) End Sub '================================================================================================== ' ' CreateSessions() ' Create sessions to make settings changes ' '================================================================================================== Sub CreateSessions() Dim IANet_NetServiceClassDescription,cstring Dim Method Dim ServiceObject,TempObj Set wbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/IntelNcs2") ' SCR fix for 38688 and 39528 wbemServices.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeLoadDriverPrivilege", True Set IANet_NetServiceClassDescription = wbemServices.Get("IANet_NetService") Set SessionObject = IANet_NetServiceClassDescription.Methods_.Item("Apply").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() Set SValueSet = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet") Set NetServiceSet = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_NetService") For Each NetServiceObject In NetServiceSet strNetSerObjPath = NetServiceObject.Path_.Path Set Method = NetServiceObject.Methods_("BeginApply") ' Save the path for later use Set ServiceObject = NetServiceObject.ExecMethod_("BeginApply") If ServiceObject.returnValue = 0 Then cstring = ServiceObject.ClientSetHandle End If Next SValueSet.Add "ClientSetId", cstring SessionObject.ClientSetHandle = cstring Set AdapterSets = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter",,SValueSet) End Sub '====================================================================================== ' ' Sub ValidateInput(ByVal strInput) 'Validate input by removing any spaces or periods in strInput, returns strChoices '======================================================================================== Sub ValidateInput(ByVal strInput) Dim i, ii, arrChoices arrChoices = Split(strInput, ",") For i = 0 to Ubound(arrChoices) arrChoices(i) = Trim(arrChoices(i)) If Right(arrChoices(i), 1) = "." Then arrChoices(i) = Replace(arrChoices(i), ".", "") End If Next strChoices = Join(arrChoices, ",") End Sub '================================================================================================= ' ' Sub ReadFile(ByVal strFname) ' Read File and assign found values to Adapters() and Teams() arrays ' '================================================================================================= Sub ReadFile(ByVal strFname) Dim v, i, ii, x, fso, strAdapterName ,w Dim strAdapterCaps, strNewAdapterName, strPCIDeviceID, strAdapterIndex Dim strCapabilities, strSettingsSet, arrSettingsSets Dim strIsDefault, ts, strLine, z, numVLANS, numTVLANS dim firstVlanIndex : firstVlanIndex = -1 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fso.FileExists (strFname) <> True Then Wscript.Echo "The configuration file can not be found or is" Wscript.Echo "not in the same directory as SavResDX.vbs." WScript.Echo "Try using full pathname to the configuration file." bError = TRUE Exit Sub Else ' Array Adapters holds all the info. about the adapter's and related VLANs info. ' Adapters( , 0, 0) is a flag of Adapter's existence ' Adapters( , 0, 1) is a flag for setting having been applied ' Adapters( , 0, 2) is Number of VLANS on Adapter ' Adapters( , 1, 0) is Adapter's Name ' Adapters( , 1, 1) is Adapter's PCIDeviceID or PermanentAddress ' Adapters( , 2, 0) is Adapter's Capabilities ' Adapters( , 2, 1) is Adapter's Original Display Name (for Express Teaming) ' Adapters( , 3, 0) is Settings Index, for selecting settings sets ' Adapters( , 3, 1) is Settings Default, "TRUE" or "FALSE" for selecting settings sets ' Adapters( , 4, 0) is Adapter's Setting Name ' Adapters( , 4, 1) is Adapter's Setting value ' ' Adapters( , x, 0) is Keyword "VLAN", any elements after this keyword are VLAN's setting name and value Redim Adapters(maxAdapterTeam, maxSettings, 5) ' Array Teams holds all the info. about the Team's and related VLANs info. ' Teams( , 0, 0) is Team's Name ' Teams( , 0, 1) is a flag for setting having been applied ' Teams( , 0, 2) is number of VLANS on Team ' Teams( , 1, 0) is Team's Type ' Teams( , 1, 1) is Team's Adapter Count ' Teams( , 1, 2) is Teams Settings Index for user selection ' Teams( , 2, 0) is keyword "MemberAdapter", ' Teams( , 2, 1) is Member adapter's caption ' Teams( , 2, 2) is Member adapter's flag for client(0) or server(1) property ' Teams( , 2, 3) is Member adapter's Preferred Priority Setting ' Teams( , 2, 4) is Member adapter's flag for "Already Added to Team" (1 or 0) ' Teams( , 2, 5) is Member adapter's PCIDeviceID or PermanentAddress ' ' Teams( , x, 0) is keyword "MemberAdapter", ' Teams( , x, 1) is related adapter's caption ' Teams( , x+1, 0) is Teams's Setting Name; Teams( , x+1, 1) is team's Setting value ' Teams( , y, 0) is Keyword "VLAN", any elements after this keyword are VLAN's setting name and value Redim Teams(maxAdapterTeam, maxSettings, 10) totalAdapters = 0 totalTeams = 0 ' Read the text file and save all the info. to two arrays - Adapters() & Teams() Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(strFname, 1) ii = 0 v = 0 x = 0 w=0 Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream ReDim Preserve arrPrivDesc(v + 1) ReDim Preserve arrTeamPrivDesc(x + 1) strLine = ts.ReadLine() If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 13), "Adapter Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then numVLANS = 0 strNewAdapterName = Mid(strLine, 14) strLine = ts.ReadLine() If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 20), "Adapter PCIDeviceID=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strPCIDeviceID = Mid(strLine, 21) strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 14), "Adapter Index=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strAdapterIndex = Mid(strLine, 15) strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 20), "Private Description=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then arrPrivDesc(v) = Mid(strLine, 21) strLine = ts.ReadLine() v = v + 1 End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 21), "Adapter Capabilities=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strCapabilities =Mid(strLine, 22) strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If strLine = ts.ReadLine() 'Skip Description line. If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 22), "Original Display Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strOrgDispName = Mid(strLine, 23) 'For Express Teaming strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If 'Assign found values to array" Adapters(totalAdapters, 1, 0) = strNewAdapterName Adapters(totalAdapters, 1, 1) = strPCIDeviceID Adapters(totalAdapters, 2, 0) = strCapabilities Adapters(totalAdapters, 2, 1) = strOrgDispName 'For Express Teaming Adapters(totalAdapters, 3, 0) = strAdapterIndex Adapters(totalAdapters, 3, 1) = strIsDefault 'assigning settings values" i = 4 'SCR 40856 'strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do while StrComp(strLine, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 13), "Setting Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If ( Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting(strLine) = FALSE ) Then If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 14), "TimeOutValue", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then isTimeOutValueModified = true End If Adapters(totalAdapters, i, 0) = Mid(strLine, 14) 'Setting Name strLine = ts.ReadLine() Adapters(totalAdapters, i, 1) = Mid(strLine, 23) 'Setting Value i = i + 1 Else strLine = ts.ReadLine() 'skip the next line if GVRP or GMRP End If strLine = ts.ReadLine() ' Skip the description ElseIf StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 10), "VLAN Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Do while StrComp(strLine, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Adapters(totalAdapters, i, 0) = "VLAN" 'Set up keyword for searching VLAN later numVLANS = numVLANS + 1 Adapters(totalAdapters, 0, 2) = numVLANS Adapters(totalAdapters, i+1, 0) = Mid(strLine, 11) 'VLAN Name strLine = ts.ReadLine() Adapters(totalAdapters, i+2, 0) = Mid(strLine, 9) 'VLAN ID i = i + 3 strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 10), "VLAN Name=", vbTextCompare) <> 0 If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 13), "Setting Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If ( Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting(strLine) = FALSE ) Then Adapters(totalAdapters, i, 0) = Mid(strLine, 14) 'Setting Name strLine = ts.ReadLine() Adapters(totalAdapters, i, 1) = Mid(strLine, 23) 'Setting Value Else strLine = ts.ReadLine() 'skip the next line if GVRP or GMRP End If strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If If strLine <> "" Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() i = i + 1 Else Exit Do End If Loop Loop End If If StrComp(strLine, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If Loop totalAdapters = totalAdapters + 1 ElseIf StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 10), "Team Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Teams(totalTeams, 0, 0) = Mid(strLine, 11) strLine = ts.ReadLine() strLine = ts.ReadLine() 'Skip Description line If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 20), "Team Settings Index=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Teams(totalTeams, 1, 2) = Mid(strLine, 21) strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 10), "Team Type=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Teams(totalTeams, 1, 0) = Mid(strLine, 11) strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 14), "Adapter Count=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Teams(totalTeams, 1, 1) = Mid(strLine, 15) strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If 'Added for MFO on 17th Feb If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 11), "MFOEnabled=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'bMFOEnabled =Mid(strLine, 12) Teams(totalTeams, 1, 3)=Mid(strLine, 12) strLine = ts.ReadLine() Else Teams(totalTeams, 1, 3)=0 End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 20), "Private Description=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then arrTeamPrivDesc(x) = Mid(strLine, 21) x = x + 1 strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If i = 2 Dim AdapterInTeamOffset: AdapterInTeamOffset = 0 Do While StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, Len("Member Adapter=")), "Member Adapter=", vbTextCompare) = 0 TeamedMemberAdapterName(totalTeams, AdapterInTeamOffset) = Mid(strLine,(instr(strLine,"=") + 