[version] Signature=$Windows NT$ DriverVer=10/01/2002,5.2.3790.0 [CopyFiles] guitrn.dll, guitrn_u.dll guitrn_a.dll migism.dll, migism_u.dll migism_a.dll migism.inf log.dll migapp.inf migsys.inf miguser.inf migwiz.exe, migwiz_u.exe migwiz_a.exe migwiz.inf script.dll, script_u.dll script_a.dll shfolder.dll sysfiles.inf sysmod.dll, sysmod_u.dll sysmod_a.dll usmtdef.inf migwiz.exe.manifest, NO_FAIL migload.exe, FASTWiz.exe, NO_COMPRESS [OOBE] RasConnection Printers Mouse and Keyboard International Shell ; .Ext sections are used only when non-floppy medium is used for transfer [Settings Only] Accessibility Browser BrowserSecurity RasConnection Net Printers and Drives Mouse and Keyboard Display ScreenSaver FolderOptions International Shell TaskBar [Settings Only.Ext] Multimedia Acrobat Reader 40 Acrobat Reader 50 Adobe Photoshop Suite 6 AIM BattleCom CmdExe CuteFTP 4 Eudora 5 GameVoice 1 GetRight 4 ICQ GoZilla MM JukeBox 6 Microsoft Office Microsoft Access 97 Microsoft Excel 97 Microsoft PowerPoint 97 Microsoft Word 97 Microsoft Outlook 97 & 98 Microsoft Access 2000 Microsoft Excel 2000 Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Microsoft Outlook 2000 Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft Word 2000 Microsoft Works 2001 Microsoft Access XP Microsoft Excel XP Microsoft FrontPage XP Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Microsoft Outlook XP Microsoft PhotoDraw XP Microsoft PowerPoint XP Microsoft Publisher XP Microsoft Word XP MS Netmeeting 3 MS MediaPlayer 7 MS Messenger 36 MS Money 2001 MS Movie Maker 1 MSN Explorer 10 MSN Zone 6 Lotus Odigo Outlook Express Prodigy Internet Quicken 2001 Quicken 2001 Home and Business QuickTime Player 5 RealJukebox 2 Basic RealPlayer 8 Basic RogerWilco Sonique WinAmp WinZip8 WordPerfect Office 2000 WsFTPLE5 Yahoo Messenger [Files Only] Extensions Fonts Desktop Shared Desktop My Pictures My Documents Shared Documents [Files Only.Ext] [Files and Settings] Accessibility RasConnection Net Printers and Drives Mouse and Keyboard Display ScreenSaver FolderOptions Browser BrowserSecurity International Shell TaskBar Extensions Fonts Desktop Shared Desktop My Pictures My Documents Shared Documents Acrobat Reader 40 Acrobat Reader 50 Adobe Photoshop Suite 6 AIM BattleCom CmdExe CuteFTP 4 Eudora 5 GameVoice 1 GetRight 4 ICQ GoZilla MM JukeBox 6 Microsoft Office Microsoft Access 97 Microsoft Excel 97 Microsoft PowerPoint 97 Microsoft Word 97 Microsoft Outlook 97 & 98 Microsoft Access 2000 Microsoft Excel 2000 Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Microsoft Outlook 2000 Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft Word 2000 Microsoft Works 2001 Microsoft Access XP Microsoft Excel XP Microsoft FrontPage XP Microsoft Outlook XP Microsoft PhotoDraw XP Microsoft PowerPoint XP Microsoft Publisher XP Microsoft Word XP MS Netmeeting 3 MS MediaPlayer 7 MS Messenger 36 MS Money 2001 MS Movie Maker 1 MSN Explorer 10 MSN Zone 6 Lotus Odigo Outlook Express Prodigy Internet Quicken 2001 Quicken 2001 Home and Business QuickTime Player 5 RealJukebox 2 Basic RealPlayer 8 Basic RogerWilco Sonique WinAmp WinZip8 WordPerfect Office 2000 WsFTPLE5 Yahoo Messenger [Screened Extensions] drv vxd 386 sys [Files and Settings.Ext] Multimedia [EXT.IgnoreEXE] %1 accwiz.exe clipbrd.exe CCdialer.exe CChat.exe CScript.exe depends.exe DRWATSON.EXE explorer.exe fontview.exe grpconv.exe HelpCtr.exe hh.exe HYPERTRM.EXE iexplore.exe Internet ISIGNUP.EXE mmc.exe mshta.exe msiexec.exe MSInfo32.exe mstsc.exe NOTEPAD.EXE ntbackup.exe perfmon.exe rasphone.exe regedit.exe REGSVR32.EXE rundll32.exe SDBINST.EXE THEMES.EXE wab.exe wb32.exe winhlp32.exe wpnpinst.exe WScript.exe [EXT.Exclude] 386 bat cab cmd com dll dmp exe fon inf ini lnk pbk pdb pif vxd scr ttf htm html mht mhtml aif aifc aiff AudioCD cda DVD IVF m1v mp2v mpe mpv2 waw wax wmd wmp wms wmv wmx wmz wvx ra rf rjs rmi rmm rmp rms rmx rnx rp rsml rt rv smi smil ssm ics vcs MAD [EXT.Include] [AppsToInstallOnDest] Acrobat Reader 40 Acrobat Reader 50 Adobe Photoshop Suite 6 AIM CuteFTP 4 Eudora 5 GameVoice 1 GetRight 4 GoZilla ICQ Lotus MM JukeBox 6 MSN Zone 6 Microsoft Works 2001 Odigo Quicken 2001 QuickTime Player 5 RealJukebox 2 Basic RealPlayer 8 Basic Sonique WinAmp WinZip8 WsFTPLE5 Yahoo Messenger Quicken2001HAndB [Strings]