F1Welcome to Ubuntu!This is an installation system for Ubuntu 10.10. It was built on 20101007. HELP INDEX KEY TOPIC <F1F1> This page, the help index. <F2F2> Prerequisites for installing Ubuntu. <F3F3> Boot methods for special ways of using this system. <F4F4> Additional boot methods; rescuing a broken system. <F5F5> Special boot parameters, overview. <F6F6> Special boot parameters for special machines. <F7F7> Special boot parameters for selected disk controllers. <F8F8> Special boot parameters for the install system. <F9F9> How to get help. <F10F10> Copyrights and warranties. Press F2 through F10 for details, or Escape to exit help.F2PREREQUISITES FOR INSTALLING UBUNTUYou must have at least 44 megabytes of RAM to use this Ubuntu installer. You should have space on your hard disk to create a new disk partition of at least 2 gigabytes to install a standard Ubuntu desktop system or at least 400 megabytes for a minimal server installation. You'll need more disk space to install additional packages, depending on what you wish to do with your new Ubuntu system. See the Installation Guide or the FAQ for more information; both documents are available at the Ubuntu web site, http://www.ubuntu.com/ Thank you for choosing Ubuntu! Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F3BOOT METHODSAvailable boot methods: Install Ubuntu Start the installation -- this is the default option. Test memory Perform a memory test. ("Ubuntu" may be replaced with other related operating system names. This help text is generic.) To use one of these boot methods, select it from the menu with the cursor keys. Press F4 to select alternative start-up and installation modes. Press F6 to edit boot parameters. Press F6 again to select from a menu of commonly-used boot parameters. Except in expert mode, non-critical kernel boot messages are suppressed. Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F4RESCUING A BROKEN SYSTEMUse one of these boot methods to rescue an existing install Rescue a broken system Boot into rescue mode. To use one of these boot methods, select it from the menu with the cursor keys. Press F4 to select alternative start-up and installation modes. Press F6 to edit boot parameters. Press F6 again to select from a menu of commonly-used boot parameters. Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F5SPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - OVERVIEWOn a few systems, you may need to specify a parameter by pressing F6 in order to boot the system. For example, Linux may not be able to autodetect your hardware, and you may need to explicitly specify its location or type for it to be recognized. For more information about what boot parameters you can use, press: <F6F6> boot parameters for special machines <F7F7> boot parameters for various disk controllers <F8F8> boot parameters understood by the install system Many kernel modules are loaded dynamically by the installer, and parameters for those modules cannot be given on the command line. To be prompted for parameters when modules are loaded, boot in expert mode (see <F3F3>). Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F6SPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - VARIOUS HARDWAREYou can use the following boot parameters by pressing F6, in combination with the boot method (see <F3F3>). If you use hex numbers you have to use the 0x prefix (e.g., 0x300). HARDWARE PARAMETER TO SPECIFY IBM PS/1 or ValuePoint (IDE disk) hd=cylinders,heads,sectors Some IBM ThinkPads floppy.floppy=thinkpad Protect I/O port regions reserve=iobase,extent[,...] Laptops with screen display problems vga=771 Use first serial port at 9600 baud console=ttyS0,9600n8 Force use of generic IDE driver generic.all_generic_ide=1 Possible (temporary) workarounds for lockups or other hardware failures: disable buggy APIC interrupt routing noapic nolapic (partly) disable ACPI acpi=noirq or acpi=off disable USB nousb poll for interrupts irqpoll Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F7SPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - VARIOUS DISK DRIVESYou can use the following boot parameters by pressing F6, in combination with the boot method (see <F3F3>). HARDWARE PARAMETER TO SPECIFY Adaptec 151x, 152x aha152x.aha152x=iobase[,irq[,scsi-id[,reconnect]]] Adaptec 1542 aha1542.aha1542=iobase[,buson,busoff[,dmaspeed]] Adaptec 274x, 284x aic7xxx.aic7xxx=no_reset (enabled if non-zero) BusLogic SCSI Hosts BusLogic.BusLogic=iobase Certain DELL machines aic7xxx.aic7xxx=no_probe This list is incomplete, see the kernel's kernel-parameters.txt file for more. Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F8SPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - INSTALLATION SYSTEMYou can use the following boot parameters by pressing F6, in combination with the boot method (see <F3F3>). These parameters control how the installer works. RESULT PARAMETER Disable framebuffer fb=false Don't start PCMCIA hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false Force static network config netcfg/disable_dhcp=true Set keyboard map bootkbd=es Select the Kubuntu desktop tasks=kubuntu-desktop Use high contrast theme theme=dark Use Braille tty brltty=driver,device,texttable Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F9GETTING HELPIf you can't install Ubuntu, don't despair! The Ubuntu team is ready to help you! We are especially interested in hearing about installation problems, because in general they don't happen to only one person. We've either already heard about your particular problem and can dispense a quick fix, or we would like to hear about it and work through it with you, and the next user who comes up with the same problem will profit from your experience! See the Installation Guide or the FAQ for more information; both documents are available at the Ubuntu web site, http://www.ubuntu.com/ Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.F10COPYRIGHTS AND WARRANTIESUbuntu is Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Canonical Ltd., and incorporates the work of many other original authors and contributors. The Ubuntu system is freely redistributable. After installation, the exact distribution terms for each package are described in the corresponding file /usr/share/doc/packagename/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. This installation system is based on the Debian installer. See http://www.debian.org/ for more details and information on the Debian project. Press F1 for the help index, or Escape to exit help.