1)) Dim vi Teams(totalTeams, i, 0) = "MemberAdapter" Teams(totalTeams, i, 1) = Mid(strLine, 16) strLine = ts.Readline() If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, Len("Member PCIDeviceID=")), "Member PCIDeviceID=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then TeamedMemberAdapterPCIDeviceID(totalTeams, AdapterInTeamOffset) = Mid(strLine,(instr(strLine,"=") + 1)) Teams(totalTeams, i, 5) = Mid(strLine, 20) strLine = ts.Readline() End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, Len("-Preferred Priority Setting=")), "-Preferred Priority Setting=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then TeamedMemberAdapterPreferredPrimarySetting(totalTeams, AdapterInTeamOffset) = Mid(strLine,(instr(strLine,"=") + 1)) strLine = ts.ReadLine() Teams(totalTeams, i, 3) = Mid(strLine, 29) End If 'If StrComp(Mid(strLine,1,Len("-Group Comp Setting=")),"-Group Comp Setting=",vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ' TeamedMemberAdapterGroupComponentSetting(totalTeams, AdapterInTeamOffset) = Mid(strLine,(instr(strLine,"=") + 1)) ' strLine = ts.ReadLine() 'End If If StrComp(Mid(strLine,1,Len("-Part Comp Setting=")),"-Part Comp Setting=",vbTextCompare) = 0 Then TeamedMemberAdapterPartComponentSetting(totalTeams, AdapterInTeamOffset) = Mid(strLine,(instr(strLine,"=") + 1)) strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If AdapterInTeamOffset = AdapterInTeamOffset + 1 i = i + 1 Loop Do while StrComp(strLine, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 If StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 13), "Setting Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If ( Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting(strLine) = FALSE ) Then Teams(totalTeams, i, 0) = Mid(strLine, 14) 'Setting Name strLine = ts.ReadLine() Teams(totalTeams, i, 1) = Mid(strLine, 23) 'Setting Value i = i + 1 Else strLine = ts.ReadLine() 'skip the next line if GVRP or GMRP End If strLine = ts.ReadLine() ' Skip the description strLine = ts.ReadLine() ElseIf StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1, 10), "VLAN Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Teams(totalTeams, i, 0) = "VLAN" 'Set up keyword for searching VLAN later numTVLANS = numTVLANS + 1 Teams(totalTeams, 0, 2) = numTVLANS Teams(totalTeams, i+1, 0) = Mid(strLine, 11) 'VLAN Name strLine = ts.ReadLine() Teams(totalTeams, i+2, 0) = Mid(strLine, 9) 'VLAN ID i = i + 3 strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If Loop totalTeams = totalTeams + 1 ElseIf (StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1,17), "OEMCustomizeable=", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then strOEMCustomizeableValue = Mid(strLine, 18) ElseIf (StrComp(Mid(strLine, 1,3), "OS=", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then strOS = Mid(strLine, 4) End If Loop 'Until ts.AtEndOfStream ts.Close End If dim teamCount, vlanIndex, vlanCount dim teamVlanCount : teamVlanCount = 0 if numTVLANS > 1 then for teamCount = 0 to totalTeams - 1 teamVlanCount = 0 for vlanIndex = 0 to 999 if Teams(teamCount, vlanIndex, 0) = "VLAN" then teamVlanCount = teamVlanCount + 1 vlanCount = vlanIndex if Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+2,0) = 0 AND teamVlanCount = 1 then dim swapName, swapId swapName = Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+1,0) swapId = Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+2,0) Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+1,0) = Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+3+1,0) Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+2,0) = Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+3+2,0) Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+3+1,0) = swapName Teams(teamCount, vlanCount+3+2,0) = swapId bNewTeam = 0 exit for end if end if next next end if End Sub '================================================================================================= ' ' Sub ValidateAdapters() ' Check for installed adapter count, check against settings sets and get user input for mismatches. ' Sets strInput and strChoices ' '================================================================================================= Sub ValidateAdapters() Dim ii, iii, counter Dim strTemp, strTeamTemp, strCaptions, bFound bUserInput = FALSE existTotalAdapters = 0 iii = 0 'Count existing adapters and assign captions to array for user selection For Each AdapterObj In AdapterSets 'Knock out Non-Intel and disabled adapters If (InStr(1,AdapterObj.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0) AND (AdapterObj.StatusInfo= 3) Then 'StatusInfo=3 (Enabled) ReDim Preserve Captions(iii + 1) existTotalAdapters = existTotalAdapters + 1 Captions(iii) = AdapterObj.Caption iii = iii + 1 End If Next 'Check existing adapters against settings sets and set bFound value accordingly For index = 0 to existTotalAdapters - 1 For Each AdapterObj In AdapterSets If StrComp(AdapterObj.Caption, Adapters(index, 1, 0)) = 0 Then 'Adapter's Name bFound = True Elseif (bIsUpgrade = True) AND (StrComp(AdapterObj.PermanentAddress, Adapters(index, 1, 1)) = 0) AND (AdapterObj.PermanentAddress <> "") Then 'Adapter's PermanentAddress bFound = True Elseif (bIsUpgrade = False) AND (StrComp(AdapterObj.PCIDeviceID, Adapters(index, 1, 1)) = 0) AND (AdapterObj.PCIDeviceID <> "") Then 'Adapter's PCIDeviceID bFound = True End If Next If bFound = TRUE Then Adapters(index, 0, 0) = TRUE 'Adapter existence flag Else Adapters(index, 0, 0) = FALSE End If Next 'Set string of adapter settings captions for user selection For ii = 0 to (totalAdapters - 1) If Adapters(ii, 1, 0) <> "" Then strTemp = strTemp & Adapters(ii, 3, 0) & ". " & Adapters(ii, 1, 0) & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & " Priv Desc: " & arrPrivDesc(ii) & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) ' + ". " + + 'Newline + 'Return + "Priv Desc: " + + 'Newline + 'Return End If Next 'Set string of team descriptions for user selection For ii = 0 to (totalTeams - 1) If Teams(ii, 0, 0) <> "" Then strTeamTemp = strTeamTemp & Teams(ii, 1, 2) & "." & Teams(ii, 0, 0) & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) counter = counter + 1 End If Next 'Set string of installed adapter captions for user selection For ii = 0 to Ubound(Captions) If Captions(ii) <> "" Then strCaptions = strCaptions & Captions(ii) & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) End If Next 'Checking number of installed adapters vs. settings list, prompt user if the numbers don't match" bMisMatch = FALSE ' If existTotalAdapters < (totalAdapters) Then ' bMisMatch = TRUE ' strInput = InputBox("There are " & existTotalAdapters & " installed adapters and " & totalAdapters & " adapter configuration sets contained in " & strFname & "." & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & "Installed Adapters: " & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & strCaptions & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & "Enter selections separated by commas, no spaces or periods." & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & "Adapter Sets-" & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & strTemp & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & "Team Sets- " & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & strTeamTemp, "Mismatched Settings Sets") ' If strInput <> "" Then ' bUserInput = TRUE ' ValidateInput strInput ' ' Else ' strInput = InputBox("ERROR: No Selection Entered!" & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & "User-defined descriptions are listed below. Enter selections to apply, enter numbers separated by commas, no spaces or periods." & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & strTemp & (Chr(10) & Chr(13)) & strTeamTemp, "Enter Selection") ' If strInput = "" Then ' WScript.Echo "Script cannot continue without user selection." ' bUserInput = FALSE ' Exit Sub ' Else ' bUserInput = TRUE ' ValidateInput strInput ' End If ' End If ' ElseIf existTotalAdapters > totalAdapters Then ' bMisMatch = TRUE ' WScript.Echo "There are not enough settings sets to apply to installed adapters. Resave or check settings file." ' bUserInput=FALSE ' Exit Sub ' End If End Sub '================================================================================================= ' ' Sub CheckSelected(ByVal strSettingsIndex) ' Check whether current settings set was selected by any user input, defaults to true if no mismatch ' Sets bSelected to True or False ' '================================================================================================= Sub CheckSelected(ByVal strSettingsIndex) bSelected = FALSE Dim iv, v, b If strChoices <> "" Then v = InStr(1, strChoices, ",", vbTextCompare) If v > 0 Then iv = InStr(1, strChoices, strSettingsIndex, vbTextCompare) If iv > 0 Then bSelected = TRUE End If ElseIf (strChoices = strSettingsIndex) Then bSelected = TRUE End If ElseIf bMisMatch = FALSE Then bSelected = TRUE End If End Sub '================================================================================================== ' ' ApplyAdapterSettings(strSettingsIndex) ' Apply selected or all adapter settings and return status message to user ' '================================================================================================== Sub ApplyAdapterSettings(ByVal strSettingsIndex) Dim IANet_configur, IANet_Obj, IANetSettingObj Dim IANet_802dot1VLANService, IANet_802dot1VLANObj Dim IANet_VLANconfigur, IANet_VLANObj, InParameterObj, OutParameterObj Dim TempVlanObject, VlanObjectSet,VlanObject, IANet_VLANConfObj,IANet_VLANSet Dim strSettingValue,bFoundPossibleValue,bVLAN Dim strVLANName, strVLANID, FinalVlanObject Dim strQuery, strExistAdapterName, strExist Dim Dumbpath, i, ii, iii, iv, z, b, k, x, cstrPath, pos, intCurCount Dim TargetObjInstance, TargetObj, numVLANS,InParameter Const wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers = &h20000 Const Temp = TRUE dim bAlreadyWarned' Used to tell the user that ANS might not be installed dim savedJValue : savedJValue = -1 dim alreadyRestored bAlreadyWarned = false Set Dumbpath = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemObjectPath") 'Setting applied flag to 0 Adapters(index, 0, 1) = 0 On Error Resume Next 'Updating Adapter's settings by checking if selected and if not already applied strExistAdapterName = AdapterObj.Caption If (Adapters(index, 3, 0) = strSettingsIndex) Then WScript.Echo "Applying setting set " & strSettingsIndex & " to " & AdapterObj.Caption If Adapters(index, 0, 0) Then ' Check if this adapter exists from previous validation sequence (Adapter Existence flag) strAdapterName = Adapters(index, 1, 0) ' Get Adapter's Name from this settings set strSettingsIndex = Trim(strSettingsIndex) Adapters(index, 0, 1) = 1 ' Flag for setting being applied SValueSet.Add "GET_EXTENSIONS", true SValueSet.Add "GET_EXT_KEYS_ONLY", false SValueSet.Add "IANet_PartialData", 512 strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & AdapterObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_AdapterSetting" Set IANet_configur = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,SValueSet) Dim j For j = 4 to maxSettings-1 If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "", vbTextCompare) = 0 then 'Adapter setting Name Exit For ElseIf bVLAN AND bNoAns <> true Then For x = 0 to numVLANS - 1 if numVlans = 1 AND Adapters(index, j+1, 0) = 0 then wscript.echo "Unable to create an Untagged VLAN without a Tagged VLAN" exit for end if if x = 0 AND Adapters(index, j+1, 0) = 0 then savedJValue = j wscript.echo "Untagged VLAN is first VLAN in the list, saving the index. This VLAN will be restored last." end if Set TempVlanObject = wbemServices.Get("IANet_802dot1QVLANService", ,SValueSet) Set InParameterObj = TempVlanObject.Methods_.Item("CreateVLAN").