UEFI Network Device Driver for Intel® Network Connections


Supported UEFI Implementations

Intel UEFI Network Driver Naming Convention

Loading the UEFI Driver

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM Using PROset

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM From the UEFI Shell

UEFI Network Stack

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for PXE

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for TCP/UDP/MTFTP

Unloading the UEFI Network Driver

Force Speed and Duplex



NOTE: The UEFI network driver for Intel(R) Network Connection enables network connectivity under UEFI. It can be used in conjunction with UEFI software components available from other sources to perform network functions in the UEFI environment.

Supported UEFI Implementations

The UEFI network driver supports UEFI platforms based on the following UEFI/EFI specifications:

UEFI driver binaries are provided for 64-bit (x86-64), and Itanium processor family platforms.

Intel UEFI Network Driver Naming Convention

The network driver version, UEFI platform type, and the network hardware support can be determined by the file naming convention. The format of the driver filename is listed below:



x - major version number of the UEFI driver in decimal
y - minor version number of the UEFI driver in decimal
zz - fix field of the version number

t - the type of driver

X - UEFI x64 driver
I - UEFI Itanium driver

n - class of adapter the driver is for

2 – PCI/PCI-X Gigabit
3 – PCI-E Gigabit
4 - 10 Gigabit


E3603X3.efi - Version 3.6.03 of UEFI x64 driver for Intel PCI-E Gigabit network connection
E1001I4.efi - Version 1.0.01 of UEFI Itanium driver for Intel 10GBE network connection

Loading the UEFI Network Driver

The network driver can be loaded using the UEFI shell "load" command:

load e3040e2.efi

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM Using PROSet

PROSet for Windows Device Manager can install the UEFI network driver on an Intel network adapter's option ROM. The UEFI network driver will load automatically during system UEFI boot When installed in the option ROM. UEFI specific*.FLB images are included on the CD release media. The "Boot Options" tab in PROSet will allow the UEFI*.FLB image to be installed on the network adapter.

The following FLB files are included on the release media:

BAxyzzX2.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI/PCI-X gigabit driver for x86-64
BAxyzzI2.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI/PCI-X gigabit driver for Itanium
BAxyzzX3.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI-E gigabit driver for x86-64
BAxyzzI3.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI-E gigabit driver for Itanium
BAxyzzX4.flb - Version x.y.zz of the 10-gigabit driver for x86-64
BAxyzzI4.flb - Version x.y.zz of the 10-gigabit driver for Itanium

PROSet can only be used to program add-in Intel PCI, PCI-X, and PCI-E network adapters. LOM (LAN On Motherboard) network connections cannot be programmed with the UEFI network driver option ROM. Refer to the PROSet documentation for detailed instructions.

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM from the UEFI Shell

The BootUtil command line utility can install the UEFI network driver on an Intel network adapter's option ROM. The UEFI network driver will load automatically during system UEFI boot When installed into the option ROM. Run BootUtil with the following command line options to install the UEFI network driver on all supported Intel network adapters:

FS0:\>bootutil -up -all

BootUtil can only be used to program add-in Intel PCI, PCI-X, and PCI-E network adapters. LOM (LAN On Motherboard) network connections cannot be programmed with the UEFI network driver option ROM.

UEFI Network Stack

As of UEFI 2.1 there are two network stack configurations under UEFI. The most common configuration is the PXE based network stack. The alternate network
stack provides IPv4 TCP, UDP, and MTFTP network protocol support. As of UEFI 2.1 the PXE and IP-based network stacks cannot be loaded or operate
simultaneously. The following two sections describe each UEFI network stack configuration.

Reference implementations of the PXE and IP based network stack source code are available for download at www.tianocore.org.

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for PXE

The PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment) based UEFI network stack provides support for UEFI network boot loaders downloaded from a WFM compliant PXE server. Services which can be enabled include Windows 2008 Deployment Services (WDS), Windows 2003 Server Remote Installation Service (Itanium only), Linux network installation (Elilo), and TFTP file transfers. To enable UEFI PXE services the following network protocol drivers must be loaded with: snp.efi, bc.efi, and pxedhcp4.efi. These drivers can be loaded from the UEFI "load" shell command, but are often included as part of the UEFI system firmware. The UEFI shell command "drivers" can be used to determine if the UEFI PXE drivers are included in the UEFI implementation. The drivers command will output a table listing drivers loaded in the system. The following entries must be present in order to network boot a UEFI system over PXE:

F5 00000010 D - - 2 - Simple Network Protocol Driver SNP
F7 00000010 D - - 2 - PXE Base Code Driver BC
F9 00000010 D - - 2 - PXE DHCPv4 Driver PxeDhcp4
FA 03004000 B X X 2 2 Intel(R) Network Connection 3.0.00 /e3000e2.efi

A network boot option will appear in the boot options menu when the UEFI PXE network stack and Intel UEFI network driver have been loaded. Selecting this
boot option will initiate a PXE network boot.

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for TCP/UDP/MTFTP

An IP-based network stack is available to applications requiring IP-based network protocols such as TCP, UDP, or MTFTP. The following UEFI network
drivers must be built into the UEFI platform implementation to enable this stack: SNP (Simple Network Protocol), MNP (Managed Network Protocol), ARP,
DHCP4, IPv4, ip4config, TCPv4, UDPv4, and MTFTPv4. These drivers will show up in the UEFI "drivers" command output if they are included in the platform UEFI implementation:

F5 00000010 D - - 2 - IP4 CONFIG Network Service Driver Ip4Config
F7 00000010 D - - 2 - Simple Network Protocol Driver SNP
F8 00000010 D - - 2 - ARP Network Service Driver Arp
F9 00000010 D - - 2 - Tcp Network Service Driver Tcp4
FA 00000010 D - - 2 - IP4 Network Service Driver Ip4
FB 00000010 D - - 2 - DHCP Protocol Driver Dhcp4
FC 00000010 D - - 6 - UDP Network Service Driver Udp4
FD 00000010 D - - 2 - MTFTP4 Network Service Mtftp4
FE 00000010 B - - 2 6 MNP Network Service Driver /mnp.efi
FF 03099900 B X X 2 2 Intel(R) Network Connection 3.0.00 /e3000e2.efi

The ifconfig UEFI shell command must be used to configure each network interface. Running "ifconfig -?" from the UEFI shell will display usage instructions for ifconfig.

Unloading the UEFI Network Driver

To unload a network driver from memory the UEFI "unload" command is used. The syntax for using the unload command is as follows: "unload [driver handle]",
where driver handle is the number assigned to the driver in the far left column of the "drivers" output screen.

Force Speed and Duplex

The UEFI network driver supports forced speed and duplex capability. The force speed and duplex menu can be accessed with UEFI shell command "drvcfg":

drvcfg -s [driver handle] [control handle]

The following speed and duplex configurations can be selected:

The speed and duplex setting selected must match the speed and duplex setting of the connecting network port. A speed and duplex mismatch between ports will result in dropped packets and poor network performance. It is recommended to set all ports on a network to autonegotiate. Connected ports must be set to autonegotiate in order to establish a 1 gigabit per second connection.

Fiber-optic and 10 gigabit ethernet adapters do not support forced speed and duplex.

Diagnostic Capability

The UEFI network driver features built in hardware diagnostic tests. The diagnotic tests are called with the UEFI shell drvdiag command.

"drvdiag -s" -Perform a basic hardware register test
"drvdiag -e" -Perform an internal loopback transmit and receive test

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