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() InParameterObj.Name = Adapters(index, j, 0) InParameterObj.VLANNumber = Adapters(index, j+1, 0) strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & AdapterObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_802dot1QVLANService" Set VlanObjectSet = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,SValueSet) For Each VlanObject In VlanObjectSet Set FinalVlanObject = wbemServices.Get(VlanObject.Path_.Path, ,SValueSet) Set OutParameterObj = FinalVlanObject.ExecMethod_("CreateVLAN", InParameterObj, 0, SValueSet) bModified = TRUE Exit For Next ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject CreateSessions() if NOT (x = 0 AND Adapters(index, j+1, 0) = 0) then WSCript.Echo "updating VLAN:" & Adapters(index, j, 0) & " settings..." end if For k = j+2 to maxSettings-1 If StrComp(Adapters(index, k, 0), "", vbTextCompare) = 0 then Exit For ElseIf Adapters(index, k, 0) = "VLAN" Then Exit For Else strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & AdapterObj.Path_.Path & "}WHERE ResultClass = IANet_802dot1QVLANService" Set IANet_802dot1VLANService = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,SValueSet) If IANet_802dot1VLANService.Count <> 0 Then For Each IANet_802dot1VLANObj In IANet_802dot1VLANService strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & IANet_802dot1VLANObj.Path_.Path & "}WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLAN" Set IANet_VLANSet = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,SValueSet) For Each IANet_VLANObj In IANet_VLANSet If StrComp(IANet_VLANObj.VLANName, Adapters(index, j, 0), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & IANet_VLANObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLANSetting" Set IANet_VLANconfigur = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,SValueSet) For Each IANet_VLANConfObj In IANet_VLANconfigur If StrComp(IANet_VLANConfObj.Caption, Adapters(index, k, 0), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If StrComp(IANet_VLANConfObj.CurrentValue, Adapters(index, k, 1), vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then IANet_VLANConfObj.CurrentValue = Adapters(index, k, 1) Set Dumbpath = IANet_VLANConfObj.Put_ (wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers, SValueSet) bModified = True Exit For End If End If Next End If Next Next End If End If Next if savedJValue >= 0 AND x = numVLANS - 1 AND alreadyRestored <> true then j = savedJValue x = x - 1 alreadyRestored = true else j = k + 1 end if Next bVLAN = False ElseIf StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "VLAN", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then bVLAN = True numVLANS = Adapters(index, 0, 2) ElseIf StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then For Each IANet_Obj In IANet_configur If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), IANet_Obj.Caption, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 1), IANet_Obj.CurrentValue, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then WSCript.Echo IANet_Obj.Caption 'Set IANetSettingObj = wbemServices.Get(IANet_Obj.Path_.Path, ,SValueSet) If StrComp(IANet_Obj.Path_.Class, "IANet_AdapterSettingEnum", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then WSCript.Echo IANet_Obj.Caption bFoundPossibleValue = False For I = 0 To UBound(IANet_Obj.PossibleValues) If StrComp(IANet_Obj.PossibleValues(I), Adapters(index, j, 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then IANet_Obj.CurrentValue = Adapters(index, j, 1) WSCript.Echo Adapters(index, j, 0) WSCript.Echo IANet_Obj.Caption 'WSCript.Echo IANetSettingObj.Caption Set Dumbpath = IANet_Obj.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers, SValueSet) bModified = True bFoundPossibleValue = True Exit For End If Next If bFoundPossibleValue = False Then WScript.Echo "Can't apply the setting '" & Adapters(index, j, 0) & "' to the new value '" & _ Adapters(index, j, 1) & "' because the new value is not a possible value." End If Else if StrComp(Adapters(index,j,0), "LLIPORTS", vbTextCompare) = 0 then dim LLIPortsArray LLIPortsArray = ConvertStringToStringArray(Adapters(index,j,1), ",") IANet_Obj.CurrentValues = LLIPortsArray else IANet_Obj.CurrentValue = Adapters(index, j, 1) end if Set Dumbpath = IANet_Obj.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers,SValueSet)'(wbemChangeFlagUpdateOnly, SValueSet) bModified = True Exit For End If End If End If Next 'Power Saver Set InParameter = AdapterObj.Methods_.Item("SetPowerUsageOptions").InParameters If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then InParameter.AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled = Adapters(index, j, 1) End if If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then InParameter.ReduceSpeedOnPowerDown = Adapters(index, j, 1) End if If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "SPDEnabled", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then InParameter.SmartPowerDown = Adapters(index, j, 1) End if If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "SavePowerNowEnabled", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then InParameter.SavePowerNowEnabled = Adapters(index, j, 1) End if If StrComp(Adapters(index, j, 0), "EnhancedASPMPowerSaver", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then InParameter.EnhancedASPMPowerSaver = Adapters(index, j, 1) End if Set OutParam = AdapterObj.ExecMethod_("SetPowerUsageOptions",InParameter,0,SValueSet) End If Next End If End If End Sub '================================================================================================= ' ' ApplyTeamSettings(ByVal strSettingsIndex) ' Apply selected settings and return status to user ' '================================================================================================= Sub ApplyTeamSettings(ByVal strSettingsIndex) Dim TargetObjInstance Dim bTeam, i, j, k, x, intCurCount, TeamAdapObj, TeamAdapObjSet, FinalVlanObject Dim IANet_configur, IANet_Obj, IANetSettingObj, TeamsObjSet, cstrPath,temObj Dim IANet_802dot1VLANService, IANet_802dot1VLANObj, TeamObjSet1, pos Dim IANet_VLANconfigur, IANet_VLANObj, Dumbpath, bTest, VLANObjectSet Dim VLANObjSet, VLANObj, b, a, TempVlanObject, InParameterObj, VlanObject Dim PartComponentString, GroupComponentString, TargetObj, TeamObj Dim TeamObj1, TeamsSet, TeamDeviceId, OutParameterObj, bFoundPossibleValue Dim strCapabilities, intTest, arrCaps, strQuery, bVLAN, numTVLANS Dim p, r,IANet_Virtualconfigur,temp,jj,adapterCount 'For GVRP settings restore for Vlans Dim IANet_VlanIns,IANet_VlanObject,IANet_VLANSettingIns,IANet_VLANSettingObj Const wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers = &h20000 bModified = False ' for setting preferred primary Dim oTeamedMemberAdapters,oTeamedMemberAdaptersSet Dim AdapterInTeamOffset: AdapterInTeamOffset = 0 Dim VlanName On Error Resume Next p=0 r=2 i=5 CreateSessions() 'SCR 37163 Redim Preserve AdapterPath(1) If Teams(index, 1, 2) = strSettingsIndex Then bTeam = TRUE WScript.Echo "Creating Team: " & Teams(index, 0, 0) & "..." if (IsTeamSupportedInCurrentOS(Teams(index,1,0)) <> TRUE) then wscript.echo "Unable to create team. Team type not supported in this version of the OS." ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject ' Without this before exiting, the script hangs/fails exit sub end if ' Check to see that the team type is not GEC ' GEC are now to be created as an SLA team if ((Teams(index,1,0) = GEC_TEAM_TYPE)) then wscript.echo "Converting GEC to SLA" Teams(index,1,0) = SLA_TEAM_TYPE end if Set TeamsSet = wbemServices.Get("IANet_TeamOfAdapters",,SValueSet) Set InParameterObj = TeamsSet.Methods_.Item("CreateTeam").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() adapterCount = Teams(index, 1, 1) Redim Preserve AdapterPath(adapterCount) For jj=0 to adapterCount For Each AdapterObj In AdapterSets If AdapterObj.Caption = Teams(index, r, 1) then AdapterPath(p) = AdapterObj.Path_.Path p=p+1 r=r+1 Elseif (bIsUpgrade = True) AND (AdapterObj.PermanentAddress = Teams(index, r, 5)) AND (AdapterObj.PermanentAddress <> "") then AdapterPath(p) = AdapterObj.Path_.Path p=p+1 r=r+1 Elseif (bIsUpgrade = False) AND (AdapterObj.PCIDeviceID = Teams(index, r, 5)) AND (AdapterObj.PCIDeviceID <> "") then AdapterPath(p) = AdapterObj.Path_.Path p=p+1 r=r+1 End if Next Next Redim Preserve AdapterPath(p-1) InParameterObj.Properties_.Item("Adapters") = AdapterPath InParameterObj.TeamingMode = Teams(index, 1, 0) InParameterObj.TeamName = Teams(index, 0, 0) InParameterObj.MFOEnable = Teams(index, 1, 3) Dim TempTeam TempTeam = InParameterObj.TeamName Set OutParameterObj = TeamsSet.ExecMethod_("CreateTeam", InParameterObj, 0, SValueSet) If Err <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "Adding Adapter Failed..." ErrorCheck() 'If blTenGigFETeamError Then ' SetTenGigFERegKey() 'End If Else WScript.Echo "Create Team Success!!!" bNewTeam = True End If ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject 'SCR 37163 CreateSessions() 'SCR 37163 Set oTeamedMemberAdaptersSet = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_TeamedMemberAdapter",,SValueSet) If (IsNull(oTeamedMemberAdaptersSet) = FALSE) Then ' first we have to find which adapter is the primary and set that one first!! For AdapterInTeamOffset = 0 to adapterCount-1 Step 1 If( TeamedMemberAdapterPreferredPrimarySetting(index, AdapterInTeamOffset) = 1) Then For each oTeamedMemberAdapters in oTeamedMemberAdaptersSet If(InStr(oTeamedMemberAdapters.PartComponent,TeamedMemberAdapterPartComponentSetting(index, AdapterInTeamOffset))) Then oTeamedMemberAdapters.AdapterFunction = CStr(TeamedMemberAdapterPreferredPrimarySetting(index, AdapterInTeamOffset)) oTeamedMemberAdapters.Put_ wbemFlagAmendedUpdateOnly, SValueSet Exit For End If Next Exit For End If Next For each oTeamedMemberAdapters in oTeamedMemberAdaptersSet For AdapterInTeamOffset = 0 to adapterCount-1 Step 1 If(InStr(oTeamedMemberAdapters.PartComponent,TeamedMemberAdapterPartComponentSetting(index, AdapterInTeamOffset))) Then If (TeamedMemberAdapterPreferredPrimarySetting(index, AdapterInTeamOffset) > 0) Then oTeamedMemberAdapters.AdapterFunction = CStr(TeamedMemberAdapterPreferredPrimarySetting(index, AdapterInTeamOffset)) oTeamedMemberAdapters.Put_ wbemFlagAmendedUpdateOnly, SValueSet Exit For End If End If Next Next End If ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject CreateSessions() WScript.Sleep(2000) WScript.Echo "Applying Team Settings to " & TempTeam Set virtualAdapterSets = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter",,SValueSet) For each virtualAdapterObj in virtualAdapterSets if StrComp(TempTeam,Mid(virtualAdapterObj.Caption,8), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & virtualAdapterObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_TeamSetting" Set IANet_Virtualconfigur = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,SValueSet) TeamDeviceId = virtualAdapterObj.DeviceID bVLAN = False numTVLANS = Teams(index, 0, 2) Dim bApplySetting: bApplySetting = false For j = 4 to maxSettings-1 If StrComp(Teams(index, j, 0), "", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then Exit For ElseIf bVLAN Then Set TempVlanObject = wbemServices.Get("IANet_802dot1QVLANService",,SValueSet) Set InParameterObj = TempVlanObject.Methods_.Item("CreateVLAN").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() InParameterObj.Name = Teams(index, j, 0) VlanName = Teams(index, j, 0) InParameterObj.VLANNumber = Teams(index, j+1, 0) bVLAN = false If numTVLANS = 1 And Teams(index, j+1, 0) = 0 Then wscript.echo "Unable to create an Untagged VLAN without a Tagged VLAN on this Team" Exit For End If j = j + 1 Set VlanObjectSet = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_802dot1QVLANService", , SValueSet) For Each VlanObject In VlanObjectSet If TeamDeviceId = VlanObject.Name Then Set FinalVlanObject = wbemServices.Get(VlanObject.Path_.Path, ,SValueSet) Set OutParameterObj = FinalVlanObject.ExecMethod_("CreateVLAN", InParameterObj, 0, SValueSet) Exit For Else Exit For End If Next ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject CreateSessions() WSCript.Echo "updating VLAN:" & Teams(index, j-1, 0) & " settings..." For k = j+1 to maxSettings-1 If StrComp(Teams(index, k, 0), "", vbTextCompare) = 0 then Exit For ElseIf Teams(index, k, 0) = "VLAN" Then Exit For ElseIf StrComp(Teams(index, k, 0), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then j = k Set IANet_VlanIns = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_Vlan",0,SValueSet) For Each IANet_VlanObject in IANet_VlanIns If IANet_VlanObject.ParentID = TeamDeviceId then If IANet_VlanObject.VLANName = VlanName then strQuery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {" & IANet_VlanObject.Path_.Path & "}WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLANSetting" Set IANet_VLANSettingIns = wbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery,,,SValueSet) For each IANet_VLANSettingObj in IANet_VLANSettingIns If StrComp(IANet_VLANSettingObj.Caption,Teams(index, k, 0), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If StrComp(IANet_VLANSettingObj.CurrentValue, Teams(index, k, 1), vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then IANet_VLANSettingObj.CurrentValue = Teams(index, k, 1) Set Dumbpath = IANet_VLANSettingObj.Put_ (wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers, SValueSet) bApplySetting = true Exit For End If End If Next End If End If Next End If Next ElseIf StrComp(Teams(index, j, 0), "VLAN", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then bVLAN = True ElseIf StrComp(Teams(index, j, 0), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then ' Updating Team's Settings For Each IANet_Obj In IANet_Virtualconfigur If StrComp(TeamDeviceId, IANet_Obj.ParentId, vbTextCompare) =0 Then If StrComp(Teams(index, j, 0), IANet_Obj.Caption, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If StrComp(Teams(index, j, 1), IANet_Obj.CurrentValue, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then If StrComp(IANet_Obj.Path_.Class, "IANet_TeamSettingEnum", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then bFoundPossibleValue = False For I = 0 To UBound(IANet_Obj.PossibleValues) If StrComp(IANet_Obj.PossibleValues(I), Teams(index, j, 1), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then IANet_Obj.CurrentValue = IANet_Obj.PossibleValues(I) Set Dumbpath = IANet_Obj.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers, SValueSet) bApplySetting = true bModified = True bFoundPossibleValue = True Exit For End If Next If bFoundPossibleValue = False Then WScript.Echo "Can't apply the new '" & Teams(index, j, 0) & "' setting value of " & Teams(index, j, 1) & "' because the new value is not in the possible value range." End If Else IANet_Obj.CurrentValue = Teams(index, j, 1) Set Dumbpath = IANet_Obj.Put_ (wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers, SValueSet) bApplySetting = true bModified = True Exit For End If End If End If End if Next End If If bApplySetting Then ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject CreateSessions() bApplySetting = false End If Next End if Next End if ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject 'SCR 37163 End Sub '====================================================================================================== 'Sub SetTenGigFERegKey() 'Write a value to the Registry that Team Creation Failed because we found a 10/100 and 10 gig Team ' Dim oReg, strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue ' Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") ' strKeyPath ="SOFTWARE\INTEL\NIC\Team_FE_10Gig" ' strValueName = "10Gig_FE_Team" ' strValue = 1 ' WScript.Echo "Setting the Registry Value" ' oReg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue 'End Sub '====================================================================================================== ' ' Sub ErrorCheck() ' Displays Error and Extended Error Info to standard output ' '====================================================================================================== Sub ErrorCheck() Dim errExObject, strErrText WScript.Echo "Error Number=" & Err.Number WScript.Echo "Error Description=" & Err.Description Set errExObject = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLastError") If IsNull(errExObject) = FALSE Then strErrText = errExObject.GetObjectText_ WScript.Echo "MOF=" & strErrText 'If(InStr(1,strErrText, "StatusCode = 10000;", 1) <> 0) then ' blTenGigFETeamError = true 'End If End If End Sub '====================================================================================================== '***************************************************************************************** 'Sub RemoveExpressTeams() 'Remove any existing team or vlan instances '***************************************************************************************** Sub RemoveExpressTeams() on error resume next For each TempETObject in AdapterSets If TempETObject.ExpressTeaming =1 then if err.number = 0 then wscript.echo "Deleting existing Express Team..." Set InParameterETObj = TempETObject.Methods_.Item("ExpressTeam").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() InParameterETObj.CreateExpressTeam = FALSE Set OutParameterETObj = TempETObject.ExecMethod_("ExpressTeam", InParameterETObj, 0, SValueSet) end if End if Next on error goto 0 End Sub '***************************************************************************************** '***************************************************************************************** '======================================================================================= ' ' Sub: Remove() ' Removes teams and VLANs from the system ' '======================================================================================= Sub Remove() Dim regAccess CreateSessions() Set VLANObjSet = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_VLAN",,SValueSet) ' SCR 50668 Fix: Without ANS installed, the IANet_VLAN class ' Is not exposed in the WMI, causing the for each loop below to fail. Since ' isNull() and isEmpty() are not reflecting when IANet_VLAN ' is not there, it was needed to be done like this. ' Turn on error handling (script does not halt on errors) On Error Resume Next For Each VLANObj In VLANObjSet ' Check if there was an error accessing the VLANs collection ' if not, save the ANS information if err.number = 0 then bHasTeamOrVLAN = TRUE WScript.Echo "Removing any existing VLAN's..." VLANObj.Delete_ 0, SValueSet If Err.Number = -1879109552 Then WScript.Echo "Found Hyper-V bound VLAN" set regAccess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") regAccess.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\Intel\Network_Services\DMIX","RemoveTeams",0 Exit For End If end if Next ' Turn off error handling (script halts on errors again) On Error Goto 0 ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject CreateSessions() Set TeamsObjSet = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_TeamOfAdapters",,SValueSet) ' SCR 50668 Fix: Without ANS installed, the IANet_TeamOfAdapters class ' Is not exposed in the WMI, causing the for each loop below to fail. Since ' isNull() and isEmpty() are not reflecting when IANet_TeamOfAdapters ' is not there, it was needed to be done like this. ' Turn on error handling (script does not halt on errors) On Error Resume Next For Each TeamObj In TeamsObjSet ' Check if there was an error accessing the Team of Adapter collection ' if not, save the ANS information if err.number = 0 then WScript.Echo "Removing any existing Teams..." bHasTeamOrVLAN = True TeamObj.Delete_ 0, SValueSet If Err.Number = -1879109580 Then WScript.Echo "Found Hyper-V bound team" set regAccess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") regAccess.SetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\Intel\Network_Services\DMIX","RemoveTeams",0 Exit For End If end if Next On Error Goto 0 'Remove Express Team if strRemoveAnsOnly <> "TRUE" then RemoveExpressTeams() end if ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject End Sub '**************************************************************************** Const PHYSICAL_ADAPTER = 0 Const VLAN_ADAPTER = 1 Const TEAM_ADAPTER = 2 '===================================================================================== ' ' Sub: RestoreStaticIPSettings(ByVal strInputFname)' ' '===================================================================================== Sub RestoreStaticIPSettings(ByVal strInputFname) Dim fso Dim wbemServices_local Dim TeamSets,TeamObj,VLANSets,VlanObj,AdatperSets_local,AdatperObj_local Dim ts, strLine Dim IPAddress(),IPSubnet(),IPGateway(),IPDNS,TeamName,VlanName,AdapterName Dim gIndex Dim ResetSettings Set wbemServices_local = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/IntelNcs2") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If fso.FileExists (strInputFname) <> True Then Wscript.Echo "The file " & strInputFname Wscript.Echo "could not be found." Wscript.Echo "Either the file or the directory has been deleted " WScript.Echo "or Restore is being run on a cloned system." WScript.Echo "Unable to restore Static IP Addresses." bError = TRUE Exit Sub Else Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(strInputFname, 1) ReDim Preserve IPAddress(-1) ReDim Preserve IPSubnet(-1) ReDim Preserve IPGateway(-1) IPDNS = "" Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream strLine = ts.ReadLine() If StrComp(strLine,"Team", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() 'Store Team Name TeamName = Mid(strLine,11) strLine = ts.ReadLine() If StrComp(strLine,"IPADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'Store IP Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPAddress(-1) strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPAddress(gIndex) IPAddress(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop 'Store Subnet Masks gIndex = -1 Redim IPSubnet(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPSubnet(gIndex) IPSubnet(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store Gateway Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPGateway(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPGateway(gIndex) IPGateway(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store DNS Addresses IPDNS = "" If StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() IPDNS = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If Set TeamSets = wbemServices_local.InstancesOf("IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter") For each TeamObj in TeamSets if (StrComp(Mid(TeamObj.Caption,8),TeamName,VbTextCompare) = 0) then SetIPInfo TeamObj,TEAM_ADAPTER,IPAddress,IPSubnet,IPGateway,IPDNS End If Next if(StrComp(strLine,"VLAN", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then Do while StrComp(strLine, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 strLine = ts.ReadLine() VlanName = Mid(strLine,11) strLine = ts.ReadLine() If StrComp(strLine,"IPADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'Store IP Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPAddress(-1) strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPAddress(gIndex) IPAddress(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop 'Store Subnet Masks gIndex = -1 Redim IPSubnet(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPSubnet(gIndex) IPSubnet(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store Gateway Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPGateway(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPGateway(gIndex) IPGateway(gIndex) = strLine 'wscript.echo strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store DNS Addresses IPDNS = "" If StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() IPDNS = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If Set VLANSets = wbemServices_local.InstancesOf("IANet_VLAN") For each VlanObj in VLANSets If (StrComp(VlanObj.VLANName,VlanName,VbTextCompare) = 0) then If (InStr(1,VlanObj.Caption, TeamName, 1) <> 0) then SetIPInfo VlanObj,VLAN_ADAPTER,IPAddress,IPSubnet,IPGateway,IPDNS exit for End if End If Next Else 'wscript.echo"Nothing to set Vlan-Team" 'exit do End if Loop End if ElseIf(StrComp(strLine,"VLAN", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then Do while StrComp(strLine, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 strLine = ts.ReadLine() VlanName = Mid(strLine,11) strLine = ts.ReadLine() If StrComp(strLine,"IPADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'Store IP Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPAddress(-1) strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPAddress(gIndex) IPAddress(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop 'Store Subnet Masks gIndex = -1 Redim IPSubnet(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPSubnet(gIndex) IPSubnet(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store Gateway Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPGateway(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPGateway(gIndex) IPGateway(gIndex) = strLine 'wscript.echo strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store DNS Addresses IPDNS = "" If StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() IPDNS = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If Set VLANSets = wbemServices_local.InstancesOf("IANet_VLAN") For each VlanObj in VLANSets If (StrComp(VlanObj.VLANName,VlanName,VbTextCompare) = 0) then If (InStr(1,VlanObj.Caption, TeamName, 1) <> 0) then SetIPInfo VlanObj,VLAN_ADAPTER,IPAddress,IPSubnet,IPGateway,IPDNS exit for End if End If Next Else 'wscript.echo"Nothing to set Vlan-Team" End if Loop Else 'wscript.echo"Nothing to set Team" End if ElseIf(StrComp(Mid(strLine,1,13),"Adapter Name=", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then Do while StrComp(strLine, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 AdapterName = Mid(strLine,14) strLine = ts.ReadLine() If(StrComp(strLine,"VLAN", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() VlanName = Mid(strLine,11) strLine = ts.ReadLine() If StrComp(strLine,"IPADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'Store IP Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPAddress(-1) strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPAddress(gIndex) IPAddress(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop 'Store Subnet Masks gIndex = -1 Redim IPSubnet(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPSubnet(gIndex) IPSubnet(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store Gateway Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPGateway(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPGateway(gIndex) IPGateway(gIndex) = strLine 'wscript.echo strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store DNS Addresses IPDNS = "" If StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() IPDNS = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If Set VLANSets = wbemServices_local.InstancesOf("IANet_VLAN") For each VlanObj in VLANSets If (StrComp(VlanObj.VLANName,VlanName,VbTextCompare) = 0) then If (InStr(1,VlanObj.Caption, AdapterName, 1) <> 0) then SetIPInfo VlanObj,VLAN_ADAPTER,IPAddress,IPSubnet,IPGateway,IPDNS End if End If Next Else 'Wscript.echo"Nothing to set vlan-adapter" End if Else If StrComp(strLine,"IPADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 'Store IP Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPAddress(-1) strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPAddress(gIndex) IPAddress(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop 'Store Subnet Masks gIndex = -1 Redim IPSubnet(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"SUBNETMASKS", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPSubnet(gIndex) IPSubnet(gIndex) = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store Gateway Addresses gIndex = -1 Redim IPGateway(-1) If StrComp(strLine,"GATEWAYADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() Do While (StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (StrComp(strLine,"", vbTextCompare) <> 0) gIndex = gIndex + 1 ReDim Preserve IPGateway(gIndex) IPGateway(gIndex) = strLine 'wscript.echo strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() Loop End If 'Store DNS Addresses IPDNS = "" If StrComp(strLine,"DNSADDRESSES", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then strLine = ts.ReadLine() IPDNS = strLine strLine = ts.ReadLine() End If Set AdatperSets_local = wbemServices_local.InstancesOf("IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter") For each AdatperObj_local In AdatperSets_local if (StrComp(AdatperObj_local.OriginalDisplayName,AdapterName,vbTextCompare) = 0) Then SetIPInfo AdatperObj_local,PHYSICAL_ADAPTER,IPAddress,IPSubnet,IPGateway,IPDNS end if Next Else wscript.echo "Adapter Does not exist." End if End if Loop End if Loop End if wscript.echo "Finished restoring Static IP addresses" End Sub '***************************************************************************** Sub ReloadLogicalDevice(ResetSettings,WbemServices) Dim ResetSettingObj Dim OriginalVal For Each ResetSettingObj in ResetSettings OriginalVal = ResetSettingObj.CurrentValue ' Do a BeginApply to acquire a lock in Middleware to prepare to write a setting Err.Clear Dim ClientID, dummyResult Dim BeginApplyNetServiceObject Dim colBeginApplyNetServiceObject : Set colBeginApplyNetServiceObject = WbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * from IANet_NetService", , 16) WbemServices.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeLoadDriverPrivilege", True If IsObject(colBeginApplyNetServiceObject) Then For Each BeginApplyNetServiceObject In colBeginApplyNetServiceObject Dim objReturn : Set objReturn = BeginApplyNetServiceObject.ExecMethod_("BeginApply") If objReturn.ReturnValue = 0 Then ClientID = Cint(objReturn.ClientSetHandle) Else sReturn = "Unable to establish to obtain client lock ID" & GetErr Err.Clear End If Next Else sReturn = "Unable to obtain instances of IANet_NetService " & GetErr Err.Clear End If dim SValueSet : Set SValueSet = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet") ' Add the ClientID so the lock allows us to apply the setting SValueSet.Add "ClientSetId", ClientID ' Update the setting to what we want it to be ResetSettingObj.CurrentValue = OriginalVal ' Call WMI to update the setting Set dummyResult = ResetSettingObj.Put_(&h20000, SValueSet) ' Try to apply the setting Err.Clear Dim ApplyNetServiceObject Dim colApplyNetServiceObject : Set colApplyNetServiceObject = WbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * from IANet_NetService", , 16) If IsObject(colApplyNetServiceObject) Then For Each ApplyNetServiceObject In colApplyNetServiceObject 'Spawn IN parameters for 'Apply' Dim objInParams : Set objInParams = ApplyNetServiceObject.Methods_.Item("Apply").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() 'Set ClientID objInParams.ClientSetHandle = ClientID 'Invoke method Dim objApplyReturn : Set objApplyReturn = ApplyNetServiceObject.ExecMethod_("Apply", objInParams) 'Evaluate return codes If objApplyReturn.ReturnValue = 0 Then 'Evaluate FollowUpAction (0 = no reboot, 1 = reboot) If objApplyReturn.FollowUpAction = 1 Then Wscript.Echo "A reboot is required" End If End If Next End If Next End Sub '***************************************************************************** Sub SetIPInfo(ConnectionObj,ConnectionType,IPAddress,IPSubnet,IPGateway,IPDNS) Dim colWMISettings,objWMISetting Dim settingType Dim Dumbpath Dim SettingVal Dim i Const wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers = &h20000 i = 0 For i=LBound(IPAddress) To UBound(IPAddress) wscript.Echo"IPAddress : " & IPAddress(i) wscript.Echo"IPSubnet : " & IPSubnet(i) Next If (ConnectionType = PHYSICAL_ADAPTER) Then settingType = "IANet_AdapterSetting" Elseif (ConnectionType = VLAN_ADAPTER) Then settingType = "IANet_VLANSetting" Elseif (ConnectionType = TEAM_ADAPTER) Then settingType = "IANet_TeamSetting" Else settingType = "" End If CreateSessions() Set colWMISettings = wbemServices.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & ConnectionObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = " & settingType,,,SValueSet) For Each objWMISetting In colWMISettings If StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "EnableDHCP", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If objWMISetting.CurrentValue = 1 Then objWMISetting.CurrentValue = 0 Set Dumbpath = objWMISetting.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers,SValueSet) Exit For End If End If Next ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject WScript.Sleep(2000) CreateSessions() Set colWMISettings = wbemServices.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & ConnectionObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = " & settingType,,,SValueSet) For Each objWMISetting In colWMISettings If StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "IPAddress", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If UBound(IPAddress) > -1 Then If StrComp(IPAddress(0), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then objWMISetting.CurrentValues = IPAddress Set Dumbpath = objWMISetting.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers,SValueSet) End If End If Elseif StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "SubnetMask", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If UBound(IPSubnet) > -1 Then If StrComp(IPSubnet(0), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then objWMISetting.CurrentValues = IPSubnet Set Dumbpath = objWMISetting.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers,SValueSet) End If End If Elseif StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "DefaultGateway", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If UBound(IPGateway) > -1 Then If StrComp(IPGateway(0), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then objWMISetting.CurrentValues = IPGateway Set Dumbpath = objWMISetting.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers,SValueSet) End If End If Elseif StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "NameServer", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then If (StrComp(IPDNS, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0) AND (StrComp(IPDNS, "", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then objWMISetting.CurrentValue = IPDNS Set Dumbpath = objWMISetting.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers,SValueSet) End If End If Next ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject WScript.Sleep(2000) CreateSessions() Set colWMISettings = wbemServices.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & ConnectionObj.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = " & settingType,,,SValueSet) For Each objWMISetting In colWMISettings If (StrComp(Right(objWMISetting.Path_.Class, 11), "MultiString", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then objWMISetting.Caption = "{57B398F5-6620-4cee-9777-03437D411720}" Set Dumbpath = objWMISetting.Put_(wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers,SValueSet) Exit For End If Next ExecApply wbemServices, strNetSerObjPath, SessionObject End Sub '***************************************************************************** Sub SaveStaticIPSettings(byVal strOutputFileName) dim colNetDevicesPhysical,colNetDevicesLogical dim objNetDevicePhyObj,objFile,objNetDeviceLogObj dim wbemServices,objWMIService 'Create a configuration file If IsEmpty(CreateConfigFile(strOutputFileName)) then Exit Sub Else Set objFile=CreateConfigFile(strOutputFileName) End If objFile.WriteLine "*** NCS2 DMiX IP information ***" objFile.WriteLine "*** Date " & Date & " Time " & Time() & " ***" objFile.WriteLine "**********************************************" objFile.WriteLine "" Set wbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/IntelNcs2") wbemServices.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeLoadDriverPrivilege", True 'Get all instances from IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter for adapters Set colNetDevicesPhysical = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter") For each objNetDevicePhyObj in colNetDevicesPhysical If(InStr(1,objNetDevicePhyObj.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0) AND (objNetDevicePhyObj.StatusInfo= 3) then SaveIPInfo objFile,objNetDevicePhyObj,VLAN_ADAPTER SaveIPInfo objFile,objNetDevicePhyObj,PHYSICAL_ADAPTER End if Next objFile.WriteBlankLines(1) 'Get all instances from IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter for teams Set colNetDevicesLogical = wbemServices.InstancesOf("IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter") ' SCR 50668 Fix: Without ANS installed, the IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter class ' Is not exposed in the WMI, causing the for each loop below to fail. Since ' isNull() and isEmpty() are not reflecting when IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter ' is not there, it was needed to be done like this. ' Turn on error handling (script does not halt on errors) On Error Resume Next For each objNetDeviceLogObj in colNetDevicesLogical ' Check if there was an error accessing the Logical Adapter collection ' if not, save the ANS information if err.number = 0 then SaveIPInfo objFile,objNetDeviceLogObj,TEAM_ADAPTER SaveIPInfo objFile,objNetDeviceLogObj,VLAN_ADAPTER SaveIPInfo objFile,objNetDeviceLogObj,PHYSICAL_ADAPTER end if Next ' Turn off error handling (script halts on errors again) On Error Goto 0 objFile.WriteBlankLines(1) objFile.close Wscript.Echo "Static IP information saved!" End Sub '***************************************************************************** Private Function CreateIPConfigFile(byVal strOutputFileName) dim fso dim file Dim szTmpFld Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") szTmpFld = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") If (fso.FolderExists(szTmpFld)) <> True Then Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "Unable to create the configuration file required" Wscript.Echo "to save the static IP information." Wscript.Echo "Static IP information will not be saved." bError = TRUE Exit Function End If szTmpFld = szTmpFld & "\PROSetDX\DMIX\" 'make sure the folder exists before creating the text file If (fso.FolderExists(szTmpFld)) <> True Then 'need to create destination folder one directory at a time szTmpFld = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") szTmpFld = szTmpFld & "\PROSetDX" If (fso.FolderExists(szTmpFld)) <> True Then fso.CreateFolder(szTmpFld) End If szTmpFld = szTmpFld & "\DMIX" fso.CreateFolder(szTmpFld) If (fso.FolderExists(szTmpFld)) <> True Then Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "Unable to create the configuration file required" Wscript.Echo "to save the static IP information." Wscript.Echo "Static IP information will not be saved." bError = TRUE Exit Function End If End If Set file=fso.CreateTextFile(strOutputFileName,True) Set CreateIPConfigFile=file End Function '**************************************************************************** Private Function SaveIPInfo(objFile,objAdapter,adapterType) Dim objWMIService Dim colWMISettings,objWMISetting Dim colLogicalAdapter,objLogicalAdapter Dim col802dot1VLAN,obj802dot1VLAN,colVLAN,objVLAN Dim cont Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/IntelNcs2") cont = True 'Check whether static IP information is available through WMI If (adapterType = PHYSICAL_ADAPTER) Then Set colWMISettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_AdapterSetting") For Each objWMISetting In colWMISettings If (StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "EnableDHCP", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then If (objWMISetting.CurrentValue = 0) Then objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Name=" & objAdapter.OriginalDisplayName SaveWMIIPInfo objFile,colWMISettings,objAdapter.DeviceID End If cont = False End If Next Elseif (adapterType = VLAN_ADAPTER) Then Set col802dot1VLAN = objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_802dot1QVLANService") If col802dot1VLAN.Count > 0 Then For Each obj802dot1VLAN In col802dot1VLAN Set colVLAN = objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & obj802dot1VLAN.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLAN") If colVLAN.Count > 0 Then For Each objVLAN In colVLAN Set colWMISettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objVLAN.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLANSetting") For Each objWMISetting In colWMISettings If (StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "EnableDHCP", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then If (objWMISetting.CurrentValue = 0) Then If (objVLAN.ParentType = 0) Then objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Name=" & objAdapter.Caption objFile.WriteLine "VLAN" objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & objVLAN.VLANName Elseif (objVLAN.ParentType = 1) Then objFile.WriteLine "Team" objFile.WriteLine "Team Name=" & Mid(objAdapter.Caption,8) objFile.WriteLine "VLAN" objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & objVLAN.VLANName Else objFile.WriteLine "VLAN" objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & objVLAN.VLANName End If SaveWMIIPInfo objFile,colWMISettings,objVLAN.Name End If cont = False End If Next Next End If Next End If Elseif (adapterType = TEAM_ADAPTER) Then Set colWMISettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_TeamSetting") For Each objWMISetting In colWMISettings If (StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "EnableDHCP", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then If (objWMISetting.CurrentValue = 0) Then objFile.WriteLine "Team" objFile.WriteLine "Team Name=" & Mid(objAdapter.Caption,8) SaveWMIIPInfo objFile,colWMISettings,objAdapter.DeviceID End If cont = False End If Next End If 'Check whether static IP information is available in registry If (cont = True) Then On Error Resume Next If (adapterType = PHYSICAL_ADAPTER) Then Set colLogicalAdapter = objWMIService.InstancesOf("IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter where StaticIPAddress <> ''") For Each objLogicalAdapter In colLogicalAdapter If Err.Number = 0 Then On Error Goto 0 If objLogicalAdapter.DeviceID = objAdapter.DeviceID Then objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Name=" & objAdapter.OriginalDisplayName SaveLegacyIPInfo objFile,objAdapter.DeviceID End If End If Next Elseif (adapterType = VLAN_ADAPTER) Then Set col802dot1VLAN = objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & objAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_802dot1QVLANService") If col802dot1VLAN.Count > 0 Then For Each obj802dot1VLAN In col802dot1VLAN Set colVLAN = objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & obj802dot1VLAN.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLAN") For Each objVLAN In colVLAN Set colLogicalAdapter = objWMIService.InstancesOf("IANet_VLAN where StaticIPAddress <> ''") For Each objLogicalAdapter In colLogicalAdapter If objLogicalAdapter.Name = objVLAN.Name Then If Err.Number = 0 Then On Error Goto 0 If (objVLAN.ParentType = 0) Then objFile.WriteLine "Adapter Name=" & objAdapter.Caption objFile.WriteLine "VLAN" objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & objVLAN.VLANName Elseif (objVLAN.ParentType = 1) Then objFile.WriteLine "Team" objFile.WriteLine "Team Name=" & Mid(objAdapter.Caption,8) objFile.WriteLine "VLAN" objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & objVLAN.VLANName Else objFile.WriteLine "VLAN" objFile.WriteLine "VLAN Name=" & objVLAN.VLANName End If SaveLegacyIPInfo objFile,objVLAN.Name End If End If Next Next Next End If Elseif (adapterType = TEAM_ADAPTER) Then Set colLogicalAdapter = objWMIService.InstancesOf("IANet_TeamofAdapters where StaticIPAddress <> ''") For Each objLogicalAdapter In colLogicalAdapter If Err.Number = 0 Then On Error Goto 0 If objLogicalAdapter.Name = objAdapter.DeviceID Then objFile.WriteLine "Team" objFile.WriteLine "Team Name=" & Mid(objAdapter.Caption, 8) SaveLegacyIPInfo objFile,objAdapter.DeviceID End If End If Next End If On Error Goto 0 End If End Function '**************************************************************************** Private Function SaveWMIIPInfo(objFile,colWMISettings,adapterID) Dim objWMISetting Dim itemIPAddress,itemListIPAddress Dim itemSubnetMask,itemListSubnetMask Dim itemDefaultGateway,itemListDefaultGateway Dim itemNameServer For Each objWMISetting In colWMISettings If (StrComp(objWMISetting.ParentID, adapterID, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then If (StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "IPAddress", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then itemListIPAddress = objWMISetting.CurrentValues Elseif (StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "SubnetMask", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then itemListSubnetMask = objWMISetting.CurrentValues Elseif (StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "DefaultGateway", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then itemListDefaultGateway = objWMISetting.CurrentValues Elseif (StrComp(objWMISetting.Caption, "NameServer", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then itemNameServer = objWMISetting.CurrentValue End If End If Next objFile.WriteLine "IPADDRESSES" For Each itemIPAddress In itemListIPAddress If (StrComp(itemIPAddress, " ", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then objFile.WriteLine itemIPAddress End If Next objFile.WriteLine "SUBNETMASKS" For Each itemSubnetMask In itemListSubnetMask If (StrComp(itemSubnetMask, " ", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then objFile.WriteLine itemSubnetMask End If Next objFile.WriteLine "GATEWAYADDRESSES" For Each itemDefaultGateway In itemListDefaultGateway If (StrComp(itemDefaultGateway, " ", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then objFile.WriteLine itemDefaultGateway End If Next objFile.WriteLine "DNSADDRESSES" objFile.WriteLine itemNameServer objFile.WriteBlankLines(1) End Function '**************************************************************************** Private Function SaveLegacyIPInfo(objFile,adapterID) Dim regAccess Dim keyPath,valName Dim regVal,strVal Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 set regAccess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") keyPath = ("SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & adapterID) valName = "IPAddress" regAccess.GetMultiStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyPath,valName,regVal If UBound(regVal) > -1 Then objFile.WriteLine "IPADDRESSES" For Each strVal in regVal objFile.WriteLine strVal Next End If valName = "SubnetMask" regAccess.GetMultiStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyPath,valName,regVal If UBound(regVal) > -1 Then objFile.WriteLine "SUBNETMASKS" For Each strVal in regVal objFile.WriteLine strVal Next End If valName = "DefaultGateway" regAccess.GetMultiStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyPath,valName,regVal If UBound(regVal) > -1 Then objFile.WriteLine "GATEWAYADDRESSES" For Each strVal in regVal objFile.WriteLine strVal Next End If valName = "NameServer" regAccess.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyPath,valName,regVal If strcomp(regVal,"",vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then objFile.WriteLine "DNSADDRESSES" objFile.WriteLine regVal End If objFile.WriteLine "" End Function '**************************************************************************** Private Function Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting(szReadLine) Dim bRet: bRet = FALSE If (InStr(szReadLine,"GVRP") > 0) Or _ (InStr(szReadLine,"GMRP") > 0) Then bRet = TRUE End If Is_GVRP_GMRP_Setting = bRet End Function '**************************************************************************** Private Function Is_StaticIP_Setting(szReadLine) Dim bRet: bRet = FALSE If (StrComp(szReadLine, "DefaultGateway", vbTextCompare) = 0) Or _ (StrComp(szReadLine, "IPAddress", vbTextCompare) = 0) Or _ (StrComp(szReadLine, "NameServer", vbTextCompare) = 0) Or _ (StrComp(szReadLine, "SubnetMask", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then bRet = TRUE End If Is_StaticIP_Setting = bRet End Function '**************************************************************************** Private Function IsTeamSupportedInCurrentOS(strTeamType) dim bRet: bRet = TRUE ' ********************************************* ' WE ARE NO LONGER RESTRICTING TEAM TYPES IN XP ' ********************************************* ' if ((OSVersion = "5.1") OR ((OSVersion = "5.2") AND (OSProductType = "1"))) AND (strTeamType <> "0") AND (strTeamType <> "1") then ' bRet = FALSE ' end if ' ALWAYS RETURN TRUE, REVERSING DCR 170 IsTeamSupportedInCurrentOS = bRet End function ' This function will take a passed string (szString) and break it based on (szDelimeter) into an array function ConvertStringToStringArray(szString, szDelimeter) dim szArray() dim szTempStr dim szTemp dim arrayCounter arrayCounter = 0 Redim Preserve AdapterPath(1) ' The only way this loop will work as written is if the input string ends with the delimeter ' Otherwise it will result in an infinite loop if InStrRev(szString, szDelimeter) <> Len(szString) then szString = szString + szDelimeter end if on error resume next do szTemp = Left(szString, InStr(szString, szDelimeter)-1) if len(szTemp) > 0 then Redim preserve szArray(arrayCounter) szArray(arrayCounter) = szTemp arrayCounter = arrayCounter + 1 end if szString = Mid(szString, InStr(szString, szDelimeter)+1) loop until len(szString) = 0 on error goto 0 ConvertStringToStringArray = szArray end function '**************************************************************************** Sub GetOldTimeOutValue Dim regAccess Dim keyPath,valName Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Set regAccess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") keyPath = ("SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk") valName = "TimeOutValue" regAccess.GetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyPath,valName,oldTimeOutValue End Sub '**************************************************************************** Sub ShowTimeOutValueRebootMessage Dim regAccess Dim keyPath,valName Dim newTimeOutValue Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Set regAccess = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") keyPath = ("SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk") valName = "TimeOutValue" regAccess.GetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyPath,valName,newTimeOutValue If newTimeOutValue <> oldTimeOutValue And isTimeOutValueModified = True Then WScript.Echo "Restore successful. Reboot required." End If End Sub '***************************************************************************** sub SaveHyperVSettings(settingsFileName) dim fileSystem, settingsFile dim ncsService dim physicalAdapters, physicalAdapter dim logicalAdapters, logicalAdapter dim vlanServices, vlanService dim vlanAdapters, vlanAdapter 'Test whether Hyper-v is present or not on error resume next GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\virtualization") if err.number <> 0 then exit sub end if on error goto 0 'Setup output file set fileSystem = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set settingsFile = fileSystem.OpenTextFile(SettingsFileName, 2, true) settingsFile.WriteLine "*** NCS2 DMiX Hyper-V Data ***" settingsFile.WriteLine "*** Date " & date & " Time " & Time() & " ***" settingsFile.WriteLine "**********************************************" settingsFile.WriteBlankLines(1) 'Save Hyper-V information for all Intel adapters present on the system set ncsService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}//./root/IntelNcs2") ncsService.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString "SeLoadDriverPrivilege", true set physicalAdapters = ncsService.InstancesOf("IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter") for each physicalAdapter in physicalAdapters 'Save settings for only Intel adapters by checking for Non-Intel and disabled adapters if InStr(1,physicalAdapter.Caption, "Intel(R)", 1) <> 0 and physicalAdapter.StatusInfo = 3 then SaveHyperVSettingsForPort physicalAdapter.OriginalDisplayName, settingsFile set vlanServices = ncsService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & physicalAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_802dot1QVLANService") for each vlanService in vlanServices set vlanAdapters = ncsService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & vlanService.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLAN") for each vlanAdapter in vlanAdapters SaveHyperVSettingsForPort vlanAdapter.Caption, settingsFile next next end if next set logicalAdapters = ncsService.InstancesOf("IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter") ' SCR 50668 Fix: Without ANS installed, the IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter class ' Is not exposed in the WMI, causing the for each loop below to fail. Since ' isNull() and isEmpty() are not reflecting when IANet_LogicalEthernetAdapter ' is not there, it was needed to be done like this. on error resume next for each logicalAdapter in logicalAdapters if err.number = 0 then SaveHyperVSettingsForPort logicalAdapter.Caption, settingsFile set vlanServices = ncsService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & logicalAdapter.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_802dot1QVLANService") for each vlanService in vlanServices set vlanAdapters = ncsService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {" & vlanService.Path_.Path & "} WHERE ResultClass = IANet_VLAN") for each vlanAdapter in vlanAdapters SaveHyperVSettingsForPort vlanAdapter.Caption, settingsFile next next end if next on error goto 0 settingsFile.Close WScript.Echo "Hyper-V information saved!" end sub '***************************************************************************** sub SaveHyperVSettingsForPort(externalPortName, settingsFile) dim vsmService, switchService dim externalPorts, externalPort dim activeConnections, activeCOnnection dim switchPorts, switchPort dim deleteInParam, deleteOutParams dim bindInParam, bindOutParams 'Setup WMI access set vsmService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\virtualization") set switchService = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_VirtualSwitchManagementService").ItemIndex(0) 'Get information on virtual NIC associated with port set externalPorts = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort where ElementName = """ & externalPortName & """") for each externalPort in externalPorts set activeConnections = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_ActiveConnection") for each activeConnection in activeConnections if InStr(activeConnection.Dependent, externalPort.DeviceID) <> 0 then set switchPorts = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_SwitchPort") for each switchPort in switchPorts if InStr(activeConnection.Antecedent, switchPort.Name) <> 0 then 'Write information necessary to restruct Virtual NIC association with port to the file settingsFile.WriteLine "PortName=" & externalPortName settingsFile.WriteLine "SystemName=" & switchPort.SystemName if InStr(switchPort.ScopeOfResidence, "") = 0 then settingsFile.WriteLine "ScopeOfResidence=Default" else settingsFile.WriteLine "Scope Of Residence=" & switchPort.ScopeOfResidence end if settingsFile.WriteBlankLines(1) 'Delete the switchport from the virtual switch set deleteInParam = switchService.Methods_("DeleteSwitchPort").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() deleteInParam.SwitchPort = switchPort.Path_.Path set deleteOutParams = switchService.ExecMethod_("DeleteSwitchPort", deleteInParam) if deleteOutParams.ReturnValue <> 0 then WScript.Echo "Call to DeleteSwitchPort failed with error code " & deleteOutParams.ReturnValue end if 'Unbind port from Hyper-V set bindInParam = switchService.Methods_("UnbindExternalEthernetPort").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() bindInParam.ExternalEthernetPort = externalPort.Path_.Path set bindOutParams = switchService.ExecMethod_("UnbindExternalEthernetPort", bindInParam) if bindOutParams.ReturnValue <> 0 then WScript.Echo "Call to BindExternalEthernetPort failed with error code " & bindOutParams.ReturnValue end if exit for end if next exit for end if next next end sub '***************************************************************************** sub RestoreHyperVSettings(settingsFileName) dim fileSystem, settingsFile dim line dim externalPortName, systemName, scopeOfResidence 'Test whether Hyper-v is present or not on error resume next GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\virtualization") if err.number <> 0 then exit sub end if on error goto 0 'Open input file set fileSystem = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if fileSystem.FileExists(SettingsFileName) then set settingsFile = fileSystem.OpenTextFile(SettingsFileName, 1, false) else WScript.Echo "Hyper-v Settings files not found." exit sub end if 'Read in settings for each bound port do until settingsFile.AtEndOfStream line = settingsFile.ReadLine if InStr(1,line, "PortName=", 1) <> 0 then externalPortName = mid(line, 10) line = settingsFile.ReadLine systemName = mid(line, 12) line = settingsFile.ReadLine if InStr(1,line, "Default", 1) <> 0 then scopeOfResidence = "" else scopeOfResidence = mid(line, 18) end if RestoreHyperVSettingsforPort externalPortName, systemName, scopeOfResidence end if loop settingsFile.Close Wscript.Echo "Finished restoring Hyper-V settings" end sub '***************************************************************************** sub RestoreHyperVSettingsforPort(externalPortName, systemName, scopeOfResidence) dim osService dim osInstances, osInstance dim osVersion dim isWin2K8 dim vsmService, switchService dim externalPorts, externalPort dim bindInParam, bindOutParams dim typeLib dim virtualSwitch, switchPortName, switchPortFriendlyName, switchPort dim createInParam, createOutParams dim switchLANEndpoint dim connectInParam, connectOutParams 'Check OS version set osService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") set osInstances = osService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48) for each osInstance in osInstances osVersion = osInstance.Version next if StrComp(osVersion, "6.1") < 0 then isWin2K8 = true end if 'Setup WMI access set vsmService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\virtualization") set switchService = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_VirtualSwitchManagementService").ItemIndex(0) 'Find Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort associated with port specified set externalPorts = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort where ElementName = """ & externalPortName & """") for each externalPort in externalPorts 'Bind port to Hyper-V set bindInParam = switchService.Methods_("BindExternalEthernetPort").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() bindInParam.ExternalEthernetPort = externalPort.Path_.Path set bindOutParams = switchService.ExecMethod_("BindExternalEthernetPort", bindInParam) if bindOutParams.ReturnValue <> 0 then WScript.Echo "Call to BindExternalEthernetPort failed with error code " & bindOutParams.ReturnValue end if 'Get instances of Msvm_VirtualSwitch previously associated with VNIC if isWin2K8 then set virtualSwitch = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_SwitchService where Name = """ & systemName & """").ItemIndex(0) else set virtualSwitch = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_VirtualSwitch where Name = """ & systemName & """").ItemIndex(0) end if 'Create new name and friendly name for virtual switch port Set typeLib = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib") switchPortName = typeLib.Guid switchPortFriendlyName = virtualSwitch.ElementName & "_ExternalPort" 'Create a new switch port based on the old saved data set createInParam = switchService.Methods_("CreateSwitchPort").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() createInParam.FriendlyName = switchPortFriendlyName createInParam.Name = switchPortName if isWin2K8 then createInParam.SwitchService = virtualSwitch.Path_.Path else createInParam.VirtualSwitch = virtualSwitch.Path_.Path end if createInParam.ScopeofResidence = scopeOfResidence set createOutParams = switchService.ExecMethod_("CreateSwitchPort", createInParam) if createOutParams.ReturnValue = 0 then set switchPort = vsmService.Get(createOutParams.CreatedSwitchPort) else WScript.Echo "Call to CreateSwitchPort failed with error code " & createOutParams.ReturnValue end if 'Get instances of Msvm_SwitchLANEndpoint associated with connection if isWin2K8 then set switchLANEndpoint = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_LANEndpoint where Name = ""/DEVICE/" & externalPort.DeviceID & """").ItemIndex(0) else set switchLANEndpoint = vsmService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_SwitchLANEndpoint where Name = ""/DEVICE/" & externalPort.DeviceID & """").ItemIndex(0) end if 'Call ConnectSwitchPort set connectInParam = switchService.Methods_("ConnectSwitchPort").InParameters.SpawnInstance_() connectInParam.SwitchPort = switchPort.Path_.Path connectInParam.LANEndPoint = switchLANEndpoint.Path_.Path set connectOutParams = switchService.ExecMethod_("ConnectSwitchPort", connectInParam) if connectOutParams.ReturnValue <> 0 then WScript.Echo "Call to ConnectSwitchPort failed with error code " & connectOutParams.ReturnValue end if next end sub